
Beyond the Supernatural

The darkness of the night hides many secrets. Secrets that are only revealed to those who dare to venture into it. The world is full of mysteries, but few are as captivating as those hidden in the human mind. Johan Mitchell is a man of many secrets. Having lived most of his life in South Korea, he leads a life full of mystery and uncertainty for those who know him little. He is a good man and a very friendly violent crimes detective, but at the same time, he is a man who has witnessed things that go beyond what his rational mind can explain in his job that very few know about. Johan has seen things that defy logic and reason, things that most people wouldn't even dare to imagine exist. Although he has dedicated much of his life to dealing with these things, he knows that there are secrets that must remain hidden, secrets that can be dangerous if revealed to the world. But as the world plunges deeper into darkness, Johan finds himself increasingly involved in the secrets he has spent his whole life trying to protect and conceal. Secrets that can change the course of humanity, for better or for worse. In this story, Johan Mitchell will take us on a journey through the deepest mysteries of the world, where the line between the supernatural and the human becomes blurred. What secrets will he find? What price will he have to pay to protect himself and everything he believes is right? Only time will tell, as more and more things become involved.

SrCuervo · Horror
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25 Chs


The fascination for the unknown is inherent in human nature. Since time immemorial, we have felt the need to explore what lies beyond our world, to delve into the realms of fantasy and imagination, where barriers are mere seconds of our time.

The fantasy stories that our parents and friends told us when we were young, local horror stories, tales that were used to instill fear in immature minds. All those stories and legends, mythological beliefs and creatures that we heard from others since childhood, ghosts and creatures that would even scare the bravest man in the world if they were to face them face to face, this source of rhetorical imagination is something magical that takes us to dark places.

Horror stories, myths, and even a story so well told that it can feel very real when you hear it for the first time. How was it possible for someone to create something so fantastic? Where does the incredible depth of information and details to build such a perfect story come from, which for generations has terrified the mind of anyone with little knowledge about it?

Many knowledgeable people in history and religion say that the more you know about antiquity, the more thoughtful and painful your days will be.

The obsession with knowledge can lead us to very frightening and dark places. You don't have to be a genius to know that over time, if we delve into unknown information, our wisdom will grow more and more and nourish our knowledge. However, for cultured people who have been gathering more and more gruesome and horrifying information for a long time, they would wish to erase that information from their memory with total security.

Today, many people opt for very compact and fast communication. Information can be shared in seconds, events that happen day by day in our city, a lot of information that not only covers the country where each of us lives but on the contrary, we can obtain information from anywhere in the world relatively easily. Of course, all of this if you know where to look for illicit information.

Therefore, a need to consume unusual material that would endanger the daily life of each person has arisen, just to satisfy their desire and curiosity, knowing that it will clearly end with more questions than answers.

The desire to consume information, satisfy our tastes, and find material that suits our needs has now become something normal, all within the reach of anyone who has minimal contact with technology.

Today there was a man, or at least that was the gender given to him, as his voice in each of his videos was hoarse and ancient, full of a mysterious air that intrigued every listener who watched his content on the internet.

His great work in gathering information and creating nighttime programs where he narrated several real stories and explained videos about paranormal events or events that everyone thought were common, gave them a twist and provided information that everyone believed was real.

That man could make you believe that monsters exist, that aliens arrived on Earth thousands of years ago, or that in the Arctic, there is a much more advanced species than ours. Of course, some people only see this as mere entertainment. Nevertheless, his content remains interesting.

In an old and dilapidated room, a man dressed entirely in black, his hands protected by old and worn leather gloves, took a battered cassette with a series of unknown numbers recorded on the exterior.

At first glance, the cassette was too old to be played. However, the man didn't hesitate and placed the cassette in a fairly new player that could convert this type of material into an mp3 audio.

When the man in black put the cassette in the player, he pressed the play button and left it all on a small wooden table in front of a fireplace with the fire burning slowly.

The sound of the player could be heard clearly, creating an ideal atmosphere for a tense and chilling experience.

["00:20 seconds."] As time passed, the pressure in the surroundings generated a feeling of great discomfort.

Just as the cassette was about to reach one minute of playback, a very old and antique voice, with a tone and rhythm deep enough to send shivers down one's spine, was heard coming from the player.

["In life, one of our first encounters with the supernatural and fear are strange sounds or situations in which we are not familiar, whose source we cannot detect. And it is at that moment that we think, what is it? What kind of thing produces it? What is happening?"]

Under the old and antique voice, everything was in place so that every pair of ears that heard the perfect narration would be spellbound.

["Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"]

The creak of a door suddenly sounded from the cassette player.

["What you are about to hear are several cases in which we will analyze various recordings of this nature. We will listen firsthand to what is happening in the world, we will be the spectators of what is slowly eating away at our reality."]

["Listen carefully, turn up the volume, put on your headphones, because if you can explain what they are, or if you have a theory about them, your comments will be welcome. Otherwise, it will give you a lot to think about, especially when you hear a sound that you are not sure how to identify."]

The voice coming from the cassette player was silent for a moment, the sound of a creaking door stopped and the sound of a strong wind was heard brushing against the microphone from where the audio recording was being made.

["The following comes from Switzerland, the exact city is unknown, the person who uploaded it has identified themselves as Mark and explained that the noise caught his attention so much that he decided to record it."]

Under the attention of the audio, the sound of a button being pressed, possibly coming from a voice recorder, could be heard. When the button was pressed, the sound of the cold wind hitting the microphone capturing the sound could be heard again.

The crunching of footsteps could be heard clearly, pressing what seemed to be small dry wooden sticks and sinking into the gravel of the earth as they continued their path.

["02:47 minutes."]

Under the sound of footsteps, a sound was slowly heard that inexperienced people in the situation could easily mistake for a melody.

The sound was heard in three different tones, or rather, three tones in which the last one sounded deep and magical.

The more the sound was heard, the more an emptiness could be felt in the chest of any listener. The sound generated a deep void, as if what was producing it was not generated by something alive.

Each time the sound became slower, more seconds were generated to finish the unknown sound of three tones. As time passed, that thing that produced the sound took longer to finish the tone of the three steps.

["Well, there you have it. For those more knowledgeable and who delve into the deepest collection of information, they will know what I am about to tell you..."]

["The forests and jungles of Switzerland are a definitive characteristic of its beautiful and wonderful landscape. They cover more than a third of the country's surface and grow to the size of Lake Thun each year. One of the reasons for this incredible feat is Switzerland's strict forestry law, which stipulates that forests must be preserved and distributed regionally."]

["If you search, you will have found news that was censored enough to only find small fragments about what happened in a forest from Switzerland. Approximately in mid-2017, more than a thousand bone remains, all of them human parts, and more than two thousand bone parts that were from animals, were never identified."]

The voice stopped and dryly mocked with irony.

["Experts in Ethology claimed that the bones of animals were much older than those of humans, and according to their words, the thing that committed such a massacre grew tired of continually feeding on animals and began to taste human flesh."]

Very few people knew that Ethology is a branch of Biology that addresses the study of spontaneous behavior of animals in their natural environment. Ethology is a relatively new discipline within animal science, although some of its principles have been used in animal production for years.

However, there was no behavior or connection related to what was said in the cassette. In fact, there is nothing similar around the world that relates to the case of the missing tourist, leaving it a mystery. Therefore, it could be said that this behavior was not done by anything known in the animal kingdom.

Prior to the investigation, no traces of tracks left by humans were mentioned. Therefore, there was nothing that could identify that the area was violated by signs of struggle or resistance, leaving investigators speechless.

["The bones stripped of all human flesh were apparently collected by that thing that took care of leaving them extremely clean. All this information was discovered by the disappearance of a tourist woman, whose husband who searched for her upon learning of her disappearance was the only one who saw his wife's clothing in a specific area. Under the appropriate and thorough investigation by the Swiss government, they found that terrible scene."]

["The information, as evident, was concealed enough to not be found by ninety percent of people who are uneducated in investigative methods. As I've always said, the governments of the world are hiding from us what is being developed in the world."]

After a short pause, the voice resumed and began narrating the remaining part.

["Now let's go back to an extremely short past, let's go back to late 2017... The following is declassified material, taken by a helicopter of the Chilean Navy in early December. This voice audio belongs to them, which is undoubtedly a seal of seriousness."]

["Although the video is extremely bad, we can appreciate the audio with extreme clarity. The first thing we notice is how the camera focuses on an unidentified animal, which is how the Chilean navy classified it."]

["When the soldiers identified that something was wrong, they were quick to form a perimeter around the unidentified beast. We can only speculate by looking at the video fragment, but if we describe it solely based on what we see, we could say it's smoke. Then why doesn't it dissipate in the powerful air generated when the helicopter landed near that thing? Why does it remain static in its place? Is it possible that it is solid material in the air? But if that's the case, how is it possible that it was created and coming from an unknown creature?"]

["Undoubtedly, in 2017 many things happened that were ignored without giving the importance needed in the matter of the unknown. And I want to insist, this material was extracted from none other than the navy of Chile, and no one could refute the information that deserves the highest protection and discipline generated by a country's army."]

["Listen carefully... All this material is real, and it was difficult to find it again in its original format."]

When the voice stopped, a button was heard being pressed for the second time, which possibly belonged to an old audio recorder or player.

["We have an unidentified creature that generated some kind of smoke curtain around its body, and which doesn't reveal its true body."]

["What a strange phenomenon, now that we are approaching the target, the smoke curtain doesn't move, it remains static without any signs of dissipation."]

["Should we try to investigate?"]

["Negative, wait for orders and remain in a safe perimeter."]



January 30, Year 2024

Three days after the C.E.A.S.S. was revealed to the world.

"Good morning, Commander of the C.E.A.S.S. How do you feel after the existence of your organization was exposed to the public?"

The commander responded with total naturalness: "Good morning. It's a difficult time for us, but we're doing everything we can to maintain the security and confidentiality of our operations."

"Can you explain what the work of the C.E.A.S.S. consists of?"

"I would be delighted to do so and I hope that everyone can be clear about it. The C.E.A.S.S. is a special group of highly trained soldiers in the elimination of dangerous anomalies throughout the country. These anomalies are monstrous beings that represent a threat to the public and must be eliminated to protect the population equally and without exception."

"How do you select the soldiers who are part of the C.E.A.S.S.?"

"The selection of our soldiers is a very rigorous and demanding process. We look for the best soldiers in the armed forces and subject them to intensive training that includes combat skills, strategy, and techniques for eliminating anomalies."

"How does the C.E.A.S.S. ensure that its operations are legal and do not violate human rights?"

"As a government organization, the C.E.A.S.S. operates under the law and is subject to strict regulations. We ensure that our operations are within the legal framework and respect human rights at all times. In addition, before locating an anomaly, we ensure that civilians are moved away so that they are not affected in the highly secret cleanup."

"What measures are you taking to protect your personnel and maintain the security of your operations after your organization was exposed to the public?"

"We are taking all necessary measures to protect our personnel and ensure the continuity of our operations. We are reinforcing our security and reviewing our policies and procedures to prevent future information leaks that could disrupt public order and greatly affect the daily lives of everyone."

"What message would you like to convey to the population about the existence of the C.E.A.S.S. and its work?"

"I would like the population to know that we are here to protect them and guarantee their safety. Our work is difficult and dangerous, I would even say deadly, but we do it with the conviction that it is necessary to maintain peace and stability in the country. We appreciate your trust and support."

When the commander was about to leave, the interviewer asked one last question. "Commander, if you wanted to send a message to your younger self, what would you say?"

The commander fell silent, his dark eyes visualizing the camera that was broadcasting this interview throughout the country, and said, "Dear me... Stay strong! We still have a lot of battles to fight, thousands of obstacles to overcome..."

Hello everyone, welcome! I hope you liked this prologue. To tell the truth I have doubts about my grammar, but I can say that it is better than all my previous stories. Any kind of help is welcome, thank you all for reading and I hope you like it!

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