
Goodbye Old Friend

"Au revoir vieil ami"


It's so crazy how much the world has changed .

We are not the same people were were a year ago,

There are new patterns and new people in our lives, it's like the earth's plates have shifted so fare apart that I can no-longer hear you voice across this new cannon that we have built for our selfs.

Since the end of our friendship I don't recognize you as the beautiful human being I once knew, as a mater of fact you might a well be a whole new person or an alien from Ganymede.

We now stand at opposite ends of the world unrecognizable to one another.

To be able to say once upon a time I carded for you more than myself is mind blowing in the since that it at one point felt as if my existence was because for you.

Im still trying to figure out what I saw in you to begin with.

I laugh about it now because it no longer herts.

You went from being my world to being nothing.

I truly can't believe I wasted my time on you when I could have found some real friends.

Its kinda a relief when I say good bye my love, I never needed you anyway.