
Beyond Our Reality

A flower that seeks tranquility in the world filled with darkness

TsofeAsyo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

River's Reverb

After class, I was walking through the hallway evading other studenting rushing out of their classroom, heading to the clubroom for the meeting. When I entered everyone was already there, chatting to each other. "Am I late?" I asked.

"We're just about to start," Lion replied. Mina chimed in "Wow, it's the first—ouch!" She was quickly interupted by a flick in the ear by Tiara before she turned to greet me with a gentle smile. "Good Afternoon, Luca!" While Rochelle is in the corner giving me a small wave.

I sat besides Rochelle and Tiara, and the meeting started with Lion, the club president relaying information to us "For today's request, it's to investigate the cottage near our school," Lion relayed our club is the "Research & Investigation Club" which gained the title of "Supernatural Investigation Club" from other student, because all of our request from this past year is one way or another related to something supernatural.

I raised my hand and ask "Is it the cottage at the foot of the mountain?" after hearing this Mina suddenly perked up "Oh! Are we gonna explore haunted house?" She stood up in excitement "Yeah," Lion replied "All the rumours also happened at night so will try to check it later, at twilight" he added Tiara looks terrified when she heard this "Should we really go there at night?" She asked. Mina turned to her even more excited than before "Isn't that even cooler?" She exclaimed.

As the discussion about the cottage concluded, Mina's enthusiasm for the adventure was infectious, but Tiara's apprehension only cast doubt over the plan. Despite the uncertainty, the decision was made and we will proceed this evening.

The other left early to prepare, leaving me and Rochelle in the room. "Is something wrong?" I turned to Rochelle and asked "You've been quiet this whole time" Noticing that she have been quiet in the corner just watching the others. "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something," Rochelle explained "Do you know the story of Ophelia?" she ask, "If I remember correctly, it was about a noblewoman that drowned in the river, right? What about it?" I try to recall, Rochelle just stared at me like expecting something but she eventually stood up and stepped outside the room "Nevermind, Let's go and prepare too, before the investigation starts" she said, I stood up and followed after her.

The sun was starting to dip into the horizon when we all met up at the park, and when everyone is there we immediately made our way to the mountain. After a while of traversing through the forest we finally reach the cottage. It was standing in the centre of a clearing, it was completely empty and eeriely quiet. it was already getting dimmer adding more to the already scary atmosphere. "This is exciting!" Mina exclaimed as she carelessly run around scanning the whole area, while me, Rochelle, Tiara, and Lion carefully tread the dirt path towards the cottage.

"isn't this too big for a cottage?" I questioned "It's more like a small mansion or something" I added looking at the towering 2-story building in front of me. "It used to be owned by a wealthy man that moved overseas many years ago" Lion informed us "At least that's what those that live near here are saying".

"Okay everyone!" Lion said gathering everyone up "This place is big, So we need to split up to cover a large amount of area for the day" he added. With a mischievous smile on her face Mina raised her hand up and said "I'll go with Luca" causing me to grimace knowing what she is about to do, unfortunately Lion agreed "Okay, I'll go with Tiara to cover the first floor and you guys will cover the second floor" Lion said before going on their way leaving me, Rochelle and Mina alone. "Don't even try it, Mina '' I said "Huh, What do you mean~?" Mina mischievously said. Rochelle is giggling in the back as we started our little quarrel.

"Come on, let's start our little adventure!" Mina exclaimed, punching the air before quickly going upstairs, with me and Rochelle following suit. "Let's go" I said to Rochelle, who gave me a nod in agreement.

The floor creaks with each step we take, and the whole place is covered in dust and cobwebs. The windows are mostly broken and some even look like it's gonna break from a single touch. it's getting dimmer so we turn our flashlights and the lamp. "What could be… In here! How about Here!" Mina is forcefully opening each door, like trying to catch something. "Be careful Mina, this door is as old as your grampa '' I jokingly said "Very funny Luca very funny" Mina said before going on with her catching something we can't see.

After a while we reached the end of the hallway leaving only a single unopened door in front of us. "Yeah, I don't think this is a cottage anymore" I said tired from all the walking around "Agree" Mina agreed also tired from whatever she had been doing. "This is the last door…" Mina added. I put my hand on the knob, ready to open the door "Let's get this over with" I remarked before pushing the door open.

"Wow this is a big room" Mina said in amusement "This is probably the master bedroom" I exclaimed. The place is mostly empty with only a few drawers and a large double bed in the middle.

We tried to scan around but our painstaking search ended empty-handed, But before we end the search, my eyes caught sight of an old book, its weathered and filled with dust, it's title read "Cardinal Direction towards the Days of Creation" written by Gertrude, Curious, I tried to reach for it, but a sense of unease creeps over me, the air felt heavy, almost suffocating. "That's it, let's meet with the others" I called out, trying to break the tension. However, I was met with no response.

Turning slowly, dread filled my stomach as I realised that I was all alone. Panic started to take over as I frantically scanned the room, with no avail. As the moment passes the air seems to get colder, piercing my bones. Trembling, I made an obvious decision to leave, but before I could take a single step outside, a chilling presence loomed behind me.

Then a cold hand slowly traverses my shoulder sending a shockwave of terror throughout my body. My heart is pounding echoing in my ear not daring to look back.

"Mina, this isn't funny" I choked out under my trembling voice, A desperate call, praying that this is just a cruel prank. But that hope was quickly crushed as she peeked her head on the door frame outside the room in front of me. "What is?" She said, My instincts are screaming at me to flee, I screamed for Mina to run, my own feet scrambling to get out of this place.

I was gasping for air after reaching outside, "What happened to you!?" Mina asked, breathless, "Are you guys okay?", "What happened?" Tiara and Lion said respectively as they come out of the cottage, confused on what happened to both of us.

"A hand touched me" I said, my voice still shaking. Tiara handed Mina and me a bottle of water, which we chugged empty in seconds. After catching my breath I realise that someone is missing. "Where's Rochelle!?" I stood up without warning causing the other to be shocked "What do you mean…?" Tiara asked, looking at me like i just said something ridiculous.

"Rochelle, she was with us just moments ago" my reply caused them to look more confused and terror etched on their faces. Clueless on what's happening to them, I tried to enter the cottage again, but Tiara immediately stopped me, and in a shaky voice she said "Luca, don't you remember?" All of them are looking at me in pity. "During last year's summer camp…" Tiara added.

"What are you—" I tried to ask, confused by their weird behaviour, but Mina quickly interjected "Luca, you and Rochelle were near the river, that day". After what she said, everything started to flow back slowly. That's right, it was during that fateful day.

"Luca…" A lifeless voice reached my ears, no it's not just me who heard it, looking up at the other's shock and pale face it became obvious that it's not just me.

Yes I remember now, "Rochelle! Rochelle!" I shouted and shouted, again and again, knowing that my desperate plea wouldn't be able to do anything against the rushing tides of life. Slowly we turned to the direction of the voice, we saw a silhouette standing motionless, fog obscuring most of her features but I know that it's her. I clearly remember everything,

Every detail of that tragic day flooded back with a painful clarity, marking itself back in my memory. Fate cruelly snatched you away from us, leaving a hole that never again can be filled. It was destiny's unfair joke, a cruel twist of fate that my mind refused to remember.

Rochelle extended her hands towards me, and with a chillingly lifeless and drowned voice she uttered these haunting words: "Come with me…"

"Everything that has happened is like a ripple in a pond, It is bound to reverberate back. You can't escape something that have been done or happened, all you can do is accept it"