
Billionaire's Revenge Mission

Her parents died , her sister kidnapped and her family broken in just one night ... There was only one name attached to that - The Ramos' ! Ruby Bernado vows to take revenge on The Ramos . Most especially Gael and his father Tiago!. *** She's back ! not just as anyone but as the badass, Icy CEO; Liza De Novo She's back to deal with those who messed up her life! She'll make them pay , For her shattered family ?, Yes!! For her broken heart? , Sure!!! And her first mission is making the Ramos pay & I'll ruin their lives just as they ruined mine seven years back & Will she accomplish her mission?, Get back her sister and revenge the death of her parents ?? Even if her heart beats for a Ramos?!The one who betrayed her? Find out in this novel filled with Love , Hatred, betrayal , and deep secrets !!

therealessylove · Urban
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16 Chs

The Home

Liza's POV

" Well enough of me , when is your sister coming back to the States? "

After their parents died and Kyle vowed to get revenge, he made his sister leave the states and move to the Philippines ,so she could be safe.

"I don't know , maybe a week's time," he shrugged.

"I don't want her to come here ,but she's adamant, the real deal is about to begin and her life would be in danger " he added , leaning back on the chair as he stared at the ceiling.

"She's the only family I've got left , I can't bear it if something bad happens to her" . I sighed inwardly. At least he's got a family left!.

Totally against my will , I reached out and patted his shoulders comfortingly.

"You'll be fine ! We all will" I muttered, with a thin smile.

He turned to look at me and placed his hands on mine.

"Thank you," he smiled. I nodded and took my hands off his shoulder. I got on my feet , grabbing my bag as I stood up.

"I need to get going now , we will talk later "

" Sure," he nodded.

I forced a smile and walked out.


"Where are you coming from?" A very familiar yet annoying voice asked, immediately I walked into the spacious living room. I paused and turned to look at who talked.

I rolled my eyes seeing Samantha.

"Not tonight please" I mentally pleaded.

"I went to your office but you weren't there , where have you been?" She asked again , crossing her arms and passing me a doubting look .

"My life doesn't revolve around my office and my house! So where I was , is not your business" I snapped.

"By the way , what are you doing in my house?"

" Shouldn't you be doing something more reasonable other than questioning a twenty five year old where she's been?" I sneered , watching with pure satisfaction as her fists clenched slowly.

"I know you're still up to something" she said , taking her words one after the other as she took each step closer.

"Right from the day mom brought you in ,I knew you were always up to something,I knew you were a pretender" she spat.

" Pretenders like you have no place in any family, maybe that's why your family left you" she snorted and it took every ounce of strength in me not to reach out and give her an ear piercing slap.

How dare she?!

"Don't you dare talk to me that way , Sam ,you don't ever want to see me get angry" I warned , clenching and unclenching my fists in anger .

She scoffed loudly.

"What are you gonna do huh? Call your guards to beat me up ?"

I mentally facepalmed myself. Why do girls particularly like troublemaking?!.

"I could do that if you want , or I could do worse" I smirked and started to walk away , heading towards the spiral staircase that led to my room. Halfway through the stairs , I stopped and turned to look at her.

"You can leave once you're done ranting"

" And oh , my regards to Mom" I added with a sly smile and turned back , heading to my room.

" Urgh" I heard her groan loudly but I cared less.

Once I got to my room , I walked in and banged the door hardly behind me. I placed my hand bag on the bed and took off my shoes before heading to the bathroom .


I turned on the bedside lamp and tucked myself under the blanket. Just as I closed my eyes to sleep , my phone rang out loud. I sighed, grabbing it.

My lips curved into a small smile on seeing the caller.

"Hello" I greeted immediately I picked up the call.

"Liza?!!" A soft voice shrieked.

"I'm sorry we couldn't call you since , we had some issues with the phones here "

" It's okay, " I replied.

" You'll be coming to the Home tomorrow right? "

" Yes , surely, I'll make time "

" Okay dear , goodnight "

" Good night to you too"

I ended the call and placed my phone on the side table . I turned to the other side of the bed , staring at the bright full Moon which illuminated the room before drifting off to sleep.

Next Morning… 8:00 Am

Immediately I stepped out of the Porsche , the reporters came swarming towards me with their cameras and phones . I rolled my eyes inwardly.

'These people never get tired of someone's life ' .

"Ma'am, we would like to ask your some questions"

" There's a rumor that you and Gael were in a relationship, how true is that?"

" Ma'am , can you give us an update on you and Gael's issue? "

Why's it always Gael, Gael and Gael!. Gosh ,I'm sick of that name!!.

I just ignored them , heading to the main entrance while my guards stopped them from getting close to me.

"Good morning ma'am" my workers greeted me as I walked towards the elevator. I had a blank facial expression as I took a quick step to the elevator , only nodding to their greetings.


"Good morning boss" Kira greeted with a wide smile as soon as she walked into my office. I glanced at her shortly before turning my attention back to the files I was working on.

"You know how much I hate my workers slacking" I called , narrowing my eyes at her.

" I'm really sorry boss," she replied. I took a breath, closing my eyes shortly.

There's no need to get angry at her on a wonderful morning like this .

"What do I have on my schedule today?"I asked, looking up at her with slightly raised brows.

"Uhmm" she hummed , taking out her tablet. She scrolled quickly on the tab before reading out.

"You have a meeting with Ms De Leon by 12 noon to talk about the kitchen supplies for the Hotel , and then a general staff meeting with the Hotel staffs by 2pm "

" Is that all? "

" Yes boss"

" Okay . Get all I need for the meeting with De Leon ready , and also ,we will be leaving for the Orphanage Home in less than an hour "

" Ma'am? "

" You heard me quite well Kira, don't piss me off this morning" I snapped , glaring at her.

" I'm sorry boss " she muttered , looking elsewhere but me.

"You better be" I mumbled, rolling my eyes at her. I placed my signature on the last file before closing it. I placed it with the others and handed it to her. She hurriedly took it from me and headed out.

I sighed , staring at the documents I had on my table. I just had half the work done . I should be done with this before the end of the week and then focus on the resort and how to bring Gael's company down , totally and I think I know just where to start from .