
Beyond The Astral

Beyond The Astral follows the journey of Rosetta Lyons, an ordinary 19 year old who works as the head servant for the royal family. One day she decides to aid in setting free a group of criminals that were wrongfully arrested only to discover they're heroes from another realm known as "Guardians". Join her as she navigates the challenges and secrets of her world, unravelling a web of intrigue that could change the course of her realm forever.

Awkwxrd · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Pyro vs Cryo Part 3

One of Zera's most impressive attributes is the accuracy of her projection, at long range Hunter would have a little trouble going one on one, therefore he decided to take it up close and personal.


"Advanced Creation"


Hunter launched his attack with great power and strife, he knew no mere ice wall would be able to stop an advanced creation charm, so Zera had to counter with one of her own which would give him enough time to get close enough to strike.

Zera stood still as the flaming spear hurdled towards her.

She wasn't even paying attention to it, she was eyeing down Hunter as he dashed towards.

It wouldn't matter if Hunters projection was slightly off, this charm works similar to Zaranah's ever seeking vines in that it tracks the opponent however, the spear missed completey.

"WHAT!? WHY DIDN'T IT TRACK HER!?" Hunter's thoughts about taking this fight up close changed, he knows too little about this woman to take her head on like this but it was too late for that as he was already in striking distance.

Surprisingly Zera lunged first with a series of rapid punches aimed at Hunter's midsection. Hunter, however, was nimble. He danced around Zera's attacks, adopting a stance that utilized his speed to his advantage. He ducked and weaved, evading each strike, like a gust of wind eluding grasping hands.

But Zera was not to be outmaneuvered easily. With a sudden pivot and a fierce roundhouse kick, she aimed for Hunter's head. Hunter barely managed to duck in time, the rushing wind of Zera's foot grazing the tips of his hair. He countered quickly, launching forward with a swift jab, but Zera caught his arm, spinning him around and delivering a sharp elbow to his back. The impact sent him stumbling forward, but he rolled quickly to regain his footing.

"Nice try!" Zera taunted, a confident smile painting her lips as she readied herself for another attack. "But you're going to have to do better than that!"

Hunter grinned back, shaking off the pain. "Silvana was right you really ARE annoying"

He surged forward, employing a flurry of precise strikes designed to keep Zera on the defensive. One punch slipped past Zera's guard, catching her squarely on the jaw. She staggered back but swiftly regained her composure, eyes blazing with determination.

Zera decided to change tactics. She took a step back, her posture shifting into a defensive stance, inviting Hunter to come at her. He lunged, aiming for her midsection once more but Zera sidestepped, using his momentum against him. She twisted, executing a perfect hip throw that sent Hunter crashing to the ground.

Zera encased her foot in frost as she tried to stomp Hunter's head but he rolled out the way in time. Zera felt a surge of exhilaration as she pressed the attack.