
Beyond the World Plan

When he was child, his village destroyed because a monster attack. He was somehow survived and found a letter that left by the past hero. Reading that letter, he determined to see the world by his own eyes. He will make a journey to see what the world hid and change it. No matter what will he face, even though the world against it, he will continue his path to make the better world to live.

XDreadstar · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch.18 : Confession

Seems like I jumped into a trouble again. When I get out from forest, Lily was waiting for me. I thought she will give me a warm welcome and show a sympathy to me. But it ruined when she punched me on the head. And now, I dragged along the town like a little thief. Well, basically I still a kid though. Still, the shame I got is bigger than that thief.

Everybody in this town put their attention to me. How strange, today is so quiet. I did not see many people here. Maybe, they're all evacuated from the city. Now come to think of it, that hole is the impact from the ball last night, isn't it?

Lily brought me to the inn and throw me to the bed and the princess is following us in. Lily close the door and put a barrier so no one can hear us. I also checked the princess before to look if she fine after the magic she released last night.

Name : Violet Emberosse

Age : 15

Race : Human

Job : Holy Priest

Lv : 12

Affinity : Light

Hp : 132/274

Physical : 43

Endurance : 32

Speed : 17

Magic : 389

Mana : 3982/7927

Skill :

[Spirit Magic : Holy Barrier] [Light Fall] [Light Shot] [Spirit Magic : Holy Cure] [Light Heal] [Judgement Ray]

Ability :

<Mana Recovery> <Ancient Chant> <Magic Efficiency>

Title :

[Princess of Terrascape] [Blessing of Arisa] [Hero of Razel][Spirit Contractor : Alina]

As I thought, her mana surpass me even tough her level is still low. Is this because she got blesses from Goddess of Magic? Well, there is nothing to be worried about her except her physical ability. Her body is too weak if we compare it with his magic ability. Her body will become a burden for herself to using magic. Well, we still can raise it easily since her level still low.

Let's focus again with what happen in the room.

"It's okay now, we can speak as much as we want without leaking any information." (Lily)

"Are you sure?" (Violet)

"Yeah, Lily has put a barrier around here and I am sure that you have so many question you want to ask, isn't it Vi?" (Ray)

Vi surprised because I address her like that. And as I thought, I get another hit from Lily.

"Hey Ray, I know you have a trouble with formalities, but at least call her properly! She is a princess you know!" (Lily)

She shout at me while holding my head.

"Even she is a princess or even a goddess, I won't call her with a honorifics, it's quite troublesome for me and you already know that." (Ray)

"At least you can call her with her name properly, right!?" (Lily)

"That's another problem. Her name is too long so I abbreviate her name. It's more comfortable for me address her like that." (Ray)

Well, I originally won't call someone with their full name if they have three syllables or more.

"Uhmm....how do you know my name?" (Violet)

"You are a princess, right? So it's not weird if many people know your name even though you haven't introduce her self." (Ray)

Honestly, I checked your name with my eye but the fact that her name is known by many peoples is true.

"That's right....but still I have to introduce myself properly to you!" (Violet)

She fix her body and begin to open her mouth.

"My name is Violet Emberosse, the princess of Terrascape kingdom. It's a pleasure to make an acquaintance with you."

She bow and speech with full of etiquetteIt doesn't necessary for me to do that but I am sure she thaught to do this if introducing herself to other people.

"My name is Ray and this is Lily. Maybe you already know from Lily about my name, right?" (Ray)

"Yes, and like you said I have many question for you." (Violet)

"I already know about it but sorry, today I want to take a rest so please come again tomorrow." (Ray)

Well, to be honest I want to talk with Lily alone about our current power. But looking at her expressions, seems like it won't easy.

"I can't! I want to ask you right now about your power. How can you two be this strong even tough you guys is younger than me!?" (Violet)

"Like I said, please come back tomorrow and we will answer it." (Ray)

Her face is become more serious when hear me saying that. How persistent she is.

"And like I said I can't. I want to know why you guys is so strong. I already lost one of my important people because of me and I can't do anything about it. For that I want to learn and become stronger to protect the people I love around me. So please answe..." (Violet)

Before she finish her word I already spoke.

"I get it. Seems like it is no use if I keep trying to drive you out now. We will answer your question but please leave this room and wait outside. I have to talk about something with Lily alone now." (Ray)

She is happy when I said we will answer it today. And with that she is heading out of room.

"Thank you. Then I will wait outside" (Violet)

And with that the door is closed.

"Now, what you want to talking about so even the princess can't join us?" (Lily)

She is now sit beside me and seems puzzled.

"I told you that I forgot to told you about something, right? Honestly I want to talk about it more detail with you but I feel sorry for her if she is waiting too long so I will make it simple for now." (Ray)

She finally aware what kind of conversation we will have.

"That's right, how can you say that I have fulfill the requirement for using this sword?" (Lily)

"Well, remember four days ago I brought you to the lake and...yeah I confessed you there." (Ray)

Her face become red and she is nodded slowly.

"Seems like by chance in that lake a spirit was there for a moment. The lake shining because of her mana flowing around the lake. After we asleep, the spirit seems like secretly made a contract with us. The spirit name was Sylph, spirit of wind and love." (Ray)

She is not surprise with it. Maybe, she already know about it since the hole I saw before there is a part of ground remain there. I can assume that Lily made a barrier and strengthen it with <Spirit Enchancement>.

"That's explain why the voice I heard yesterday." (Lily)

"You maybe already know that if a spirit make a contract with us, she will give us a power as a prove, right?"

Once again she nodded her head.

"The power that Sylph gave to me is a skill called [Thunder] and a <Spirit's eye>. The eye she gave me can make me see other people power in exact number. So, that is easy for me to told you that you ready to wield it altough you have to adapt with the sword's power."

Now she is making a face and murmurring 'so like that' while looking at the floor. She suddenly turn her face towarde that I nearly hit with her head.

"Then, how about me?" (Lily)

"Like I said, Sylph is a spirit of love so she made a contract with both of us. The power she gave you is [Storm] and <Spirit Enchancement>." (Ray)

"That explain about the barrier that I made before." (Lily)

As I thought, she made a barrier and strengthen it. She can do that even tough she doesn't know about it before.

"Is your eye can make you see the power of this sword too?" (Lily)

She show me the sword that the former hero left behind.

"Unfortunately it is not an [Appraisal] so it can't judge and object." (Ray)

She disappointed and sigh gently.

"That's really unfortunate, I want to know the power of this sword." (Lily)

"Yeah, to be frank I want to know about it too. To think there is a weapon that can kill a minotaur in one shot, it must be so powerful." (Ray)

It can't be helped since [Appraisal] is a power that gifted by god so I can't immitate it. There is a rank on that skill and the highest is [Divine Appraisal] that only will be gift to the Hero. It can see your power and judge the equipment completely. That kind of cheat after all.

"That's all that what I wanted to talk about. It is time to let Vi get in." (Ray)

"You still call her like that?" (Lily)

"She doesn't mind it either so there is nothing wrong about it." (Ray)

Lily walked to the door and open it. Vi si sitting in front of door like an orphan that lose her home.

"Finally, what kind of conversation you two have?" (Violet)

She act in front of us like a best friend even tough we just met before.

"It is a secret that make you out of this room." (Ray)

She surprise with my attitude. Since she talked with us like friends so I will treat her like I do to my friends too.

"So Is he really like that?" (Violet)

"Yeah, he always like that. This is what will you have from him if you act like a friend with him" (Lily)

Even Lily that my lover now only can give up to my attitude.

"Well, I don't really mind it. Since everyone treat me with much of formalities, this is the first time for me to have someome that really treat me so casual like a friends. Seems like I fell for him." (Violet)

She came in and clinging on me. This is bad, I can feel a bloodlust coming to her.

"Better you pull back your word now and let go of me, Vi." (Ray)

"Why?" (Violet)

Suddenly she felt a chill and look to Lily. She is so slow to react on it.

"I have told you right to not get closer to Ray, right?." (Lily)

Even tough she is scared to Lily, she still not let ho of my hand.

"Why I have to do that? You are not more than a slave for him, right?" (Violet)

The bloodlust is more intense than before.

"Seems like you don't know but Lily is my lover." (Ray)

Hearing that from me, Vi suddenly release my hand and have an expression of someone that heartbroken after rejected by her crush. Well, it just happen now and I feel sorry for her. For Lily, her bloodlust disappear and her cheek turn red while looking down on floor.

"Then someday I just need to snatch you away from her, right?" (Violet),

A word break this awkward moment. Thinking of it, doesn't her word was a sign of war in the romance game? I mean, she will be a villain and lead herself in her own destruction. Wait, why right now the weird thing is the one that come out to my mind. Now, Vi start to clinging on me again.

"I will not give him to you no matter what!" (Lily)

Not you too, Lily. She is now coming and hug my other hand. It is clearly that this is a war.

"Can you two let go now? The door is still open and I have to close it now." (Ray)

When I try to stand up, a force is bring me back to my original position.

"No! You must be want to run away right?" (Violet)

She is sulking now.

"Hey, you are older than me but your act like a spoiled child. I just want to close the door so someone can't see or hear our conversation. It's for your safety too after all. I am not lying, if you really kile me than let me go." (Ray)

Lily already let me go since a while ago since she knows that I am not lying. But for Vi, she really persistent on her act.

"How rude, don' tell me like that." (Violet)

Finally she releases me. I close the door and standing there since if I come back to the bed, it will turn into a disaster.

"Now about your question, ehat do you want to know?" (Ray)

I will go to the point since I have to take more rest to recover myself completely.

"W-well, yesterday you left behind with the spy in your group, isn't it?" (Violet)

"Yeah" (Ray)

"Then, how can you came out from the town while you are not coming back with the other last night?" (Violet)

In my heart I surprise that she knows that since I thought my [Stealth] was perfect. She is somehow can trace my mana even tough it has been covered with my skill.

"Is that really happen?" (Ray)

I have to confirmed it is not a bluff.

"Yeah, I can feel your mana clearly." (Violet)

"How about Lily? Are you can felt it too?" (Ray)

"No, I can only feel your mana" (Violet)

Now, how can she can trace me but can't trace Lily. It's really suspicious.

"And I can ask you why?" (Ray)

"Well, that is because I can feel someone with <Dark> affinity since I was a child and the first moment I met you, I can feel it and it is really strong."

I do not know there is a kind of ability like this. Even my eyes not told me about that. This is bad that there is someone know about it. Even Lily doesn't about that. What will happen now.