
Left Behind



It seems like everyone I know is growing up but me.

meeting new people, making new friends, new memories and leaving me behind like I'm nothing,

a nobody from there past, forgetting everything we've been through like there moving a million miles away and I unlike everyone else am to much to fit in there Cary-on

Some people say I'm gonna go places but it doesn't feel that way

Could that be because I can't let go, let go of those waits that bringer down

The whites that tell me repeatedly "you're worthless, you'll never be happy, your a wast of everyone's time,"

they say over and over again telling me, "that why, that's why they all left u in the dust. You can try all u want but you'll never ketch up with them"

Those whites are to heavy for me to hold, with every breath the locked holding me to them to me dig deeper and deeper cutting my skin like sharp raster-blades

I wish on the stars even night to make this feeling go away but it hadn't

I still feel left behind

I still feel like a nobody

I still feel like nothing deep down

Sometimes the pain herts so much that it goes numb

These days It seems like everyone I know is going up but me.

And maybe that's because I'm numb half the time but who knows I just don't wanna fall behind

I want to grow and blossom like a flower just like everyone else and I know that day will come so the better question is when?