
Beyond The Astral

Beyond The Astral follows the journey of Rosetta Lyons, an ordinary 19 year old who works as the head servant for the royal family. One day she decides to aid in setting free a group of criminals that were wrongfully arrested only to discover they're heroes from another realm known as "Guardians". Join her as she navigates the challenges and secrets of her world, unravelling a web of intrigue that could change the course of her realm forever.

Awkwxrd · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Cryo vs Astra Part 3

"YOU KNOW WHAT!? TO HELL WITH KEEPING THINGS EVEN!" Yelled Zera in a psychotic tone.

Zera clutched the knife tightly, its sharp edge glinting menacingly in the dim moonlight. Silvana had no visible weapon, but the fury in her gaze spoke volumes.

Zera's hand trembled slightly as she brandished the knife, memories of past transgressions fueling her determination.

Zera charged forward, determined to land the fatal blow. But Silvana was faster, evading the attack with effortless precision.

Zera's attacks grew more frantic, her desperation fueling her strength. Yet Silvana remained calm, her defense impenetrable.

Sweat poured down Zera's brow as she lunged again and again, each strike failing to find its mark. Silvana moved with fluid, almost supernatural speed, anticipating every move before it happened.

As the night moved on, Zera's stamina began to wane. Strikes grew slower, blocks more desperate. Yet the fire in her eyes burned brighter than ever, a testament to her indomitable will.

Then, in a flash with a deft flick of her wrist, Silvana sent Zera's knife clattering onto the ground.

Suddenly, Zera felt a sharp pain in her side. She looked down to see Silvana's hand buried deep within her. Silvana had poured so much strength into her attack that her hand penetrated right through Zera's abdomen. Silvana took her hand out, blood gushing from Zera's lower torso. As her vision began to fade, Zera realized her overconfidence had been her undoing.

She cursed Silvana's unnatural abilities.

Zera fell to the ground. The Silhouette of Silvana standing over her.

"What are you waiting for?" She said, patiently waiting for her to deal the finishing blow.

Silvana went down on one knee and stretched out her arm, palm facing at the injury she had just caused.

Zera couldn't move, her pain was unbearable and her body had no strength left. All she could do now was wait.

"Advanced Astra Enchantment"

"Healing Solar Ray"

A gentle glowing array of yellow light covered Zera's injury.

"You wont be back to one hundred percent but it will be enough to keep you alive"

Zera was understandably confused, why the hell had Silvana chosen to heal her? but she was too weak to even open her mouth to speak.

"Until you've told me everything I can't afford to let you die just yet"

Zera couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, the loss of blood caused her to eventually drift off and lose consciousness. Silvana ripped off a piece of her own sleeve and tied it around Zera's wrist just to be safe.

Silvana had won the battle, yet she could not help but wonder what would have happened if they had used their mancery.

She walked over to the edge of the rooftop and looked over the horizon. The sun began to rise. She looked down into the streets of the kingdom, there were citizens crowded around the main palace gate. It seems they had heard all the commotion after all and were watching the main gates in

The palace guards stationed outside were trying their best to keep the crowd calm and under control. While additional Guards were trying to pry open the main door.

"Do not fear citizens, We have our best men attending to the matter!"

"What is going on in their!?"

"Is the Apostle safe!?"

"Where are the Guardians!?"

The crowd was growing more and more uneasy.

They all waited anxiously for Guards to enter the palace. The air stale with anticipation, and eyes fixated on the door unaware that the matter had already been resolved.

"I wonder when they realized something was wrong?" Silvana thought.

"There you are"

Silvana turned around to meet a familiar face. Zaranah was walking towards her, clothes tattered and torn with a cut on her lower lip but she was perfectly fine otherwise.

"Took you long enough"

"Would it kill you to act that we're related? And i'm FINE thanks for asking"

"What's the situation downstairs?"

"The Apostle is safe, Lucien is with her as well, also I found out what's keeping all the exits blocked, all the locks and hinges were frozen. Hunter tried pyromance but its not melting an inch"


"Hunters jaw might be dislocated but he'll survive."

Zaranah looked over at Zera, still laying on the floor. Her eyes filled with regret and sorrow. She had considered Zera her friend, she was also the one most anxious for her arrival but after what just conspired. Her feelings had shifted completely.

"And just when we were starting to get along..." She thought.