
Billionaire's Revenge Mission

Her parents died , her sister kidnapped and her family broken in just one night ... There was only one name attached to that - The Ramos' ! Ruby Bernado vows to take revenge on The Ramos . Most especially Gael and his father Tiago!. *** She's back ! not just as anyone but as the badass, Icy CEO; Liza De Novo She's back to deal with those who messed up her life! She'll make them pay , For her shattered family ?, Yes!! For her broken heart? , Sure!!! And her first mission is making the Ramos pay & I'll ruin their lives just as they ruined mine seven years back & Will she accomplish her mission?, Get back her sister and revenge the death of her parents ?? Even if her heart beats for a Ramos?!The one who betrayed her? Find out in this novel filled with Love , Hatred, betrayal , and deep secrets !!

therealessylove · Urban
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Same day...

Liza's POV

"...and lastly , I won't be taking nonsense from anyone here . If you know you can't keep up with my standards , you are free to leave my company"

" Understood? " I called

" Yes Ma'am" they replied

I nodded in satisfaction before standing up.

"That's all" Kira smiled at them

I rolled my eyes at her before walking out of the meeting room.

This would be my first time coming here. I am the anonymous CEO of LDN Corp . Not even my workers know what I truly look like , except Kira .

Kira had been my assistant before all this and she handled the company well . I've never been out in public , never attended any press meetings or such. I kept my identity a secret for years and today , I'm ready to reveal who the CEO of LDN Corp is . My face!My name !.

After my parents died and Jade got kidnapped, I vowed and made a promise to myself, to get justice for them. I'll make sure I ruin The Ramos and make them regret everything they've done to me.

I figured if I wanted to get justice for my family, it would be really risky to still have the 'Ruby Bernado ' identity

So , I faked my death and got a new look and a new name.

Liza De Novo!

I started a business and it began to bloom before becoming the LDN Corp everyone knows .

"Ma'am?, Ma'am??" Kira called snapping her fingers .

"What?" I glared at her.

"It's time for the press conference," she announced .

" Good," I smirked .

We walked towards the room where the conference would be held. Before she opened the door , she turned to look at me with uncertainty.

"Ma'am, are you sure you're ready to do this? " She asked .

" I was born ready" I muttered, giving her my signature smirk.

She sighed and opened the door

It's how she's worried like it's her big reveal.

Immediately we walked into the room , all attention was turned to our direction.

They gasped seeing my face. Without my nose mask and glasses

"Wow, she's so beautiful"

"Why did she hide this beauty for so long "

"This is going to be a hit "

The people there whispered while I walked to my seat with Kira.

Kira sat beside me

When we were settled she motioned for them to start . They already had their camera in place and a microphone was placed in front of me.

"Hello everyone"

"I know I've kept my identity for a long time now and many people have been wondering who's the CEO of LDN Corp, well today I'll give you your answers , I am . Liza De Novo is "

" Ma'am, why did you keep your identity for so long ? " Someone asked randomly from the crowd

" Personal reasons " I replied almost immediately.

" But m-"

I cut him off immediately.

"And I hope everyone respects that , we all do things because we have reasons for doing them , I kept my identity as the CEO for reasons best understood by me "

If I didn't say that they would want to ask more questions that I'm not ready to answer.

" Yes"

" I totally agree"

I heard whispers from the crowd again.

"So ma'am, do you have any siblings or relatives we should look out for ? "

" None "

" Ma'am, as we all know , it's very rare to have female CEOs, how was the journey to becoming the CEO of the top organization in the States"

" Firstly , there's nothing like *female CEO's *. It's a unisexal issue . Well back to the question , it was hard , but i made it to the top "

There were some murmurs from the crowd .

After some seconds , I spoke up

"If that's all the questions, I'll take my leave now"

"As we have heard , you have refused to book an appointment with the CEO of Ramos Corp, your biggest rival and have countlessly rejected any appointments they try to book. Why is that?.Is it related to you keeping your identity a secret ?"

The mention of that name " Ramos" only made me burn in anger. I secretly clenched my fists in anger. All the memories of what that family had done to me came rushing back .

Oh damn them !

" Ma'am , you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, " I heard Kira whisper to me .

'Just stay calm Liza, stay calm ' I mentally cautioned myself .

I took a breath and turned my gaze back to the press as they all looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to answer the question.

"What I do and why I do it is nobody's business. I do what I think is right for my company"I replied as calmly as I could.

" And you think being proud is the best thing?such brat! " Someone from the crowd fired and everyone gasped at that outburst.

I smirked

This is confidence on another level!.

"Excuse you?!.This is not an avenue to insult her, you should at least try to be polite " Kira replied before I could say anything.

"You think I am proud huh?" I smirked, resting my chin on my palm.

"Have you met Gael?, try being in my position and let's see how humble you are" I added icily .

" I have said earlier, I do things because I want to and because I have reasons for doing them , so no one questions my actions, " I added .

"If that's all , I'll take my proud leave now" I added giving air quotes to the word *proud* . The reporters tried to ask more questions but I ignored them.

I stood up and adjusted my clothes before walking out with Kira closely behind me. I sighed immediately as Kira shut the door.

I closed my eyes .

' Just take a chill pill '

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes again . I pushed the strands of hair that were falling out of place before heading towards the elevator.

"What else do I have today?"

"The press conference was the last on your schedule" Kira replied, trying to keep up with my pace .

We got into the elevator and after Kira pushed the button to the 10th floor the door closed gradually .

"If there's any appointment from Ramos Corp , reject it " I said with clenched jaw staring straight at the metal door.

" Yes ma'am"