
Billionaire Daughter's Nanny

Author: Goldie_01
Magical Realism
Completed · 209.7K Views
  • 126 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Billionaire Daughter's Nanny

Read ‘Billionaire Daughter's Nanny’ Online for Free, written by the author Goldie_01, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, COMEDY Light Novel, URBAN Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: He's so different from the other guys she had spent the night with.He gave her more than her normal pay and the sex was ...


He's so different from the other guys she had spent the night with. He gave her more than her normal pay and the sex was just too good. Is it because he's so good looking? She never enjoyed having sex with different men and sometimes cry while they were at it but this is just different. Wait" She heard the man said. She stopped and turned to look at him. "Take this" He said stretching what seems like a business card to her. She walked to him but didn't take it. "You want me to be your personal sex partner? No!" Irene shook her head. "Don't think I'm doing this cause i enjoy doing it. It's just because i don't have a choice!" She added,tears building up in her eyes. She always hate the fact that she cries easily. "Hey! You should listen to what i have for you before jumping into conclusion" The man said calmly. "I don't want anything from you, i know you paid me more than you're supposed to but i..." Irene was saying but stopped when she heard the man's next word. "I need a nanny for my daughter and i want you to apply for it" He said leaving her in three seconds shock. A nanny? For his daughter? He has a child already? Wow! Who would want a sex worker as a nanny for his daughter? This sounds crazy! Find out in this intriguing story. Tighten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride with me.

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I likeit about all the characters .And the plot is very captivating to say the least.the flow is well planned.the English language is well utilised.i love the story.


l love it it's so nice I will recommend it to anyone who loves reading. I wish the author the author all the best in their carrier as an author keep doing the good work


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