
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

The culprit

Fortunately Henry survived the predicament due to the timely treatment of Rosetta and the soldier who helped him to get the treatment necessary for his survival.

The incident of the assassination caused a huge uproar in the kingdom. Gossips about the assassination spread like a wildfire among the citizens of the kingdom. The demise of the second queen and her daughter let birth to various conspiracy. All eyes and fingers were pointed towards single person.

Everybody in the kingdom were well aware of the beef between the first and second queen. And oddly the only people involved in the incident was the family of second queen. Thus it would be strange if somebody pointed their finger elsewhere after looking at the results of the incident.

Henry woke up after three days from the prior incident. During his comatose period series of events took place which shook the entire kingdom of babylon. One of the major event which took place during his comatose period was the shocking revelation of the culprit behind the whole incident.

Everybody were anticipating the first queen to be the perpetrator but when the culprit behind the incident was revealed everybody were left dumbfounded by the shocking revelation.

After two days from the prior incident at the middle of the town square, a stage was set in an order to carry out execution. Chatter and gossips of people echoed all around the town square as they gathered infront of the execution stage.

Suddenly a loud noise of horn blew and reverberated all around the town square. With the sound of the horn everybody stopped their gossips.

"His majesty the 19th king of Babylon is entering. Everybody pay respect to your king and be on your best behaviour."

One of the soldier yelled while announcing the entrance of the king.

A magnificent golden chariot pulled by Griffins was seen approaching the town square while being escorted by groups of armoured soldiers riding magnificent horses. As the chariot stopped in the town square groups of soldier aligned themselves infront of the chariot in a straight line forming a path leading to the stage of execution.

A person who's around the age of 50 dressed in a black suit hurriedly rushed towards the chariot. Upon reaching the door of the chariot he elegantly opened the door. From within the chariot a person elegantly dressed in white suite with a golden cape and a crown embedded with jewels on top of his head stepped outside.

"All hail your majesty the 19th king of the kingdom of babylon."

Everybody present in the town square bowed while showing respect to the king.

The king followed by the first queen and the children of the first queen elegantly walked the path created by the soldiers.

As they marched towards the execution stage stares of confusion and penetrating stares of anger and hatred followed them.

"Huh what's this? Wasn't she supposed to be the culprit behind the incident? What's she doing here?"

One of the individual in the crowd exclaimed with perplexed look.

Everybody present in the town square was confused and frustrated by the appearance of the first queen. Her calm demeanor fueled their anger to the point that a sudden eruption of public's anger could surface at any moment.

Even in this chaotic situation the king looked incredibly calm for someone who's well aware of the public's opinion. Upon reaching the execution stage he calmly seated himself in the throne prepared for the king.

"Proceed the event"

He commanded after taking his seat.

One of the soldier stepped forward while carrying a scroll in his hand. He then opened the scroll and started to read the contents inside the scroll.

"The perpetrator for the incident which took place on the day of the 500th establishment anniversary of the kingdom of babylon has been found after the careful investigation of the royal guards. And the perpetrator shall be punished with death for committing the felony for trying to assassinate the royals."

[Tch.. What a showoff! Everybody present here in the event knows that the real perpetrator is the first queen. So who are they even going to present?]

One of the bystander wisphered in disappointment.

"Bring over the culprit"

The organiser ordered.

From behind the chariots and parading soldier a person who's hands were shackled by chains and head covered by black cloth was escorted by groups of armoured soldier.

As the person walked towards the execution stage fumbling all along the way, his mysterious appearance puzzled the bystanders.

"Who's that? Who did they use as a scapegoat?"

One of the bystander questioned with a soft voice.

Unable to walk properly it was clear from his outer appearance that he had been tortured before. The scars on his feet made it difficult for him to walk. But the soldiers kept pushing him whenever he stumbled or paused.

"Infront of the loyal citizens of the babylon I present to you the culprit who committed the heinous act of assassinating the Royal. Please remove the cloth from his head and let the whole babylon see what this criminal looks like."

The organiser exclaimed.

One of the escorting soldier approached the culprit and removed the black cloth from his head revealing his face. The culprit presented at the stage was non other than the prime minister of the kingdom of babylon.

"Dear citizens I present to you the culprit, the mastermind behind the incident; prime minister Lev yashin"

The revelation of the person in the black cloth shocked everybody present there at the moment. Nobody expected the prime minister to be the culprit behind the incident.

Upon taking off the black cloth the people noticed his swollen blue face. Eyes which were barely visible due to the swelling, bleeding mouth and miserable state made it obvious that he had been beaten very badly.

Even after the revelation nobody believed him to be the culprit behind the incident. Everybody were aware of the close relationship he had with Henry. Thus it made no sense for him to try to assassinate Henry.

"What? How? What kind of absurdity is it?"

One of the bystander exclaimed in frustration.

Even when presenting the prime minister as the culprit the king showed no signs of emotions. He was unusually calm even after the revelation. Not even a spec of nervousness or worry could be seen in his face.

"For committing the felony of trying to assassinate the Royalty and for causing the death of her Royal Highness the second queen and her daughter, prime minister Lev Yashin is found to be guilty after careful investigation conducted by the royal guards ahmm.. ahmm.."

The organiser chocked on his saliva while explaining.

"Pardon me! As I was saying prime minister Lev Yashin has been found guilty for the incident which took place few days ago. Unknown exchange of letters with obscure people have been retrieved from his room as a source of evidence."

The organiser paused for a moment.

"And the contents of the letter clearly indicates that for past few months he have been in constant touch with the assassins. Thus from the letters retrieved from his room and the evidence collected, the investigation committee declares him as guilty."

After listening to the organiser the public opinion started to sway as they started to have doubts about the prime minister.

"I've once seen him acting strange."

"Yes how can a person be so kind without having any ulterior motives."

"Who knows what kind of twisted personality he hides behind his kindness?"

"He wasn't content with just being a prime minister"

"Yeah his greed for power leaded him towards his doom"

Several gossips started to take place as the public opinion swayed after listening the organiser.

The same people who declared him as innocent before started to point their fingers towards him. The opinion of the public towards him changed like a snake shedding it's skin.

The first queen who was standing beside the king chuckled with satisfaction. While covering her mouth to hide her evil smile she enjoyed the sight infront of her.

'You thought that you could expose me? Poor Lev if only you've had listened to me then you would be sitting here and not there.'

She thought while smiling like a Cheshire cat.

Lev who stood helplessly in the stage awaiting his execution started to think after listening to the public opinions.

"You can curse me as much as you can. For you who are unaware of the truth I don't blame. Yet I don't regret my choices, lord Henry I know that you've already found out the true culprit behind the incident. I'm sure that you'll remove the stain from my name."

He murmured.

Under the raging public opinions groups of soldier grabbed him and placed him under the guillotine.

Just when he was about to get executed the king spoke;

"Do you have anything to say? As your king I shall allow you to finish your final sentence."

Despite being under the guillotine his eyes showed no signs of fear. He knew that his head was about to get chopped in a moment but he didn't fear death. Infact he was more calm at the moment than he had ever been before.

"I've got nothing to say to you folks as I'm well aware of the fact that nobody would believe my words no matter what I say. But I'd like to bid farewell to lord Henry. I pray for your well being and I'm sorry I couldn't help you more. Please stay well my lord"

As soon as he finished his sentence the blades of the guillotine flew down beheading his head from his neck.