
Beyond Realities

The world was going on as it was supposed to go on, Heroes in extravagant costumes and the classic struggle of good against evil for world supremacy. Suddenly strange events begin to occur. Small dimensional rifts open sporadically, briefly releasing otherworldly energy. Through these fissures, spirits with supernatural abilities gradually emerge into the unknown world of the quirks. None of the anime franchises here belong to me, credits to their respective creators, any changes are purely my intellectual property.

axelrod_43 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

"Oh, welcome All Might, come in" I knew it was weird since I got his call, first it was in the middle of my Hero shift and Director Nezu was treating me in a very formal manner.

"Sure, is there a problem?" Young Midoriya had applied a couple of weeks ago and still hadn't been accepted... had I figured it out?

Principal Nezu was known for his high intelligence, although no one but my daughters knew he might have discovered them...

He was looking at me intensely and I couldn't help but feel nervous... Should I tell him?

"Nono, I don't have any problem with you" He opened the folder on his desk and took out a sheet of paper which he offered me to take "Aizawa already knows, you are the only one I trust to protect her".

"Fuu..." I unintentionally let out a sigh that I was holding back when I saw that it wasn't Izuku's file.

"Itsuka Kotori...?" Hmm, the name looked a bit familiar, her red hair tied in 2 pigtails with white ribbons and she looked VERY young "Who is it?"

"This year's fourth recommended student, Endeavor insisted VERY strongly that she should enter this year, even though she's almost 2 years younger than usual."

I read the document I received quickly and found nothing out of the ordinary, except for his warning everything was something I expected from an aspiring Hero.

"As you can see the notice we left is a bit...ambiguous" I put the paper aside and looked at it "The handicap of her Quirk is possibly the most dangerous in history."

"You're exerting yourself a bit aren't you?" He should be.

But he just shook his head and continued, a sad smile on his head "The fire 5 years ago, the one that caused the death of hero Endeavor's eldest son and incapacitated 7 A-class heroes... plus the death of 3 beginner heroes."

I remembered that very well, one of my regrets for having been too far away to help.

"That fire was caused by her, it was the influence of Endeavor and the newly emerged Itsuka family that prevented her from being prosecuted" .... That... it was impossible, this girl at that time must not have been more than 10 years old.

"I know what you're thinking Yagi, it was hard for me to accept it too..." The director put the sheet of paper in his folder and put it in a drawer. "Your mission is to prevent her from reaching that point again" He stood up and pulled another document from his bookcase "Or I'm afraid there will be little we can do."

My blood ran cold and I felt anger slowly creep into me reading that document "This.... She's just a child!!!"

<Permission for the capture and subsequent execution of Itsuka Kotori is hereby granted by this court in case another incident like one already on file should occur again> 


I didn't want to do this, but after what happened with ..... No, there is no point in remembering my past mistakes, I need help with this.

"Hm? Did something happen dad?" My daughter was the first to arrive, I decided to tell them at the same time and I didn't want to risk someone else finding out.

"How can I help you sensei?" And here came one of the most powerful students this year, the young Tobiichi Origami.

"I have brought them here to ask for your help" I tried to sound confident but I was really worried about the situation... "Please read this" Nezu will definitely kill me if he finds out that I showed official and private documents to students who have not even been in school for 1 day.

Yes, that will definitely be a problem for the All Might of the future.

"W-What?" My dear Natsumi was the first to look at me, her eyes did not show her typical joy but were now surprised and scared "H-How is this possible?...."

"Please I would like to know the same sensei" The young Origami girl looked less surprised than my daughter but she was still alert about what she read.

"I'm afraid there's not much more to explain..." Those damned politicians "The student Itsuka Kotori was convicted by the Japanese court of justice" 

If I had known about this before.... No, I shouldn't think that, I look at Natsumi's current appearance and remember that at that time I was so immature and surely couldn't have helped her.

But to be condemned to die at only 10 years old.... 

And according to the records her family did not protect her...

"According to them her powers are too dangerous to society, especially since she may give up her control to destructive impulses."

"But still!" Natsumi even after everything that happened deep down inside cared about others.... 

"If she loses control of her powers to a level where she is just a spirit of destruction then she will be marked as a villain" And she will be renamed as 'unrecoverable' but it was better not to tell them that.

"So you brought us here because you want us to help if that happens?" Wow, Aizawa told me that she seemed to be very insightful but I took the words out of my mouth.

Natsumi looked at me and I just nodded "Not only that, I'd like you guys to be there and make sure she doesn't lose control in the first place."

They both agreed without hesitation and that night we were planning how they would help me help her.

I didn't like to 'force' a friendship but in this case it was necessary, besides how bad could she be?


"At that point I simply felt like incinerating Shoto's body" Malo, this girl was not so right in the head.

"Oho? Would you mind telling me what made you think that? It gives me ideas for the antagonist of my manga!" And I don't think it's very responsible for Nia-san to be her psychologist "This will help me raise the level of my manga!"

Forget that, Nia-san was equal or worse than young Itsuka....

"Of course I can tell you! It all starts with..." Where are you young Midoriya? Can we go back to the time where I only cared about training you?

"...And the cool way you..." Should I go now? The day is almost over and I promised them we'd have pizza today.

"...If you're interested I could also..." I left taking out the garbage today? ".... What does All Might-sensei think?" Hah? Oh yeah that's right! That's why I came here.

"He seems to be too focused on whatever he's thinking about" Wait a minute... what were you guys talking about and why were you looking at me so weird?

"Hello?? Earth calling All Might-sensei!" Damn! I spaced out too much.

"YES!?" I unintentionally shouted and clearly surprised both of them "Sorry, I was thinking a bit".

"Hahaha, it's okay, no problem!" Nia-san answered me with a mischievous smile on her face "Well, besides what happened in your class there's nothing remarkable to say, Kotori-chan is quite alright!" 

"Did you hear that All Might-sensei? I feel fine already!" I can see that young Itsuka has her black ribbons but she looked irritated by this situation.

"Yes Kotori-chan, you can retire to your home now, see you soon!" Should I escort her out? "And thanks also for all your great ideas for my manga!"

Nia-san looks at me and I get the message, I guess yes I should escort her out of the campus "I'm going too then! Thank you so much Oracle-sensei!"

"Oh please! You don't need to be so formal with me and you know it" If I'm not formal when I'm on campus Aizawa is likely to complain later....

I gave my hero smile to Nia-san and better go with Miss Itsuka, classes ended 15 minutes ago and she will want to go home.

"Are you sure you feel good already young Itsuka?" While we walked she changed her hair ribbons and now her behavior was much more childish, she is a strange girl....

"I already told you All Might-sensei! I feel fine!" I guess Nia-san was right then, I should stop worrying so much.

"And how are you doing in class? Any friends?" Did the plan we made with Natsumi and Miss Origami worked?

"Hmm, classes are going well, although Aizawa-sensei is a bit boring.... Don't tell her I told you so!" Haha, it seems that Aizawa already left her mark on the students "And well, Origami-san and Natsumi-chan have been very good to me, you could say we're friends!" 

YES, The plan worked!!! "In that case, please take good care of my daughter, she's a bit... exaggerated, but deep down she needs someone to count on! Someone other than me of course haha"

"I'm also quite fond of Izuku-kun! It's so much fun to tease him" Eh? Poor young Midoriya... he gets a hard time with her as a friend haha.

"Is that so? In that case I'm really glad!" We arrived at the exit of Yuuei campus, at the stop I saw a...limousine? "I have to make a report about today's class so I'll say goodbye for today young Itsuka!!!! Come back carefully!"

"See you tomorrow All Might-sensei!"

Nothing else happened that day, I wrote a report on my failed class, we ate pizza with Natsumi and Yoshino and the days passed normally.

If I had something 'weird' to point out, it was the day that reporters interrupted me on campus to look for an interview with me. .... It's really hard to be famous!

Of course, being sought out by reporters and photographers was nothing out of the ordinary, but someone had broken the outer walls of the school allowing my admirers to enter.

There was also that strange girl with black hair and a gothic lolita dress called it? Gothic lolita they called it? I seem to remember yes. 

She was also wearing a patch over her left eye and when I saw her I got a strange feeling... as if my body was screaming at me that she was dangerous.

That feeling only increased when we exchanged brief words.

"Ufufu, I must admit that All Might looks much grander in person" At that time I just ignored the feeling and smiled at him asking if she wanted an autograph.

His words to this day give me a chill "Kukuku, don't worry about it All Might.... after all we will see each other very soon." 

She bowed and left, but the feeling that something bad would happen would not go away anytime soon....


Izuku Midoriya was having the best days of his life.

There were few moments that he remembered and would remember fondly in the future, but few things like his first week at Yuuei Hero School.

The green hair could be who he really was inside those walls, Tohka already had to defend him from everything because he could defend himself, that also helped to improve his relationships with others and with each other.

Since they met that afternoon in that snow covered park they were friends, but it was hard for Izuku to make friends with her when she almost always had to defend him from trouble.

But not anymore, the blonde who for a long time was the main cause of his suffering was much calmer since they fought in All Might's class.

He also seemed to have developed a strange phobia of the blonde girl who sealed his Quirk for an hour.

"Everyone enter the bus in an orderly way and sit in your already assigned seats!" Tenya Iida surprisingly won the vote for class president, of course his character shown during the 'crisis' with the reporters the other day helped.

It also helped that Itsuka Kotori decided not to participate in the vote.

Although when they entered the bus they realized to the great embarrassment of their president, that the seats on the bus were not as he thought "I was so wrong ....". The class vice president, Yuzuru Yamai, patted him on his back in support.

"Your Quirk is quite similar to All Might's isn't it?" Asui Tsuyu asked out of the blue when the trip started, poor Izuku was too nervous to hear that.

"S-Seriously!? Hahah but mine isn't like..."

"But wait Asui! All Might would never get hurt like that haha!" The red-haired Kirishima scoffed a little "Although I'm a little jealous of your power-up type Quirk, mine just hardens my body, it's not bad or anything but not flashy either!"

Izuku took advantage of the new topic to divert attention away from him "I think it's a really cool Quirk! It will definitely be useful for you"

"Heroism can also be like a popularity contest you know?" The guy in armor Aoyama contributed as well "My navel laser is flashy and strong!"

"Although it would be bad if during a fight your stomach collapsed haha" And his pride was knocked down after a comment from Mina Ashido.

"Kekeke, if we're talking about a flashy Quirk they definitely have to talk about us! The hurricane sisters!" Kaguya puffed out her chest proudly.

"Affirmation. Our Quirk can be very eye-catching" Yuzuru accompanied her sister with a haughty smile.

"Although if we're talking about a powerful Quirk we should definitely talk about Bakugo, Todoroki and Itsuka!" Tohka stated the obvious, although for Izuku she also fell into the category with them "But Bakugo with his attitude will never be popular!"

"Hey Bitch! Of course I'll be popular!" The blond shouted back, drawing laughter from many people.

"What a vulgar conversation..." Momo covered her mouth.

"But they make me laugh" Uraraka commented.

"We're almost there, feel good..." Professor Aizawa said in his usual tired voice.

Just as he said in a short time the students arrived at a beautiful and quite large place, the U.S.J.

"Floods, landslides..." A strange man in an astrounata suit greeted them as they walked through the gate of the complex "Fires, etc. This is a training practice set up to simulate all kinds of disasters and accidents."

"The Ultimate Space for Jams!"

"That's the heroes 13!? Unbelievable" Izuku's fanaticism as always led him to admire the hero in front of him.

"He's the hero who always helps in natural disasters, isn't he!?" Tohka and Uraraka were also excited to see him.

"Hey 13, where's All Might?" asked Aizawa in a low voice.

"Looks like he's been doing his job and his time is up, now he's resting." 

"Tch, that impulsive guy as usual" He looked a bit annoyed but quickly his indifference returned "Shall we start?"

"OK! But first let's start with a couple of things, I'm sure you all know that my Quirk is called a black hole" He raised his hand and did a little demonstration "Everything trapped inside the hole will turn to dust" 

"That Quirk is perfect for disasters!"

"That's right, however it can also be used to kill people with ease" Izuku and the others' excitement soured and they all listened attentively "It's the same with anyone's Quirk"

To emphasize his point 13 he stretched out his arms "During Aizawa's examination they learned the potential of their powers! And during All Might's class how to fight using your power!"

"In this class you will learn how to use your powers for the good of mankind!" Now if the excitement returned "Your Quirks don't exist to harm others, remember that!"

"That's awesome!"

"Bravo bravo!"

"This is going to be exciting!"

"Okay, first things first..." Aizawa silenced the excited students and prepared for what was to be a long and tedious day of classes.

It had to be...

In the center of the complex a portal opened, out of it came many villains, the most prominent being a guy with many severed hands on his body, and a strange humanoid bird.

Of course, so many years in the service told him enough about the situation they were facing "GATHER IN ONE PLACE AND DON'T MOVE" The professor put on his special glasses "13! PROTECT THE STUDENTS"

"What is this?" Kirishima would ask, reflecting the innocence of most of the class "This is like the entrance examente?"


A figure speaking from the darkness of the portal turned towards the heroes "Eraser Head and Number 13.... Our report told us that All Might should be here..."

Eraser Head went running towards the mass of villains, the mad man with the severed hands that were on his body spoke in a sinister voice.

"I wonder if he'll show up if we kill all his students..." 

The expressions of many turned with great fear at that statement.

Aizawa was already crashing into the first villains, if only he had stayed a little longer....

"Kihihi" If only the hero Eraser Head had stopped to think about the plan "You're open like a book." 



If only All Might had been with them at the time, maybe someone could have prevented the death of the astronaut hero, 13.

"T-T-This is not possible" The smell of gunpowder reached everyone's nostrils, coming from a flintlock pistol.

A lot of blood was coming out of 13's head, and the crazed smile of the girl wearing an elegant crimson and black dress showed that the danger was real.

And this time they would have no heroes to defend them.