
Big Hit's New Girl Group: I'm a K-Pop Star?!

**Important Note: This is about a fictional OC girl surviving in the music industry and set in real, modern times. ** ------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: BTS, Bangtan Sonyeondan, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, Beyond The Scene. The idol group had various names, but to Iris, BTS would forever be her inspiration, both in music and in life. She had first encountered them by accident during BTS’s American Hustle Life. Curious and smitten by the adorably awkward boys who couldn’t speak English very well, she later discovered that they were K-pop idols. Upon discovering K-pop, she realized her passion for singing and dancing. She joined the Korean Culture Club at her university and participated in K-pop dance covers. But as a practical girl, she never pursued music seriously. As a second generation American to Thai and Chinese parents, she felt a responsibility to graduate college and be a successful businesswoman. But BTS was the wildcard in her life. When she fatefully met them again during their Wings world tour, her life would never be the same again. Tossed into the brutal world of K-pop, she became somehow became a Big Hit trainee! ------------------------------------------------------- Genres: Fan Fiction, (side) Romance Fiction Question: Why is this listed as Realistic Fiction instead of Fan Fiction? 1) The MC is Iris Huang, a fictional character along with her family and the other Big Hit trainees. Any k-pop idols included in this story are secondary leads. 2) BTS are not the only k-pop included in this story; thus, this is more of a k-pop fanfic if anything. With that said, they are more integral to the story than the others. But because this story began as an entry into the BTS writing competition, I have since after its end gotten some hate for writing it merely due to BTS fanfics swamping the Fan Fiction section. (I really don't see the case for it because the top popular fan fics listed only showed 3 BTS fan fics including mine much lower down the browsing results. But with the contest, the sudden influx probably messed up the New section.) In short, imagine this as a fictional story that's realistic in being set in the modern world and time with real-life people's names. This story was never completely about BTS, it was about Iris surviving in the music industry. It's like saying a fantasy story can't also be a romance; even though, the story may be listed under Fantasy as the main genre. 3) I see stories on here not listed as fan fiction when they're based on TV shows and series, and the story MC is clearly the MC of that original show. Since I think my story follows Realistic Fiction more than as a BTS fan fiction since it isn't totally centered around them, I changed it two weeks after the competition ended. Additionally, now no one can complain about their favorite fan fiction being overrun by BTS ones.... I don't want to inadvertently add to the hate that BTS receives for stupid reasons like this. ------------------------------------------------------- Note about the realism in this book: All of the realism is to allow readers to be able to insert themselves as the MC as if living this reality for real in the modern world. I hope to share BTS's inspirational message to love yourself. May you gain the strength to also believe in yourself and follow your dreams~! Please support the continuation of this story by voting, and enjoy reading! (: TAGS: Music, Idols, Modern Day, Celebrities, Female Lead, Inspirational, Romance, Fan Fiction, BTS, K-pop

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In Your Dreams

[!!!] Vote for your Male Lead! Do you want Iris to end up with:

- A BTS member

- A different K-Pop star

- Alone

Now that she's "met" all the members, I'll be working her way towards someone romantically. Maybe I'll throw in some second lead syndrome too. Let me know who you want in the comments below!





As soon as Iris arrived home, she flopped face first onto her bed covers, ignoring the relentless questioning of her family. To revive their dead daughter for answers, the parents sent her cousin into her room.

"Iris, stop playing dead and tell us what happened. Do you know how freaked out your parents and I were after you went missing for HOURS after going to get a snack from the convenience store? By the way, did you even buy anything?!"

Her cousin Cindy glared at her and prodded the corpse for snacks. At which, a hand flew up and smacked the other girl's hand away.

"Ughhh, leave me alone Cinds. I just died and went to heaven, but then I came crashing down to Earth. Life will never be the same again." Iris dramatically waved her cousin away.

Cindy rolled her hazel eyes in feigned amusement. "Okay cuz, tell me what really happened."

Iris sighed and propped herself up on a pillow and an elbow. "I just met BTS in person again."

Cindy's eyes popped out. "No way! Did they recognize you? You actually ran into them before they left for their next concert?!"

Iris nodded gravely. "Yeah, and it looked like they were going to leave on tomorrow morning's flight."

"What do you mean it looked like?! Where did you go?!" Suddenly, Cindy gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth. "NO WAY. Did you go inside their hotel room?! IRISSS!!!!!" Cindy jumped on her cousin mercilessly.

"ARGH, Cindy!!! Stop it with your wild imagination! Wouldn't it first cross your mind that I could be SPEAKING with them about their concert rather than being inside their hotel room and seeing their packed bags?!" Iris playfully shoved her cousin off.

With mirthful eyes, Cindy replied, "I never mentioned anything about seeing packed bags. Hahaha! You confirmed it yourself! You DID go into their hotel room. So, so, what did you do?" She wriggled her eyebrows.

"Quit it Cinds! I mean it!" Iris tried to sternly reprimand her cousin, but her words had a laughing tone. The two had been tight since birth as they lived next door to one another. Cindy was Amerasian. Her father had met her mother when he traveled to China on a business trip. When they married, they also moved to the States. It was partially due to the insistence of Cindy's mother who was the sister of Iris's father, that Iris's parents also immigrated to there.

"Okay okay," acceded Cindy with a chuckle. "Now tell me every detail of what happened. I'll just listen and won't say a word."

Iris narrowed her eyes at her cousin. "Not a peep out of you or my lips are sealed!" And thus Iris related the entire story to Cindy. Afterwards, her cousin was so shocked that even if she wanted to say anything, she couldn't. She was thoroughly rendered speechless.

When she finally found her voice, Cindy screamed and flailed her arms, prompting Iris to do the same as the wild girls bounced up and down on the bed in joy.

"Ohmygosh Iris! They totally remembered you! And you even got Rap Monster to listen to your song? What if he contacts you about it?! Or gives a shout out on social media! Oh gurl, you better prepare yourself to be mobbed if that happens, haha!"

"Don't scare me Cindy! I'm already worried that something might actually happen! What if a camera caught us? Both BTS and I will then be screwed! Heck even the whole of Big Hit maybe for poor management!"

Cindy blithely waved a hand. "Naw, you might've been out like a light when they carried you over, but they're not that stupid to get caught while their fame is starting to skyrocket."

"I guess you're right. I'm probably overreacting.." Iris sighed, drooping her head. Then suddenly she jerked toward Cindy with an anxiously hopeful expression. "Hey, do you think Rap Monster actually listened to my song? What do you think he'll think of it? I did work hard on that song, but I am still an amateur in composing…"

"Seriously girl, you gotta have some confidence! You're waayyy too overcritical about your music. Is dancing the only thing you're confident in? Well I suppose you've gotten better about your singing too."

Iris gave a half-smile and hugged her cousin. "Yeah, thanks, cuz. You're the best. I should just stop worrying about it. You never know, maybe one day I'll be an artist under Big Hit Entertainment." She winked teasingly.

Cindy chortled. "In your dreams!"

The two chatted for a bit before heading downstairs to update Iris's parents on the fateful encounter. The poor folks were nearly at their wits' end, especially when they heard the two girls screaming upstairs and the pounding on the ceiling due to their jumping.

Her parents were also shocked about the occurrence. But they reminded Iris to not get her hopes up about Rap Monster listening to the song. Iris merely sweat-dropped and assured her parents that she wouldn't. She had to focus on her studies after all. She was finishing up her freshman year of college, and she barely was able to convince her parents to let her attend the concert as it was a month before the semester ended.

When Iris retreated to her room and Cindy to her house, Iris quietly sat on the edge of the bed. 'This really has been a crazy night. Although I shouldn't get my hopes up, it would pretty amazing if Rap Monster contacted me in some way, huh? Haha, well at least I can dream about it.'

And with that, Iris went to bed. But nothing could have ever prepared her for what would happen a week of normalcy after her encounter with BTS.

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