

"You all said you wanted to live in the streets right? Maybe I need to sell this house to someone who is ready to check the inside before turning down the opportunity" the General said and snickered. "Nononono wait I take back everything I said before" Addison said defeatedly. "Yeah I shouldn't have judged a book by its cover" Cole said. "This place is insane" Levi stated. "I sure was right to stay by the General's side I guess" Ara commented. "If everyone is that impressed then why not take rooms, there is one room for each of you making it 8 bedrooms, everyone has a king sized bed with attached bathrooms. There is a kitchen, gym, training area and last but not the least the gaming room" the General explained. Everyone squeaked and ran around the house admiring every inch.

Addison's pov

'I was totally wrong about this place' I thought looking at my room. The room was well furnished with a big king sized bed right in the middle. I ran and jumped on the bed. "Whohoo this is so cool! Its better than my old apartment" I said out loud. "I love this place"

Someone cleared their throat. I turned to see Levi smiling at my confession. "W- what are you doing here" I stammered embarrassed. "Dinner is ready" Levi replied giggling and left the room. "Ughhh why do I always end up in awkward situations" I said and sighed walking towards the kitchen.

"Why do I smell pizza" Rae came sniffing into the kitchen. "Because we are having pizza for dinner, duh" Cole said annoyed. Rae rolled her eyes, took a slice and sat on the couch with the others. Her eyes on the screen. Everyone was cuddled eating through their slices, eyes glued to the screen.

Days passed by, it was like a normal routine for them wake up, breakfast, training, sleep. the same cycle continues on the next day.


It was 2 am when the main door burst open and someone came running inside the mansion. Everyone was fast asleep so no one noticed. Someone burst into Levi's room and shook Levi from his sleep. Levi sturred around and opened his eyes, "Aaaaaah" he screamed and fell of his bed. He stood up and stared at the General's pale face "What happened General? Why do you look like you just saw a ghost" asked Levi half asleep. "We found him" stated the General. Levi's eyes darted open.