
Beyond Our Reality

A flower that seeks tranquility in the world filled with darkness

TsofeAsyo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Lament Of A Black Rose

The sun was high up in the sky, while the birds chirped along with the wind rustling through the trees. As I walked through the dirt path, my destination is a clearing inside the forest located near our neighbourhood. The dried leaves on the ground create a crackling sound with each step I make. And in my hand was a basket filled with food and drinks, it's for my planned picnic with my childhood friend 'Cataly'.

As I continued my stroll through the forest, a rustling in the nearby bushes reached my ears, thinking that it might be a small animal. I ignore it and continue on my way. But for some more time the noise continued and it sounded that it's closer than before, And the birds had stopped chirping too, leaving only the sound of wind rustling the leaves to fill the area. The atmosphere became more eerie with each passing moment, so I tried to speed up trying to get away from whatever is making that noise, but it did the same like it's trying to match up to my pace, and the faster I go, the closer and closer I hear the noises.

So I decided to stop and build up some courage before facing the direction where the sound is coming from and shout "W-who's there!?" My voice is shaking and my legs felt like it's on an unstable platform that would fall any moment while I hold my arms in front of me shielding myself from what's to come.

The rustling becomes louder and closer like it's rushing towards me, my body is stiffening not knowing what is going to happen, but then it stopped, it suddenly became eerily quiet. I waited for a bit more but I can no longer hear any noise, only the sound of my heavy breathing and thumping of my heart. I breathed a sigh of relief before turning around, and a face obscured my view, it had a pointy fang and sharp horns. At that moment I froze, unable to move. I'm petrified in fear, but when the 'thing' yelled a terrifying roar it snapped me back to reality. Terrified, I quickly ran behind a tree forgetting about the basket I was holding, I was cowering in fear behind the tree, as I covered my head with my arms. My eyes become misty as tears slowly form in my eyes.

Then I heard a familiar voice, laughing. "Haha, Got you!" she exclaimed. I slowly and carefully peeked on the side of the tree where I was hidden, Only to see Cataly laughing by herself, she was holding a monster mask, the same one I saw earlier, realising she tricked me again. I wiped my eyes and huffed in annoyance "Hmph!" and hid behind the tree again, hiding my face.

Cataly walked up to me and apologise "Sorry, sorry, you're just too much fun to mess with" A grin is still painted on her face, I let out a faint sigh and shakes my head "It's okay, but don't do that ever again, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I replied before a light snicker escaped my lips as I recall what happened. She reached her hand out to me which I gratefully took.

We picked up the items I dropped earlier, thankfully everything is intact, and nothing is damaged nor wasted. Cataly and I grew up in the same neighbourhood, and ever since we became friends we have always been inseparable. She is always the adventurous and energetic one while I was the complete opposite. She would always think of the craziest ideas to keep both of us entertained, and we all always have each other's back.

"What did you bring for the picnic" Cataly inquired "Oh, I brought some sandwiches and drinks" I replied as I checked if all the items were in the basket "That's great! I brought candies and chips" Taking out the items she hid in the bushes "Come on, let's go to the clearing".

We continued to walk through the forest, until we reached the clearing where we will have our picnic, we helped each other prepare everything. Cataly was taking care of the blanket while I set up the food and drinks. We enjoyed the food while we chatted about many different things. And after finishing we lay down on the blanket and watch as the clouds form many shapes, I will point at them while Cataly gives her own interpretation, after that we played around some more, just enjoying each other's company.

As the sun began to set, we decided it's getting dark and started to pack everything and made our way out of the forest. There are no more sounds, only the leaves rustling as the cool breeze started to pick up. The two of us walked in comfortable silence just admiring the scenery as the sun dipped into the horizon casting long shadows, and the quietness of the forest added to the peaceful atmosphere.

As we stepped out of the forest and onto the paved street, I turned to Cataly and said "Thanks for today, it was a nice change of atmosphere!" Cataly also turned to face me with a warm smile on her face "Yeah, me too!".

While we're walking home, we come across a couple, they seem to be in an argument, and are shouting at each other causing both of us to turn toward them. I suddenly froze, I was just standing there with my gaze glued to them. They are just like 'them' I thought as sweat started to form in my face, as images of 'them' shouting at each other slowly filled my head. I was unable to move; it was like my body was forcing me to watch. Feeling my unease, Cataly held onto my hand and pulled me out of there.

We walked the rest of the way home in silence, Cataly knew that I needed time to calm down after what happened earlier. I look down at our hand, I know that she would always be there for me even on the hardest of times. When my house came into view, Cataly stopped. "You know, we could stroll for a bit more if you want to" She said in a cheery tone but concern is etched in her face. I know that she is being a consideret but knowing she is there for me is enough, I need to face this on my own, I couldn't bring myself to take advantage of her kindness. I gave her a squeeze and said "I would love to, but it's already too late, I don't want to bother you any longer. '' I gave her a reassuring smile, even though I know that she will easily see through my facade. Fortunately she didn't pry any longer. "Okay… but remember if you need someone to talk to I'm here…" she replied there is still a hint of concern in her face. I nodded "I know", still hiding my fear under a fake smile. I slipped my hand off her grip and made my way home "Let's go out again tomorrow" I added. Cataly you are the only reason I could still hold myself together, and I don't want to thrust you in my problem any more deeper.

The whole neighbourhood was quiet, and the sun was already gone leaving the streetlights to illuminate the area. But this tranquillity was broken by the sound of shouts and breaking of items from one house, my home. I was at the front door, hesitating whether I should turn the knob or not, but I know I do not have any other choice.

Stepping inside revealed a battered place, broken vases, and trash here and about, a scene you would usually find after a strong storm ravaged an area. Unlike the rest of the neighbourhood, this place couldn't find a single peace.

Items flew here and there, one even flew past me and grazed my face. But I continued my way upstairs ignoring their endless argument, "They will get tired eventually… probably" I thought.

After entering my bedroom, I disinfected the graze before trying to sleep through the night. The clock hits 8; The sound of items breaking have stopped, but I could still hear their voice, they probably run out of things to throw. The clock hits 10; I was woken by the sound of them still shouting at each other, trying to keep my emotion inside, but it hurts. The clocks hits pass 12; I could no longer hold it, the more I bottled my emotion the more I want to burst out, and the more I ignore it the more conscious I became, and even if I try to stop them they won't care and go on, even if I were to broke down in front of them they won't listen to me. I can't, I can no longer hold it anymore. "Why… why can I no longer be home expecting a big hug from both of you, why can I no longer go home expecting to see both of you smiling." Tears started to flow uncontrollably down my face, seeking for a haven from this suffocating place, I rushed down stairs then outside before slamming the door shut behind me.

The only thing I could remember after running out of the house is the cold night breeze, piercing my skin as I ran in the night. And when I came back to my senses I was at the forest clearing where I had gone with Cataly for the picnic, unlike during the day it felt cold and lonely.

I found refuge under an oak tree. feeling as fragile as a leaf floating on the wind. The moonlight is illuminating my vulnerable state, as tears continued to flow river down my face. The weight of everything that has been happening to me started to burden me down. "Why do they have to be always like this?" I choked out, the wind whispering in my ears. Each of my sob carried with it, my plea to be normal, to be happy, to be understood, and to be able to go back home just like before. I don't remember when this hellish of a life started and the reason why anymore. But the only thing I want now is to go back to that time when everyday I woke up the first thing I see is the two of you smiling.

As the forest sang a gentle symphony with the wind, soothing my raging mind, I felt a presence behind me. It felt like it's staring dagger behind me. I don't know what to do; should I ignore it?Should I turn around?. But when I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me I immediately stood up and turned around. There was nothing, but I could still feel a presence nearby, and the rustling is coming from all the direction causing me to turn whenever I hear it, I was tempted to call out but my mind is playing out the worst-case scenario "What if it's a wild animal", "What if it's a dangerous person", "Are they here to hurt me" this though keeps me from thinking straight.

But when I felt a touch on my shoulder I quickly turned around to see a silhouette of an animal, no it's a person, it's an animal again, it has a misty body of ever-shifting nature, it was like my mind couldn't comprehend what is it that is in front of me, My heart started to pound like a drum, each beat echoes to my ears, unable to move even an inch, just looking at it clouded my mind to the point I couldn't think right. But when the silhouette inched its face towards me, It snapped me out of my daze, and immediately ran to the opposite direction as panic slowly overtook my body. I did not even think going deep inside the forest was a good idea before going any further first. But I continue to run, not even thinking of turning back.

I run as far as I could and the forest becomes darker and darker as I get deeper in the forest, the only sound I hear is of my foot crushing the leaves on the ground. I continued and did not stop until I tripped and fell on one of the overgrowths. I darted my head around trying to immediately find somewhere to hide. And in the distance was an opening on the side of the mountain. I gathered the last of my already depleted energy to pull myself up, and unsteady walk towards the cave opening.

After I entered the cave I leaned on the cold wet wall catching my breath. But only a second after, I heard a noise nearby. I tried to walk further inside using the wall as support, but I already reached a dead end. And immediately after, I felt the presence again, the silhouette at the entrance, stepping closer and closer towards me "No… no… get away from me!" I let out my whole body shaking because of fear and the cold. My body is covered in dirt and wet from the sweat from all the running.

The silhouette is unfazed and continues it's step closer, "Don't come any closer…" I was too tired, my voice was but a whisper and my eyelids were getting heavier. I don't think I can last any longer, as tiredness is about to catch up to me, I feel the ground shaking. Then a crack overhead reached my ears, and when I looked up a droplet fell on my face and there I saw the ceiling crashing down to where I was standing. I couldn't move my body anymore, I just stood there staring at the ceiling as it came crashing down on me. I don't know if I had given up or I was too tired to even try escaping. I just closed my eyes tightly embracing myself for the impact. But it never came, I only felt someone pushing me out of the way.

When I reopened my eyes I was on the ground, and when the dust settled the rubble was in front of me, and below seems to be the silhouette that was chasing me. After trying to pull myself up, I wobbly walked towards the rubble taking a closer look.

It began to get extremely quiet to the point that you could hear the droplets of rain outside before it started to fall heavily, it was like heaven is crying, mourning for something that is lost. Then as the first thunder roared the lightning illuminated my clouded mind, in front of me was the truth I never thought, In front of me was the truth I never wanted to see. In front of me was the fragile bind that had kept my mind from shattering into thousands of pieces. It was in front of me broken and lifeless.

As I let out a confused and terrified scream, my mind slowly swirling into madness. All those weights I have been carrying started to burden me, burying me alive, as their shouts and the breaking items continuously played in my head, getting louder and louder, my mind completely going down. Without a hint of hesitation, I took a sharp stick on the ground, and ended it all… right at its heart. The only thing I want at that moment is to sever my ties to this madness of a reality. As the darkness slowly devours me, I reach out for something that is only the shell of what it used to be. And a distant voice from a distant past echoed in my ears once more.

You, a rose embraced by darkness blooms,

A flower nurtured by anger and clothed by gloom,

A rose that wished for light to illuminate below,

It symbolise both of happiness and of sorrow.

It's world obscured by shadow, no light is cast,

An Innocence veiled by hatred, never meant to last.

Oh waking world why must thee be so cruel,

to a soul that only wished for tranquillity.