
Beyond The Worlds: I'll Chase After You

A man better known as "the knock-off version of Zoro" or "The real life Zoro" got hit by a truck during a trip, died, got reincarnated in mha yada yada (Ya'll already know the drill) he gets to pick what quirk he'll have in mha but couldn't decide so rob gave em quirk creation with 100 "charges", the stronger the quirk the more "charges" it takes to create so yeah. I think this is good for a sh*t synopsis THIS IS VOL 1 SYNOPSIS

XunKun · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: Shopping + becoming a mangaka + timeskip

(1 Week Later)

—10:00 A.M.—





"... I'm lost."

Standing in where countless of people pass around him, a boy at the age of 5 or so years old stayed composed with his arms crossed against his chest.

"I thought. You. Said. You." Fixed". Me."

The boy quietly growled at the currently silent voice inside his head. A week has passed since the day he got motivated to earn himself dozens of cash.


[Great Sage] remained silent as it is trying to analyze any errors of it's modification of her master's body and mind. It has countlessly simulated, calculated, and checked for any kind of damage to the brain of the boy, but to no avail.

"And here I was in the middle of shopping with everyone, thinking I could finally depend on myself with directions."


Haruki released an accepting sigh, he could only surrender to his unchangable fate as an off brand Zoro.

He and his family were out shopping for clothes and school supplies, but those were just supplementaries as they were out for important family bonding.

It has been quite a while since they went out together, and after learning that he shouldn't have any "disability" anymore, he made a choice to lead the way, only for him to get lost in his way almost instantly.

// Notice. Initiating back-up plan//

The sudden prompt, made Haruki flinch in surprised, he figured that [Great Sage] would stay quiet for awhile. Trying to find any bug in the latest update of my body.

// Request, permission to take partial control of the master's body?//

[Great Sage]'s words made Haruki narrow his eyes, it took a moment of wondering for why [Great Sage] wants to control his body before figuring out what it's intentions were.

He had no other choice than to accept [Great Sage]'s proposal. He felt his own body moving by itself after giving permission to his [Great Sage].

'This feels weird' Haruki thought, the feeling of having his body move without his command felt weird. He could still feel stuff as his 5 senses were still giving him their signals which gave him an uncomfortable sensation.

Walking through crowds breezily in search of it's master's relatives by tracing back the steps Haruki took. It did not take long for [Great Sage] to find Haruki's family. He could see them asking around for a small lost child with blonde hair about 6-5 years old wearing white t-shirt, that looks just like the child beside them but more confident.

The passerbys simply shook their heads, saying that they haven't encountered any lost child that looked exactly like Nikko. The searching family was about to call-up the police department for help when they heard a familiar voice getting closer to them.

"Grandma! Aunt! Nikko! I finally found you guys!"

They craned their heads towards the originator of the noise. The lost boy they were desperately searching came running towards them, waving his hand to get their attention.

[Great Sage] had already relinquished the control of Haruki's body, making him in control again as soon as they found Haruki's family.


(PoV Haruki)

After taking a heavy blow of reprimanding from my grandma, and auntie. We continued our journey through the mall, buying what we want from different types of shop.

Just as we were about to head home to rest from all the shopping and walking, I suddenly remembered what I needed to buy to make money. I quickly said my desires, minus the making money part, to my family. I expected them to turn me down because we already wasted enough money from buying all the stuff my aunt was carrying, but surprisingly they agreed. Saying that kids like my age should explore our creativity and served as an early birthday gift for me. So they bought me all the equipment I need, along with atleast over 500 pages of manga papers... Which is a lot, enough for 2 or 3 volumes of manga. Though, I think they bought that many so Nikko and I can share and draw as many as we can.

We arrived home at dusk, even though everyone was tired, We pushed through with creating dinner and the food as always — very delicious. after dinner we went to bed, everyone was already as sleep, me? I'm still awake! My mind was full of ideas on what series I'm gonna plagiarize– I mean make! As there is no anime or manga that I recognized in this world, except for a few really old ones or names that people recognizes, then I am not committing plagiarism!!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot!

'[Great Sage] how's the progress of [Kyoka Suigetsu] doing?' I asked. The image of me saying "All according to keikaku." keeps ringing in my ears.

//Report, The progress of [Kyoka Suigetsu]'s [Complete Hypnosis]. As of now is at 48% completion, The ability will be completed by approximate of 3 days//

'It's still not done?' I sighed with a disappointment.

//Notice, I suggest either brainstorming to gain ideas for your "original" manga, or sleep to regain lost energy//

'... alright' I surrendered to sleep knowing that another intense training will starts tomorrow.


(1 Day Later)

I started drawing the manga that I settled on yesterday. Though my drawing speed was very much lacking, and my drawing quality can barely be called above average but I kept going, completely taking the works of others unto my hands.

The night is still far away, which should be enough for me to complete two and a half page of drawings with my current pace. The manga that I decided to draw is of course related to heroism. Since most if not almost all manga here are hero related, as a strategy I followed the trend, not to earn easy views or audience, but to introduce them in "no quirk" genre? After all, everything is about quirk in the entertainment industry, and my goal right now is to show that not every "good" stories need some super insane fight scenes and choreography.

I want "mine" to have substance. It may take a year or few to draw all the three pieces, but I don't need to rush things, after all I have all the time in the world.


It's been 3 Year since I started trying with the Demon Chicken. As I started to absorb his teachings like a sponge, my training only got worse, but thanks to [Photographic Reflexes] and a now upgraded [Haki] or [Advanced Haki], I could keep up with him.

Later on, I began learning the way of the sword, he first made me swing a wooden sword 300 times evey single day before he could properly teach me. After a month of swinging the wooden sword, he began to teaching me the basic postures and stuff. Then a few months passed and within that time frame I tried to do the three swords-style that Zoro uses, and I regreted my dumb and stupid action the moment I lost some of my teeth. Thankfully they were all babytooths, but still!

Nikko on the other hand, is– oh, my mistake, WAS falling behind until his sudden power jump! As the sun keeps climbing to high noon his body grew as well as his strength, his muscles grew perfect and symmetrical, his face became more chiseled, and his blue eyes began looking down on people as if to say that they are below them. Not to mention the heat he's generating right now will melt metals.

Even Chicken-sensei is having a hard time fighting Nikko, every techniques and tricks he used could barely make a dent to Nikko's thick skin.

Every techniques and tricks are useless since they are merely a compensations for the lack of strength, they are nothing compared to absolute power. That is why they are doing nothing to Nikko as he currently stands, he is above everyone, the gap between him and the others will continue to grow as he matures. As the saying goes "experience comes with age".


"I have nothing else to teach the two of you"

Chicken-sensei spoke, his voice was heard and it was full of pride. At first I thought why, but then rememberemd how much time had passed, 3 years came in a blink of an eye. I switched my focused to Nikko who is slowly deflating from his adult form, as it is currently 4:50 Pm. Seeing that his pride is still here though in a lesser state, with a bit of [Armament Haki] I forced him to bow 90⁰ along with me in front of our Sensei. He tried to resist, only for me to use more of my [Haki].

"Thank you for taking care of us in these 3 years, sensei!" I gave a heartfelt thanks to our teacher, thanks to him I managed to master and unlocked the advanced form of [Armament] and [Observation], two of the three colored [Haki].

I could'nt unlock the [Conqueror's Haki], which greatly disappointed me to know that I do not have the qualities of a king.

But it is okay! Just look at Mihawk, he became the strongest swordsman without the [Conqueror's Haki]!

"Raise your heads boys." Chicken sensei said calmly. "As a commemorative gift to my now former students, I want you boys first to close your eyes!" He ordered excitedly.

Nikko reluctantly closed his eyes, and I did so as well but it doesn't really matter as I have the now [Advanced Observation Haki].

Chicken-sensei quickly ran out to get our graduation gifts. After a awkwards silence in the dark, as Nikko finally returned to his night form. The chicken finally came back with a long and thin box wrapped in, of course a wrapping paper, and a big box around 14 cm in length, also wrapped in a wrapping paper.

He stood in front of us, and told us to reach out and open our hands. He began to slowly place the long and thin box to my two open hands, after feeling the wrapped carton box on my hands, he let go of the box, making me feel the weight that it carried. He also did the same thing to my brother, we then waited for our next instructions, I stopped using my [Observation Haki] awhile ago because it could ruin the surprise if I looked at inside our gifts.

"Now open your eyes!" He said, we followed his words and at the same time open our eyes. What greeted our vision was the boxes that is in our hands, We didn't need another word to start opening our presents.

I opened mine, and inside was a katana, ōkatana-esque in length, it's saya was black in color, with gold sageo flowing in the air, it's black stuba was accented with gold, and it's hilt is a white tsuka-ito with black diamond patterns. A beautiful masterpiece, placed within my possession.

I held the Yamato look alike in my hands, firmly to get a feel of it. I drew the sword and inspected the sharp blade, my hands rests comfortably on the hilt. The sword feels perfect, like it was made specifically for me, my very first sharp metal sword I've ever held, and not those blunt metal training swords that I've grown used to.

Snapping out from my day dream, I noticed myself staring intently on the katana. I focused my vision elsewhere towards Nikko's hands, a pair of big brass knuckles coated in gold, having his high noon form in mind.

Nikko's eyes were shining stars. After a moment of admirations towards the items, we gave our now former master a sincere bow of thanks.


Getting home, we began to brag the stuff our former master gave to us to our guardians, which immediately got confiscated by them and hid it in a place where no one should know about. But jokes on them, I have [Observation Haki]! So hiding my deserved sword is useless!

After dinner, and finishing my homework. Want to bed to rest our body and mind, from the intensity of training from earlier.


(3rd PoV)

In a yard of a two story house, a young boy around 8-9 years old. Stood, swinging a wooden sword with elegance and perfect posture. The sun has not rissen since he started his daily sword swings.

His body was drenched in sweat, his lean muscles were exposed for the world to see. Every swing he took makes some of his sweat fly in a forward direction.

From the outsiders perspective, his swings may be seen as easy and simple, however every movements is purely calculated. Taking inspiration from Bruce Lee's qoute "I fear not the man who practiced 10,000 kicks once, but the man who practiced one kick 10,000 times.". His focus heightened by several folds with each swing he took.

The sun slowly began to rise from the far building, the boy stopped his practice and let out a big breath of air. Going inside the house, the boy took a long awaited bath to cool down his aching muscles. During his bath he began to brainstorm ideas, for any way to get even a little bit stronger. During those 3 years of training with his former master, he had developed a pleasure from getting stronger, and no it is not because of the reason of simply becoming stronger to fight more people, but because of the reason of having himself less worried about the dangers that will come to his loved ones. The joy of having the strength to protect them is simply giving him the peace of mind.

After a brief thinking, Haruki decided to try and recreate the [Tsubame Gaeshi]. A technique that attacks three times in a single breath. A technique made by Sasaki Kojiro from the Fate series.

Haruki got out of his bath, and made his way to his new room, which was renovated 2 years ago, sharing a room with Nikko already makes him anxious as he does not want to share a room with the prideful monster. Just the thought of it made him shiver.


(Haruki PoV)

I am currently drawing "my" manga, I already completed three of the storylines, and I'm almost done with the prequel. As soon as I'm done with this one, I'll find a company to make copies of "my" works, and begin mass production.

For my next money making plan now, is to somehow make an anime, of course it doesn't have to be a full blown season with 24 minutes per episodes, no I'm thinking of making AMVs, music videos that contain a story.

Drawing the last line, "my" manga is finally finished! And since it's Saturday in the afternoon and already ate lunch, I'll spend the rest of the day trying to find a company to release "my" manga.

Making my way towards the entrance door, I didn't forget to shout where I'm going to go "Granny, I'm going out to play with some friends!" I lied right through my teeth, as I held the manuscripts inside the bag in my hand.

"Okay! but make sure not to get lost alright?"

Grandma shouted back, her voice clearly coming from the living room.

I made [Great Sage] control my body, and started making our way to local entertainment companies. Thanks to having [Kyoka Suigetsu] I altered everyones perception of me into— of course you gotta pay homage to ma boy the villainous mastermind Aizen.




"I'm sorry, but your work is too controversial for our company to help you release your manga."




"Sorry, but we cannot release your manga."




"I'm afraid that releasing these from our company will make our stock prices go down."




"You need work on the storyline a bit more, maybe you can add All Might in here?"




"Trash, bring me something better that could atleast make profit"






"Okay, What. The. Actual. Fuck. Just happened?" I asked angrily to [Great Sage], who seemingly ignored my question.

// Notice, the next company is going into bankruptcy. The chances of them accepting you is higher than the previous ones.// [Great Sage]'s statement made me perked up

"Oh, by how much?" I asked excitedly.

//...by 2%// [Great Sage] reported

