
Beyond the World Plan

When he was child, his village destroyed because a monster attack. He was somehow survived and found a letter that left by the past hero. Reading that letter, he determined to see the world by his own eyes. He will make a journey to see what the world hid and change it. No matter what will he face, even though the world against it, he will continue his path to make the better world to live.

XDreadstar · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch.19 : Spirit

"You said you can sense my affinity to <Dark>, how can you do that?" (Ray)

Without thinking anymore I ask her with calm even though my heart is beating fast because my secret exposed.

"A spirit that made a contract with me said that. When the first time I saw you, she already told me that you have that. I have considering to fight you back then but you helped me to fight the orcs." (Violet)


At that moment I see something on her back. It has a body like human but her size is about my palm. She also has a white wing on her back. I accidentally make an eye contact with her and she hide again from me.

"After that, I make an order to search the information about you two to my knights since that time. But all I have just a name and some rumors without any special thing in it. Because of that I want to know more about you. I want to ask you why you helped me back then." (Violet)

I still focus on the creature I saw before while hearing her explanation. I turn my face to Lily but seems like she didn't notice it prescence. Am I the only one who can see it?

"Well, we just know that you will arrive at the town that day and at the same time the monster attacking too. Every adventurer protecting the town but forgotten about that fact so we asked to save you by the guild." (Lily)

"So that was it." (Violet)

She nodded her head and finally realize my strange gaze.

"Where are you looking at?" (Violet)

I turn my gaze to her.

"It's nothing. I just wonder if I can have a talk with something behind you." (Ray)

"Behind me?" (Violet)

With confuse she looking at her back.

"There is nothing behind me." (Violet)

As I thought, only me that can see it.

"Well, I interested on your story about that spirit. You say she is the one who told you about my affinity, right?" (Ray)

"Yeah." (Violet)

"You already knew that fact and you still approaching me. Doesn't someone has told you about <Dark> element?" (Ray)

"Yeah I know about that. Someone with <Dark> element will bring a destruction to the world like the demons. Someone with that power must be avoided and executed at the moment we know that." (Violet)

"Then why you come here? Even tough you already know that I am dangerous, you still insist to come here even you clinging on me the moment before." (Ray)

After saying that, her cheeks become a bit red and she looking att he floor.

"W-well, I want to say thanks about before and looking at you are worry about me make me believe that you are not a bad person. Y-you know, I want to know you better after all." (Violet)

What a cheap reason. Are you sure you just want to do that?

"Then your wish have fulfilled. Now go home!" (Ray)

"Eh!?" (Violet)

She shocked because I try to drive her away.

"Wait, wait, wait! Is that your manner to a princess like me?" (Violet)

"You just realize it?" (Lily)

"What?" (Violet)

She seems confuse to what Lily said.

"The first time you came in, he called you Vi instead calling you with princess or using honorifics." (Lily)

"I know that and to be frank I don't mind it. But his attitude right now somehow too rude for me." (Violet)

"That means you are already became his friends." (Lily)

Her faces now sulking.

"Well, if you finish with that then get out now!" (Ray)

Once again with my word I try to drive her away. Not long after that, the little creature show herself to me with angry face.

"Can you be a bit kind to her!? She currently lost her precious person, you know!" (Alina)

Even though she is scolding me but she is still tremble in front of me. Seems like she still afraid because of my <Dark> magic.

"It's surprising that you gather your courage to scold me now. I thought you never want to appear in front of me." (Ray)

At that time the room become quite. Both Lily and Vi look at me with a strange gaze.

"Ehm...Ray, who you are talking to?" (Lily)

As I thought even no one can hear her except me.

"Can you guys get out for a while, I need to be alone now." (Ray)

Looking at me, Lily persuade Vi to get out from the room. The little spirit is trying to go out too but I hold her collar so she is trapped inside with me.

"Let go of me.... Let go! Help me Violet-sama!" (Alina)

She is struggling and not long after that the door closed.

"Wh-what are you gonna do to me...?" (Alina)

She is now tremble in my hand since she is do not have an exit from this room.

"I want to ask you some question so please answer it honestly. Don't afraid with me because I will not do anything bad to you." (Ray)

She nodded her head slowly while shaking.

"Well, for the first one let's try with a simple question. Why are you afraid to me?" (Ray)

There is a gap of silent before she start to answer my question so I let her go from my hand.

"...Th-that because you have <Dark> magic." (Alina)

"Is that all?" (Ray)

"...Y-you also have the wind spirit queen mana in you. So I thought you force her to give you that power, right?" (Alina)

"Huh? Is that what makes you afraid. Don't worry I not doing anything bad to her. In fact, she gave me her power by herself without hesitant to me or Lily. So don't wor... Wait, you said Sylph is a queen?" (Ray)

She shakes her head up and down.

"Yeah, she is the queen of wind spirit. The fact that she gave her power by herself is a surprise to me since the queen of spirit only want to make a contract with someone special like a Hero. Moreover, she fused herself with you and it is hard to accept that fact." (Alina)

This is surprised me more. I already know that Sylph was a wind spirit, but to think she is a queen is never come to my mind. That remind me about the name of spirit in the book that Takeru's left and never saw a spirit named Alina in it.

There is six spirit that reflected the six element. Fire : Hestia, Water : Undyne, Wind : Sylph, Earth : Gaia, Light : Astra, Dark : Beelzebub. To think those name were the queen.

"Wait you believe my story?" (Ray)

"We spirit of light can tell someone lie or not. It is why we known as Spirit of Judgement."

That's right, if I remember correctly every kind of spirit has their own nickname. As for the wind spirit is known as Spirit of Love.

"Tell me Alina, what do you mean by that?" (Ray)

Seems like her fear get lessen after I said that.

"Like I said, Sylph-sama fused with you. Her power already become one and because of that you can see me. Wait, you already know my names!" (Alina)

She surprise that I called by her name before.

"Yeah, I guess it is because she fused woth me like you said. I thought she gave me <Spirit's Eye> and disappear nowhere but to think that she is with me from the start, it never crossed my mind." (Ray)

"Is that so? That means there is something that Sylph-sama takes interest in you. I guess there is something special about you and she wants to go with you in your journey." (Alina)

I do not know what Sylph thinking of me but this kind of development is good for me.

"Thanks, seems like I have nothing to ask now." (Ray)

"You're welcome." (Alina)

She looks relieved after I said that.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you this!" (Ray)

"What is it?" (Alina)

She tilt her head and her face not showing fear toward me.

"Since today I have became your mistress friend, so I think we can be a friend too. But do not hope you will get a good word from me okay?" (Ray)

She look surprise with my wish.

"This is the first time I see a human asked to be friend with a spirit. Even our queen never told us about it. Of course I will accept that. But if you do something bad to Violet-sama, I will never forgive you!" (Alina)

"I understand, I will not do that since I will protect my friends. But don't hope too high on me." (Ray)

"I will keep your words." (Alina)

After that I open the door and Vi already has a serious expression on her face.

"Ray, please train me to become stronger." (Violet)

She bow her head to me. This might be a problem if someone see it so I grab her hand and pull her inside. Lily also go inside and close the door again. How many times the door has been opened and closed until now? I wonder about it.

"Can you give me an explanation why me? Doesn't there is many person that have more experience than me in teaching?" (Ray)

"Well, I have heard from Lily that you are a good trainer. You can see someone strengths and weaknesses with a single look. I know that I have many weaknesses so I hope you will let me fix it with your help." (Violet)

I look at Lily and she nods her head as a signal that what she said is true. That's good that she has self awareness about her power but doesn't it a shame if she as a princess train under my guidance that younger than her? Seems like I will refuse... Wait, maybe this is a good chance.

"Well, I will help you." (Ray)

"Really?" (Violet)

Too bright! Her eyes is full of hope and somehow there is something that give a brightness on her back. Wait, I look to her back and found that Alina was casting a light. Damn you little bird! I will make sure you regret doing something annoying to me.

"Yeah, but it is not free." (Ray)

"Eh?" (Violet)

As I said that, her face looks surprise.

"What do you expect from me? There is nothing free in this world including to be my disciple." (Ray)

"But I thought you will train me with pleasure since I am your friend." (Violet)

"Like hell I would. You are not more than my acquaintance now. In fact I do not trust you even though you are a princess. A relationship must build slowly so we can make it longer. Even Lily was same like you at first." (Ray)

"Eh? But you never asked me to paid you." (Lily)

"Your payment was completed when the first time you said you will be always with me and put your trust in me." (Ray)

"Then how many gold do I have to pay you?" (Violet)

She seems like serious to be train under my guidance. Well, that's good that she has fired up for that.

"I don't need money. All I want is books" (Ray)

"Book?" (Violet)

She tilt her head in confuse.

"That's right, for me knowledge is more valuable than money. I know that the academy must have a library that contain many books about magic in it and I want to read them all. But the fact that I can't enter the academy since I am a commoner is actually bother me. So, I hope that whenever you will go training with me, you have to bring me a book as a payment from the library." (Ray)

She looks like a bit worry with my requirement.

"You are right that they are a library there. But, I only can borrow it outside the academy only for one day. I do not want to disappoint you but you can't learn many thing if you still insist want that as your payment." (Violet)

I see, so basically to make sure that their book not lost they make that rule. Since not many book that written with the same content, even if they found it the price is quite high too.

"Don't worry, I will finish reading it in one go. So, when the traing is over I will give it back to you. Tell me when you free." (Ray)

"The sixth and seventh day of week. Also three month for summer and a month for winter." (Violet)

I nod my head with smile since the fact that she has two days free in normal day will resolve the problem.

"Got it, you can bring the book on sixth day and we three will training after I finish it. We will do it every week and I will wait you at the town square before noon. Do you have any objections?" (Ray)

She looks happy when I say I will train her.

"No, in fact I happy that you will train me. With this I will become closer with you." (Violet)

For a moment I felt a killing intent and I look to Lily. When I do that, it suddenly disappear. Please hold yourself to make any trouble for me, okay?

"But... I doubt you can finish it in one day. If I remember correctly, one book has around more than one hundred pages." (Violet)

"Don't worry about it, I can read all of it and remember the content since it is my 'talent'." (Ray)

"Talent?" (Violet)

Seems like that word is not here.

"Nevermind. Since we have a deal now, get out of my sight since I want to take a rest now." (Ray)

She seems like not bothered again with my harsh word.

"Yeah, thank you. I will wait you at town square tomorrow." (Violet)

And with that, she left the room.

"Lily, can I ask you what day is it?" (Ray)

"It is the fifth day of the fifth month." (Lily)

So that's why she said that.

"Seems like I have to postponed my plan to meet Mr. Pillow at the bed." (Ray)

I headed out the room and Lily following me. I have to make a report to Zack now.