

"I am not even entering that place" Cole said. "This is the exact opposite of what I imagined it to be" Vector admitted. "You haven't even seen the inside. Trust me it is better than it looks from here" the General said and sighed. "Nope, not in a million years I am entering that house or whatever it is" Addison replied. "Yeah we can sleep on the streets but this looks worse" Leo added. "Everyone will follow me and check out the inside and that's AN ORDER" the General finalized. "But-" Addison started. The General turned to Addison and gave a glare that pierced right into her soul. She gulped and did not dare to utter a single word after that. The doors creaked open with dust flying everywhere. They coughed and walked inside the old mansion. It was dark and hideous. Small glass shreds and other materials laying on the floor. The carpet looked very old with a grand staircase followed by it. "This place is disgusting" Leo said and sneezed. "Tell me about it. I am not living for even a single hour in here" Addison added. "I am going back" Cole stated and walked back towards the door. "NO ONE IS LEAVING. FOLLOW ME" the General's voice more stern and commanding. Everyone knew if they disobeyed they will have to pay the consequences. "Let's just follow the General" Levi said and Ara nodded in agreement. Everyone groaned and followed the General deeper into the mansion.

The General led them up the stairs and stopped infront of a huge painting. "Why are we staring at this painting?" Nicole asked out of curiosity filling her face. Everyone turned their heads towards the General looking for answers to see her calmly lifting the painting to reveal a small door hidden behind it. She opened the door using a code and the door opened smoothly. They gave confused glances at each other and followed the General through the door. They looked up and their jaws dropped yet again. There laid a beautiful mansion with marble floors and walls. vanilla scent filling the air, a grand staircase leading to rooms, glass roof letting the sunlight hit every corner of the house. This was the opposite of what they had just seen.

"I PRESENT YOU YOUR NEW HOME! HOME SWEET HOME" the General said grinning wild at our dropped jaws.