
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Royal healer

In a moment group of five armoured guards entered the room.


The guards shouted in unison.

They hurriedly rushed toward him. As they entered the room they found corpses of assassin scattered all around the floor.

Splatter of blood dyed the walls, floor and ceiling of the room bright red. A sharp pungent smell of blood lingered around their nose as they walked inside his room. Unable to withstand the pungent smell of blood they hurriedly covered their nose with their hands.

"What in the freaking earth did happen here? It feels like I'm walking in a battlefield."

One of the soldier exclaimed.

"Quit your yapping and quickly tend to prince. He might still be alive. Go"

One of the soldier who looked like he's at his forties yelled.

After that they hurriedly rushed towards Henry. One of the soldier took Henry's hand and started to examine his pulse.

"Captain he's alive."

The soldier exclaimed after examining Henry's pulse.

The captain sighed a sigh of relief upon hearing that Henry was still alive. He then angrily shouted at the soldiers to hurry up and carry him to the Royal healer.

All four of the soldier carefully carried him and rushed him towards the royal healer.

After the soldiers left the room the Captain stood behind and started to inspect the surrounding. As he started to inspect he found traces of magic and poison being used.

The shattered pieces of frozen body parts indicated the use of magic. And he was sure that wasn't something Henry could do. He was aware of Henry's abilities and he knew that Henry couldn't use magic. Thus he concluded that the carnage which took place in the room was caused by foreign powers.

The scene looked too fresh for the blood to decay and yet he could smell a foul smell of blood lingering around the room. He deduced the reason behind the foul smell of blood as some kind of blood poisoning.

After inspecting the whole surrounding and taking the injuries of Henry into consideration he concluded that the event was a planned assassination. And the target for the assassination was non other than Henry.

He kept on inspecting the room to find any trace of evidence which could help solve the case.

Meanwhile the condition of Henry was getting serious. He had already lost way too much blood and loosing even more blood would have threatened his life. Luckily the four soldier found the Royal healer strolling in the corridor before it was too late.

"Madame, Madame you need to quickly tend to the Prince's injury. He looks seriously hurt and I'm not sure how much longer he could hold on."

One of the soldier worriedly exclaimed.

The Royal healer hurriedly rushed towards them. As she took a peak at Henry her eyebrows furrowed. Her facial expressions changed as a dark shadow gloomed in her face.

His terrible condition scared her and she started to panic. If it would have been any other patient she wouldn't have felt any sort of emotions but the patient infront of her right now was a prince. And a prince who was adored by everyone.

His condition was already terrible but that wasn't the sole reason behind her worried face. She worried that if she failed to save him she would have to face the consequences for failing to save him. She was afraid of the backlashes that she would have to face from the people who adored him.

'What do I do now? If I don't treat him ASAP he might end up dead and I might get blamed. Think Rosetta think.'

She thought in her mind.

Despite not speaking it loud one could hear her inner voice by looking at her. And her facial expressions and body language indicated that she deeply scared and worried.

But even so she was a healer afterall. And it was a healers job to heal any patient that comes to them. And a healer was obliged to save the life of the patient no matter how terrified they're. Thus she put her emotions aside and started tending the wounds of Henry.

She gently removed the dagger piercing his stomach while making sure that it wouldn't damage his internal organs any further. She then casted a healing spell to cover his wound to prevent the blood loss.

"Quick! Hurry him into my office."

She commanded the soldier.

The four soldiers obediently followed her command and stormed towards her office while carrying Henry.

After reaching her office the soldiers gently put him on her bed while carefully laying him on the bed. She then started to cast series of healing spell to keep him alive.

For a moment all of the soldiers stood there frozen without making any movement as if they've turned into stone statues.

Afraid to make any noise and interrupt her focus all of them zipped their mouths.

As she continued to heal him the air around the room started to get denser and the atmosphere around the room started to get heavier with every passing seconds.

Having difficulty in breathing due to the heavy atmosphere the soldiers standing in the room turned pale from suffocation.

Seeing Rosetta intently focused on treating Henry they continued to endure the suffocation. Nobody dared to move even if that meant death.

Finally after some moments the atmosphere started to lighten as Rosetta drew closer to the end of the treatment.


All of the soldiers present in the room finally got the chance to breathe.

But before they could even rest for a while and breathe peacefully, Rosetta wrote something in a slip of paper and commanded them to do something.

"All of you could you please bring the stuffs that I've written in this piece of paper? And I need it as quickly as you can. You can find all those stuffs if you go to my assistant and hand over the slip to him. By the way he's probably at the party, so go and quickly find him."

"'Yes mam!"'

The soldiers yelled in unison and quickly rushed outside the office.

After the soldier left she looked at Henry and let out a big sigh. She was glad she could save him and she was extremely glad that she wouldn't have to face the backlashes from the people who adored Henry.

Also she was proud of herself for overcoming her fear and suppressing her emotions.

Although she looked pretty tired she straightened up and stretched her back. As she stretched her back popping sounds of the bones echoed throughout the room.

"Gosh! That was such a tiring process. If I continue to take stress like this I'll probably die before I could even get married."

She exclaimed while cracking her neck.

Meanwhile the soldiers were finally at the party venue. But the scenes at the venue wasn't like the one people would expect after hearing party venue. The eyes of the people was filled with fear as if they were prey who's driven into the corner by the predator. A sense of nervousness could be seen in the face of almost everybody present there while some few of them remained completely unaffected.

The peoples were orderly lined up in queue as the guards investigated them one after other while monitoring their every single movements. The scene inside the party venue was simply chaotic. And the cause of the chaos was non other than the infiltration of the assassin into the royal palace.

Even in this chaotic moment the throne of the king was left empty. King was nowhere to be seen in the moment of chaos.

The soldiers looked everywhere for Rosetta's assistant but found him nowhere. Frustrated by constant searching one of them shouted;

"Royal healer's assistant if you could hear me then please raise your hand. I repeat the situation is very dire so if you could hear my voice then please raise your hand."

A hand rose up from within the queue of the people. The soldier then quickly rushed towards the place where the hand was raised.

A person with dark hair and small height dressed in navy blue tuxedo was standing infront of them while raising his hand.

"If you're looking for the Royal healer's assistant then that would be me"

He replied while looking at the soldier.

The soldier then hurriedly took out the slip of paper from his pouch which Rosetta had asked them to deliver to her assistant and handed it over to him.

The assistant starred at the content of the slip for a while and asked them to follow him.

The soldiers nodded in agreement. He then lead them towards the place where the medicinal herbs are stored and preserved inside the palace.

The place was huge and filled with racks of boxes everywhere. He walked towards one of the racks and took out a box.

He then opened the box and took out some ingredients from the box and closed the lid of the box while placing it back to it's original shelf. He continued to repeat the act for couple dozen times with different shelves and boxes.

After taking out couple of dozen ingredients he handed it over to the soldiers and warned them to handle the ingredients with utmost care otherwise things could get worst.