
Beyond Realities

The world was going on as it was supposed to go on, Heroes in extravagant costumes and the classic struggle of good against evil for world supremacy. Suddenly strange events begin to occur. Small dimensional rifts open sporadically, briefly releasing otherworldly energy. Through these fissures, spirits with supernatural abilities gradually emerge into the unknown world of the quirks. None of the anime franchises here belong to me, credits to their respective creators, any changes are purely my intellectual property.

axelrod_43 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 10

It all happened in a matter of 30 seconds, but for everyone else it was like an eternity.

It was a memory that would haunt them in their dreams for a long time.

"A....AAAAAAAAAA" Uraraka was the first to react in the situation, having 13 behind her back and being so close to him was inevitable.

The pieces of the late hero's helmet on the floor led her to touch her face with a phantom feeling of the hero's blood splashing on it. 


This led to several cries of mass hysteria among the youngsters. Aizawa returned to look when he heard all the screams but a blow from a villain forced him to ignore the situation.

Izuku seemed to be in a trance, he hadn't shouted, hadn't said a single word, even his gaze was still fixed on the spot where the friendly hero had been standing, now only the girl who killed him was standing there.

"Her age could not have been more than 16 years old, and any other day she could have passed as just another student. But the flintlock pistol in her hand told her otherwise.

She was a villain.

"But where are my manners?" As if her actions didn't matter to her she acted calmly, not like a crazed killer would. Her flintlock pistol disappeared and she elegantly grabbed the hems of her dress like a woman with a lot of money would "Lately the news has been calling me 'Nightmare' but you can call me Kurumi!"

She bowed her head politely and smiled. 

"You..." The floor shook and the students who best managed to keep their composure watched the floor crack between them "What did you do!?"

Yatogami Tohka was the first to pounce in vengeful anger, her Sandalphon sword already clutched in her hand, her armor-clad dress letting out a metallic clang as she rushed towards Nightmare.

"You're going to pay for this!" 

"Agreed." The Yamai sisters followed Tohka with their weapons in hand.

"Ara?" Kurumi saw them approaching and dodged Sandalphon's first slash with ease "Kurogiri dear, I need help here" As if she didn't mind the angry girls' attacks she just said something to the air.

The strongest in the classroom like Kotori, Bakugo, Todoroki, Origami, Kirishima, and the rest changed their expressions of pain and got ready to attack the black-haired girl who shot at him.

"A deep male voice spoke to everyone and a black smoke surrounded all the students, except for the twins and Tohka who were already fighting.

"Now that it's safer we can fight" When Kurumi said that the 3 girls stopped their attacks and took the opportunity to catch their breath. Big mistake "Zaftkiel!" 

A huge clock with Roman numerals appeared behind Kurumi, in her right hand a musket and in her left hand the flintlock pistol she already used before.

The black smoke surrounding the students began to vanish. But there were no longer all the students who had once been there.


"Hwua!" The first thing the red-haired man knew was that he was falling, but he could only see water so it wouldn't hurt so much "The flood zone!?" He shouted but could do nothing to prevent the fall.

Breathing was essential for anyone in a society of heroes, so even though it was a surprise Izuku managed to hold his breath quickly.

"Oho! The chum has arrived!"

"Bluah!?" Though the shock of seeing a shark-man in scuba gear ruined everything.

"Nothing personal but... "He opened his mouth showing several pointed teeth "Sayonara!"

Izuku covered his face in fear waiting for the ....bite? That never came because a girl in a latex suit kicked the shark villain in the face "Midoriya!" He couldn't hear her but saw how the girl's long tongue curled around him to come out.

He also had a boy with hair like grapes on his arm. He swam out and threw the red-haired boy into the boat to safety.

"If she's a frog why are her breasts..." And the grape boy couldn't finish because he was thrown, much more roughly, into the boat as well.

"Thank you Asui...

"Call me Tsuyu" Asui Tsuyu, a girl who had a Quirk that gave her frog-like characteristics and abilities.

They dried off a bit and Izuku put on a serious expression "They have somehow got the curriculum..." It was the only thing that could explain that they knew where they would be "It's just like Todoroki said.... They were waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack!"

"B-but there's no way they can kill All Might" Although trying to look confident Minoru Mineta looked noticeably nervous "Once All Might arrives he'll do like PAW! and KABAM!"

"Mineta..." Tsuyo looked at him "They must know how to kill him. Otherwise it would be absurd for them to go through that only to be crushed, wouldn't it?" He pointed out the obvious and left the little boy speechless.

"Besides they told us that they would torture us to death, remember?" And to crush his hopes even more the girl continued "And if that wasn't enough, will we be able to endure without doing anything? And what if he comes back all right?"

"M-M-Midoriya!!!" And he clung to the green-haired man in desperation.

But there wasn't enough time to process or make a plan. "Come back here!" "I'll kill you!!!" The villains found them, though they hadn't been hiding either.

Midoriya began to think of a plan of action as to why they would want to kill him. But their reasons didn't matter, it could be anyone and that didn't change anything for the green-haired man.

"Anyway, if those bastards have some trick to beat All Might..." His mind was clear, his body ready to take action and fight "We can only fight to win!"

It seemed like a natural thing to say, but that's all Tsuyu and Mineta needed.


In a rocky area, the area designated to simulate earthquakes and landslides, were 2 other students. 

"You guys have no compassion for children eh?" The half-half boy Shoto Todoroki was preparing himself with ice armor like he wore some time ago.

"It doesn't look to me like they're going to let us go..." The white-haired Origami as she begins to float in the air, golden feathers changing size "Metatron!"


In the area to train rescues in mountains and valleys were already fighting against villains a couple of students...particularly to get together

"COME ON YOU BASTARDS I'M GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU!" From the words anyone would think that this was shouted by a villain, but this threat was said by the blond Katsuki Bakugo.

"Do you really want to be a hero?...." the red-haired Kirishima would ask with a wry look on his face as he stiffened his arms to protect himself from being hit.


And the last students who were teleported by the villain were surrounded by many villains on the outskirts of the area for rescues in buildings.

"Meggido!" The prodigal redhead, Itsuka Kotori, was firing with her cannon/staff at the farthest villains, of course the power was not lethal.

"Good thing we finished her off" Kaminari snorts in relief and shoots small electric beams at the nearest enemies "I don't know what we'd do if so many people surrounded us 2" 

"No point thinking too much about it" And the third person was hitting the villains on their side with a police stick was Momo Yaoyorozu "Take this!" And he also made a gun out of fire bullets for emergency.

The students were fighting in the 4 drill zones against multiple villains at once.

Completely unaware that those who were not lucky enough to be taken by Kurogiri were fighting against the main force at the moment.


"I need your help here Ochako-chan!" The desperate voice of Mina Ashido, a girl with the peculiarity of having pink skin, reached Uraraka's ears.

Everything had gone to hell all over again and a day that should have been just a pleasant school experience led them to witness their first 'death' although there still seemed to be a faint hope.

"I'm coming!" The sound of gunfire flooded the area as the very sound of concrete breaking on impact was as close to a war field as they had ever been on.

"Look out!" Behind Uraraka emerged a portal that saved her from being struck by one of the villains that overtook Aizawa.

"Th-Thank you Muku-chan!" Uraraka said without looking back at the blonde girl who was with her big key in hand and giving cover to the students who were wandering away.

Against the villainous Nightmare only Tohka, the Yamai and Natsumi who went after Kurogiri took some of them elsewhere dared to go.

Aizawa was still in the central area fighting against most of the villains that attacked the U.S.J. but his movements were becoming more and more clumsy due to fatigue and the wounds he was accumulating.

But the others were caught between a rock and a hard place. Kurogiri was holding them back long enough so that they could not escape for help, communications were cut off and all the destruction was kept inside, so the civilians outside had no idea if there was a problem.

"Iida-san watch out!" Mukuro shouted as a guy in a reptile mask came at him with a metal rod "Rataibu!" He pointed at the space between Iida and the villain and with his key stabbed the space, a wormhole emerged and the villain was carried away.

"Thank you!" Iida looked at her and rushed to help Shoji and Tokoyami who were also fighting Kurogiri.

Michael, as Mukuro called his Quirk, was a great power, capable of opening portals to wherever she had her gaze. Of course, it was this incredible ability that in turn prevented her from going to ask for help.

When they found out about this they all came to the conclusion that Iida was the only one with the speed to get to the U.A. and search for All Might, Mukuru was also the biggest support they had at the moment so he couldn't just leave.

But Kurogiri was no novice at this and he had made it a point that no student would leave U.S.J.

"He's losing a lot of blood..." Uraraka arrived at Mina's side and the dying body of 13. The pink-skinned girl was the only one who when the danger ceased a little went running towards the heroic rescuer, there at his side hope came for a small second when she saw that he was still breathing and had a pulse, hope that was practically extinguished when she saw the damage done.

Even in a society of heroes with diverse and miraculous powers a bullet in the head was not something you could just get up from.

"That's why I need you to help me!!!" But she would cling to the slim chance that he would live and so she tore off parts of her hero suit to try to do something with her near-zero knowledge of first aid.

"I-I don't know what to do either Mina-chan..." And as was obvious the young Uraraka also had no idea what to do in this situation.

"Kuh.... Mukuru-chan!" The girl gritted her teeth and immediately called out to the blonde. A couple of days ago when Tsuyu slipped and fell Mukuru revealed that her power was able to close wounds, not heal them, but seal them.

"It's now Iida!" Tokoyami's somber voice reached the girls and they watched as Iida almost ran off, but was stopped by Kurogiri just the same "Damn..."

It seemed like an eternity for the boys who were desperately struggling both to call for help and to save 13, but it really wasn't even 10 minutes since the arrival of all the villains.

"Haaa" Aoyama shot a lightning bolt in the direction of Kurogiri who had to turn his body into smoke so that the attack wouldn't harm him "Now Sato-kun, Shoji-san!" But they who already knew the extent of his abilities planned for this to happen.

Rikido Sato ate what looked like a sugar cube and grabbed Kurogiri's body by the metal plate it had. Shoji took advantage of the grip and with his arms hit the immobilized villain. 

"NOW!" And with this slight distraction Iida ran away as if his life depended on it.

"Zaftkiel! Zayin!" Kurumi's voice sent chills down the spine of the students who helped Iida leave, but the attack never came thanks to Tohka. 

"Huf..." Those who helped the escape let out a sigh of relief as they saw him finally cross the gate, now it was simply a matter of time before help arrived and they were saved.

"Tch" But there was no time to rest, Kurogiri looked annoyed by what happened, he whispered to himself and went to where the bird monster and the guy with many hands were.

"Somebody help us please!!!" With no villains in sight and Nightmare busy fighting the others could finally turn their full attention to the hero on the floor.

But none of the people present knew what to do in that situation, the once colorful clothes Mina was wearing were stained with blood and it looked like they had done nothing to change the situation.

Uraraka did not know why he did not touch the body, but the pulse of 13 had long since stopped. Mukuro was the one who reached out and touched the neck to see if her Michael could do anything.

"M-Muku is sorry..." With an expression full of pain and regret the bad news reached the others.

13 had died.

Even in a society full of powers that in the past were only in people's imaginations something like a gunshot to the head was almost impossible to heal without the proper equipment, power, or knowledge.

Although future heroes, they were currently no more than teenagers.

They gave their priority to Iida leaving to ask for help, no one could blame them for something that was simply beyond their control and capabilities.

They made a decision and 13 died for it.

"Aizawa-sensei!!!" But both Aoyama and Uraraka noticed what was going on in the central area.

The bird monster was on top of their teacher, Aizawa himself had red eyes from using his power so much and his whole body was bloodied, he clearly took a beating.

"W-We have to go help him!" Mina wiped her tears and separated from 13's body, the others nodded in agreement but realized that someone was already there. 

"Get your hands off him!" with a rage they had never seen Mukuru was already in front of the beast, the others rushed down quickly to support "Release-Shifuru!" In her anger the blonde screamed and her key began to change shape.

Professor Aizawa said nothing, too busy trying not to pass out but his eyes widened in surprise.

What once looked like a decorative golden key was now an ornate single-pointed spear, Mukuro's face had only anger and worry on it, the villain with many severed hands, Shigaraki, only looked on in surprise at this. 

"Nomu, finish them off!" The bird monster, Nomu, lunged like a wild beast towards Mukuro. Aizawa's face contorted in fear and the rest of the students screamed in fear as the Nomu approached at high speed.

"Solution-Jerez!" But in full view of everyone Mukuro dodged the Nomu's initial blow and stabbed his spear into the beast's abdomen and twisted it as if it were a key "It's over." 

He pulled the spear out of the Nomu and moved away from it, everyone watched in surprise as from the abdomen the Nomu's body seemed to melt, its skin was falling off showing its muscles and nerves.

"W-What!?" Shigaraki shouted angrily "What the fuck is going on!!!?" And he began to compulsively scratch his neck.

Mukuro appeared behind him and next to Aizawa " Jerez, his body will melt away to nothing but dust!"

Mukuro's 'Quirk' trump card, the ability to melt matter to dust, under normal circumstances was a certain death attack.

"HAHAHA, I knew that wasn't all!" 


But it had been a long time since they had been in normal circumstances, and Mukuro watched in horror as the Nomu regenerated from all the damage it had inflicted on him, remaining as if nothing had happened.

Gunshots and clashes filled the atmosphere as Kurumi fought against the four girls. Iida was long gone and the hero 13 was dead. In this situation would they really be able to hold their own?

"Nomu... Finish them off!" Only time would tell


I'm sorry for the wait for this chapter, I fell sick and I couldn't write a single word, I hope you still liked this chapter!