
Beyond The Worlds: I'll Chase After You

A man better known as "the knock-off version of Zoro" or "The real life Zoro" got hit by a truck during a trip, died, got reincarnated in mha yada yada (Ya'll already know the drill) he gets to pick what quirk he'll have in mha but couldn't decide so rob gave em quirk creation with 100 "charges", the stronger the quirk the more "charges" it takes to create so yeah. I think this is good for a sh*t synopsis THIS IS VOL 1 SYNOPSIS

XunKun · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Waking Up

(A/N: I'm replacing (...) for [...] when talking about abilities)


—2 Day Later—

(After Haruki passed out)

Waking up from his slumber, Haruki's blurry vision began to focus and analyzed his surroundings.

It was the same hospital bed he slept on for a few days after the incident with his family. Haruki clenched his hand into a fist just from remembering what the villains have done to their family.

He relaxed his fingers and took a deep breath trying to relax his mind, Haruki closed his eyes and began to meditate "I'll definitely get them back for this, But first I need to stay strong." His mind calmed and his resolve strengthens.

He tried to get himself to stand but couldn't, his balance is not quite perfect right now so he gave up on the idea.

Laying back down to his bed, Haruki began to think of a way to pass the time, since he isn't ready for an earful once his family comes in to his room.

He couldn't think of any, except planning out his arsenal.

His mind scoured through his leftover past memories of anime characters and their abilities, and then categorized them based on power, versatility, and usefulness.

"[Ultimate skill: Void God Azathoth] is out of the question, also [Limitless] and so is other any super OP abilities." Haruki knew that he couldn't pick any OP abilities as he is unable to recreate them now with his now small quirk factor that is in the middle of repairing itself.

And since he planned to abuse anime logic and physics now. He also thought of many abilities that doesn't need super powers, so [Haki] from One piece is in, also the [Breathing styles] from Demon slayer.

After a few minutes of contemplation, he came up with a combination of abilities and techniques that he deemed useful to have with his small quirk factor.

• [Great Sage] + [Kyoka Suigetsu] + [Haki] + a [Breathing technique]

The reason as to why he picked [Great Sage] and [Kyoka Suigetsu] as his two quirks that he'll make, is of course because [Great Sage] is OP as fuck, while he picked [Kyoka Suigetsu] over [Kotoamatsukami] because he does not like the idea of taking someone's free will, it was not in his nature, plus dominating someone's will, will not give him any satisfaction he wants.

[Kotoamatsukami] dominates the will and mind, while [Kyoka Suigetsu] only dominates the five senses

Haruki has already calculated the amount needed to make these abilities.

As 60% is already gone, and only 40% are left. [Kyoka Suigetsu] will take about 26 of the 40%, each sense control takes 5 while the 1 is used to perform the ceremony once they see him, while [Great Sage] take the rest of the percentage.

There are five sub-skills in the [Great Sage] since [Analysis] is originally from the skill [Predator] making it to six.

"[chant annulment] is useless since there are no magic in this world, [Analysis] too since I can't even absorb stuff, so I will take these two out while making [Great Sage]" Haruki said rubbing his chin

So that makes

• 2 on [Thought Acceleration]

• 2 on [Analytical Appraisal]

• 3 on [Parallel Operation]

• 4 on [All of creation]

• 3 on our A.I

'It's surprisingly easy and cheap to make these two abilities' Haruki thought

He noted that as long as the quirk he creates are not as destructive as [Sunshine] costs are reduced, so more destructive = more expensive.

Soon Haruki put the matter aside regarding creating quirks as he needs his quirk factor to heal completely to properly create his quirks, but also because he heard the door clicked.

The door opened and what entered the room is a figure of a woman donning a simple white t-shirt along with her skinny jeans, she has perfect hour glass figure. Her silky blonde hair in a high ponytail reaching down her waist, she wore a black sling bag that dangled beside her waist.

Haruki immediately recognized the woman who entered the room, it was his Aunt. Behind her left was a small handsome boy that has an appearance very similar of his own. The one behind her right was his grandmother, her hair were already partially gray as her blonde hair already starting to lose its colors.

The three immediately noticed Haruki with eyes now awake from his two days of coma.

They rushed beside his bed, tears ran out of their eye sockets as if it were a waterfall completely letting go of their worries.

Haruki gave a warm smile to his remmaing relatives, he now chooses to cherish his remaining family more and protect them from any danger at all costs

'Though, the mastermind, All For One and his apprentice are still out there, but I will find them and get rid of them!' Haruki swore that whatever happens from the TikToks, and YTShorts about the manga of MHA will never happen in this world

The happy and heartwarming atmosphere did not last long however as Haruki started getting violated with nags upon nags, multiple invisible arrows hitting him throughout his body, and his ears getting elongated from the pinch by one of his scolders slowly making him turn into an elf.


Thing calmed downed a bit, and it the atmosphere slowly returned to normal.

"I- I'm sorry for making you guys worry about me..." Haruki apologized, he looked down waiting for yet another gruesome scolding

But all he got instead was a warm hug from his grandmother and aunt. Nikko meanwhile was genuinely happy that his brother was alright.

The two relatives broke away from Haruki, giving him time to breathe.

"Aniki..." Nikko's voice entered Haruki's ears which made the latter's gaze focus on his brother.

"What's up Nikko?" Haruki responded to his brother's call

"P- please take you quirk back!" Nikko pleaded

Haruki already knowing what kind of person Nikko is immediately answered the latter

"NO" In a firm voice, already knowing his brother's characteristics

"But it's–"

"It's not my quirk anymore, and by saying that it's not your quirk, will only make me angry at you"

Elly and her mother, watched silently as both children of Arthur argued

"I don't like it..." Nikko said solemnly, he was always the one being protected but he also wanted to be the one protecting, he wants to be a hero just like All Might.

The temperature around the room slowly began to rise, the others noticed this but couldn't figure out as to why, everyone except Haruki.

Haruki was internally panicking, he knew that [Sunshine] was still uncontrollable for the time being, so building going boom—boom is very much guaranteed.

Having no other choice, Haruki took the chance to punch Nikko square on the head.


Nikko fell onto the ground cracking it with his head, while the rest of his body straighten making it look like he's doing a headstand.

Of course the two watching were shocked by what Haruki did.

"Haru! Why did you do that!?" Both the aunt and her mother exclaimed in a panic, the temperature inside the slowly getting back to normal.

"BAKA! DO YOU WANT TO KILL US ALL!?? HUH!???" Haruki said angrily towards Nikko who is getting up completely ignoring his aunt and grandmother.

"I- I- I'M SORRY!!" Nikko again cried apologizing to everyone present, the two mother and daughter were confused as to why Nikko began apologizing while ignoring the obvious bump on his head.

'Shouldn't Haruki be the one apologizing?' they both thought with their face clearly expressing that of a confused expression.

What they didn't know however is that when, Haruki transferred [Sunshine] onto Nikko, all the information about the quirk was also transferred into Nikko's mind.

"Don't apologize you stupid baka!" At this point Haruki wasn't thinking at all, and is completely focused on scolding his brother.

"I'm sorry!!" Nikko apologized again

"I told you to stop apologizing!"

The two continued to argue while the two who were watching smiled in amusement, They decided to leave to two siblings alone so they left the room so the two brothers can play together.

The two kept arguing for a minute straight, until Haruki finally calmed down and his IQ began to return.

"I'M SORRY!" Again Nikko apologized


Haruki could only sigh

"Where is your... pride?" Haruki almost cursed Infront of his brother

'I definitely gave [Sunshine] a pride booster, so where is it now?' Haruki muttered while losing his hope of fixing his brother's timid attitude towards new people and angry people.

Nikko also calmed down.

Haruki looked at Nikko and made a sigh of relief. He was relieved that Nikko's quirk factor was still healing, making him still the same Nikko during the day.

He figured that since Nikko's quirk factor was still healing, Nikko won't be turning into a prideful monster for atleast three and a half years before he start rampaging like a madman.

"Listen Nikko, do you still want to be a hero?" Haruki asked curiously

"Yeah! Just like All Might!" Nikko excitedly replied


"OOWWCH" Nikko exclaimed, rubbing his hands on a new bump on top of his head

"I gave you the strongest quirk, and you still wanna be like All Might!?" Haruki was furious "Listen here little brother."

Nikko focused gulped down a dry saliva, knowing that Haruki would only call him brother when he is serious.

"As long as the sun still stands above everyone, YOU are the strongest, you are the sun!" Nikko's eyes widened as Haruki's words were like that of a wiseman for Nikko

"So stop wanting to be someone who is weaker than you!"

Nikko took Haruki's words and put them to heart.

Haruki's gaze took a quick glance at the two bumps on top of Nikko's head.

'Strange... Why doesn't my fist hurt?' Haruki looked at his uninjured hand.

"Still though, It's like I've taken Aniki's chance of becoming the strongest. You said that, that was your dream..."

Haruki wanted to hit Nikko before he could finish his sentence but stopped as he noticed something that he planned on learning a few minutes ago.

"HOLY FATHER OF GOD IT'S [HAKI]!" The sudden burst of excitement scared Nikko a bit.

'Is this what [Haki] feels like?' Haruki asked himself.

"A holy what?" Nikko confusedly asked, and wondered what got his brother excited about.

"N-no, nothing! Don't mind it." Haruki waved his hand, discarding the current subject out "So where were we again?"


An awkward silence grew between them, luckily or unluckily Nikko broke the silence with a sudden question

"Aniki, tell me honestly... Mom and Dad, Are they gone?" Nikko asked, his eyes look into Haruki's, wanting to know the truth

Haruki's eyes broke away from his brother, and looked down in order to hide his face.

"...Yes" Haruki muttered but loud enough to hear.

"I see" Nikko quietly left the room leaving Haruki alone.

Haruki meanwhile didn't thought that Nikko would find out so soon, he wanted Nikko to be ignorant by it for atleast a year or two, but instead of being disappointed by it, it only fueled his determination.



An Old man currently sipping his tea elegantly.

He wondered what progress his son-in-law has made, so he materialized papers containing his character profile and skimmed through it.


The old man spat his tea at the sight of Haruki's profile

There he saw talents upon talents filling up the entire paper.

"I swore I deleted all his talents!"

The old man flipped page after page to find the reason as to why Haruki still possess' talents that he shouldn't have.

After a few pages filled with lists of talents, his eyes caught the cause of this incident.

" |[Blessing of Love] - beings cannot take anything away from you without your concent.| Damn it." The old man sighed

However just as he was about to dimaterialize Haruki's profile another blessing caught his attention

"[Singularity]... So he can choose to either follow the world's rules or not... Great job daughter, great job" He sarcastically praised his daughter for making things hard for him again.

'This was supposed to be a test for him!'

The old walked away from his spot while stomping his feet on the ground
