
Beyond the screen

"Man, I've been having a blast playing Roblox today! It's been a great way to unwind." "Whoa, what's this? 'Cursed Battleground'? It looks kinda sketchy, but hey, let's give it a shot." "Haha, these bugs are crazy, but I can't stop playing! It's like a weird rollercoaster ride through glitches and mayhem." "Finally, a curse mark! I've been hunting these for hours! It's the rarest thing I've encountered in this game." "Wait, where am I? What happened to my room? This doesn't look anything like home." "And what the heck am I now? I feel... different, like I'm not even human anymore."

DaoistYd5XlP · Games
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Early morning sunlight streamed through the windows of a bustling McDonald's, casting a warm glow over the patrons enjoying their breakfast. Among them sat Augus, his 50th burger of the morning in hand. He munched away with gusto, savoring the taste of each bite. Augus was never one to shy away from indulgence, and his unique condition only made it more enjoyable.

Augus muttered to himself between bites, "My body's weirder than a three-dollar bill. Can't feel a thing, no matter how many of these burgers I stuff in."

He glanced out the window, contemplating the concept of fall damage. "Wonder if I'd even bruise if I jumped off a skyscraper," he mused, taking another bite. "Nah, better not test that theory."

"This is Jujutsu Kaisen, no doubt about it," Augus mumbled, glancing around the restaurant. "But what timeline am I in? And why here?"  He couldn't help but feel disappointed when he realized that seeing Gojo Satoru meant he wasn't in the timeline where Geto and Gojo were still friends. That fact weighed heavily on his mind.

A tap on his shoulder interrupted his thoughts, and Augus turned abruptly, choking on his food when he saw Gojo Satoru and Kento Nanami standing there. Gojo, currently wearing a pair of black sunglasses instead of his characteristic blindfolds, had a wide grin on his face.

"Hey there, kid!" Gojo greeted Augus cheerfully.

Augus continued to choke, desperately gasping for air. He was on the verge of panic when Gojo finally realized the gravity of the situation and sprang into action.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down!" Gojo said, reaching over and patting Augus on the back a bit too forcefully. Augus coughed violently, feeling like his airway was clearing up.

"Thanks," Augus wheezed, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I was so close to dying there."

"Almost thought we'd have to perform some impromptu Jujutsu to save you there," Gojo quipped, laughing  heartily, his white teeth gleaming in the sunlight. "Don't mention it. Wouldn't want my new buddy to die on me just yet."

Augus raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "New buddy?"

Gojo's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in closer. "You see, kiddo, I couldn't help but notice you here, and I thought, why not strike up a conversation? It's not every day you see someone enjoying a burger like it's their last meal."

Augus chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease. "Fair enough. So, what do you want to chat about?"

Gojo's smile widened. "Well, how about we grab a bit more privacy?"

With the awkward moment behind them, Gojo leaned in closer, his playful demeanor shifting to something more serious. "Listen, kid, we know you're not exactly from around here, and you seem to know more than you're letting on."

Augus raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. He had expected the encounter to be hostile or cryptic, but Gojo's direct approach surprised him. He nodded in response, signaling that he was willing to talk.

"Good," Gojo said with a nod. 

Augus agreed, and the three of them gathered their belongings and made their way to a quieter corner of the restaurant, away from the prying ears of other customers.

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Once they were sure that no one could hear them, Nanami leaned in, his voice low and serious. "So, kid, who are you, and what are you doing here in Japan?"

Augus swallowed nervously but decided to play it cool. "The name's Augus," he replied, "and honestly, I'm not entirely sure how I ended up in Japan. The last thing I remember was hunting down a particularly nasty curse spirit. After that... it's all a bit of a blur. Maybe I hit my head or something. Memory loss, you know?"

Nanami and Gojo exchanged knowing glances, neither buying into Augus' story. Gojo's grin remained intact, but there was a hint of skepticism in his eyes.

"That's quite the theory," Gojo said with a playful tone. "But I've seen my fair share of memory loss cases, and yours doesn't quite fit the bill, kid."

Nanami, ever the stoic one, simply nodded in agreement. They weren't about to let Augus off the hook so easily, but for now, they decided not to press further on the matter.

Changing the subject, Gojo leaned back in his chair and asked, "So, why were you hunting that curse spirit, anyway? It must have been pretty powerful to leave you in this state."

Augus hesitated for a moment, then conjured up a convincing lie. "Honestly, I can't recall much about it," he said, feigning frustration. "All I know is that it was dangerous, like real bad news. Maybe that's why I went after it, to protect people."

Nanami raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. Gojo, on the other hand, seemed satisfied with the answer, at least for now.

Nanami decided to dig a bit deeper. "And what's your reason for hunting curses in the first place? You don't strike me as the typical Jujutsu sorcerer."

Augus let out an exasperated huff. "Jujutsu? That's a load of crap," he declared with a scowl. "I mean, I learned about all that sorcery stuff, and you know what I found out? Working as a regular is even more crap, and the salary is crappier than crap itself."

Gojo couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "Two Nanamis now."

Nanami, however, gave Augus a slight nod of respect. "Practical," he commented, his tone devoid of judgment.

Gojo, always one to seize an opportunity, chimed in. "Well, kid, if you're looking for something better, how about joining Jujutsu Tech?"

Augus quirked an eyebrow, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. "Why would you invite an unknown factor like me?"

Gojo let out a hearty laugh, his sunglasses reflecting his amusement. "Simple, really. Even if you turn out to be dangerous, I can just kill you on the spot."

Augus blinked, somewhat taken aback by Gojo's bluntness. After a moment, he nodded in acceptance. "Fair enough. Plus, it might give me better connections and allies, not that I care about that sort of thing."

He wasn't about to admit that part of his willingness to join was the chance to be closer to his favorite characters, or "waifus," as he called them. No, that couldn't be it.

Nanami, always the pragmatist, gave a slight nod of approval. "Smart kid," he remarked, seemingly satisfied with Augus's decision.

Gojo couldn't resist a playful jab. "You know, kid, we've got some pretty strong sorcerers at Jujutsu Tech. And some lovely students, too."

Augus rolled his eyes, pretending to be uninterested. "Yeah, yeah, I'm not here for your 'lovely students.' I've got better things to do."

Nanami, ever the observant one, couldn't help but notice the subtle twinkle in Augus' eye, revealing a hint of curiosity beneath his tough exterior.

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Tokyo Jujutsu High, a place of mystique and power, was where Gojo Satoru had brought Augus to meet his former teacher, Principal Yaga. The principal's imposing presence could be felt even before they entered his office, and Gojo, as usual, had that irreverent smile plastered on his face.

Principal Yaga's glare could have frozen magma. "Gojo, have you found the spirit?"

Gojo's response was as playful as ever, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, Sensei, I wouldn't say I've found the spirit, but I've brought something even better!"

He dramatically swept his arm toward Augus with an excited tone, introducing him as if he were a prized possession. Meanwhile, Nanami and Augus stared at Gojo as if he'd lost his mind. Veins began to appear on the principal's forehead, a clear sign of building frustration.

Without a word, he sucker-punched Gojo, sending him stumbling back. "You imbecile!" Yaga yelled in exasperation.

Augus couldn't help but watch in awe as Gojo received an earful from his former teacher. He turned to Nanami, bewildered, and asked, "Is this... normal?"

Nanami sighed, unable to refute Augus' words. Gojo's antics had a way of making even the most extraordinary situations seem insane.

Finally, Principal Yaga shifted his attention to Augus, his expression softening as he returned to sewing one of his teddy bears. He glanced at Augus and asked, "So, why do you want to join Tokyo Jujutsu High?"

Augus didn't beat around the bush. "I'm broke, don't have a home, and if I want to make it far in this line of work, I need connections and contacts."

Yaga stopped sewing and looked into Augus' eyes, seeing the seriousness within them. The principal let out a weary sigh and said, "Very well, you're in. But first, you must pass my test."

Augus raised an eyebrow, curious about what kind of test the principal had in mind. Before he could inquire further, one of the teddy bears in the room sprang to life, transforming into a hulking bear-like creature. It roared and threw a massive punch, aimed at Augus.

Augus' instincts kicked in, and he easily avoided the attack, moving with a fluid grace that spoke of his combat prowess. He realized the principal's test was far from ordinary.

Yaga's deep voice rumbled through the room. "Your test is to defeat the bear before sundown."

As Augus faced off against the hulking bear, he shrugged nonchalantly and pointed his finger at the stuffed bear on the principal's desk. With a simple utterance of "bite," the head of the blood hound emerged out of nowhere, its jaws snapping shut around the stuffed bear. In a matter of seconds, the toy was devoured whole.

Yaga, Nanami, and Gojo watched in fascination as the blood hound carried out Augus' command. The creature had their undivided attention.

The blood hound turned to Augus and called him "master," its voice a strange blend of loyalty and curiosity. "May I eat the bear, master?" it asked.

Augus considered it for a moment, then shook his head. "Nah, not this time."

The blood hound seemed disappointed and sighed,but it obeyed Augus nonetheless. With a sudden, powerful exhale, it spat the stuffed bear out like a cannonball, sending it crashing through the wall. The bear vanished from sight, leaving a gaping hole in the room.

Gojo, Nanami, and Yaga turned their attention back to Augus, who had a bemused expression on his face. He quickly asked, "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

The room was filled with a mix of awe, curiosity, and perhaps a touch of concern, as they tried to make sense of Augus' mysterious abilities and the unusual creature at his side.

Principal Yaga returned to his sewing, seemingly satisfied with Augus's response. "You're a strange one, but I suppose that's not necessarily a bad thing."

Gojo's irreverent grin widened as he happily congratulated Augus for passing the test. "Well done, kid! You're officially in!"

However, he couldn't resist the urge to pester Augus about the blood hound. "Come on, summon the bloodhound. I wanna give it some treats! It's adorable!"

Augus crossed his arms, a stubborn glint in his eye. "No, it's not a pet. Stop asking."

Gojo, undeterred, continued to pester Augus, attempting to wear down his resistance. "Just a little treat won't hurt, right?"

Meanwhile, Principal Yaga called out to Nanami, his voice a low rumble. "Nanami, do you feel it?"

Nanami nodded, his brow furrowed in contemplation. The curse energy emanating from the blood hound was unlike anything they had encountered before. It was unconventional, to say the least.

They exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging that Augus was more than he seemed. But they chose not to pursue the matter further. If Augus was dangerous, having him within Tokyo Jujutsu High's walls would make it easier to keep an eye on him.

Gojo, still focused on Augus and the blood hound, turned to Principal Yaga with a mischievous grin. "Sensei, I'll take Augus to the dorms and show him around."

However, Yaga's patience was running thin, and he called out to Gojo, his voice a thunderous bellow. "Gojo, we haven't heard your report yet!"

But it was too late. Gojo and Augus had already disappeared from the office, leaving Principal Yaga to sigh in exasperation, a teddy bear in his hands as he returned to his sewing.