
Beyond Earth

"Fear is a feeling, but it tends to run deeper than that. It's like a virus. Resilient and highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of it can grow to destroy you." °°°°°° It's the year 2280. Airborne particles were invented with the intent to eradicate diseases but instead they become radioactive, toxic and severely deadly to anyone who breathes in even a tiny amount. The world becomes a dystopia and is uninhabitable. With time running out for humans on earth, Hiro Tachibana is one of the scientists that has to find out if a new planet is fit for habitation. But when people start turning up dead on the spaceship and there are more questions than answers, Hiro realizes that he may not be able to trust anyone. Not even himself. DISCLAIMER: The picture in the book cover does not belong to me. AN: This book is undergoing a MAJOR rewrite. The previous chapters are not available for now so don't start reading it. I'll post an announcement when I'm done editing. Thank you!

mary_olajire · Sci-fi
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137 Chs

Chapter 100

The pure black of the night made the moon look beautiful and was comforting, like a generous velvet that kept me safe. The sky was freckled with stars and the air was cold. Street lamps illuminated our surroundings and people on the road were either headed to the dining hall or to the buildings they lived in while we were headed to Carina's house.

We didn't leave immediately after supper because Kamal came to the dining hall and said he needed to talk with Carina. We all knew he wanted to talk to her because he wanted to leave tomorrow and I doubted that Cassandra would be able to change his mind if she had showed up.