
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

The true boss!

-Arf… Arf… That was tense. I said while I recovered some stamina.

One of the clones gave me an energy bar, although, if a normal person were to eat this. they would die due to overdose because of its massive concentration of different substances.

I looked towards one of the clones and gave him a nod.

The clone pressed a button, firing up a machine with a loud sound.

-Make sure to use everything we have, I don't want him coming back from this.

As for what this is? This machine was part of a long term plan.

I knew that the Pillar man would wake up someday, so I prepared many counterplans so that, when they woke up, I would have backup plans.

I chose areas which were most likely for them to fight us, like Venice and Switzerland.

From small traps to bigger ones, I prepared for the eventual fight. We did happen to fight them in one of my prepared places but we only used the underground base as a bunker. The other traps were not used much.

(The clone did use some in order to deal with the vampire army.)

This place we are right now is a separated underground facility. It's only objective is to power and provide maintenance to this big machine right here. Used for research most of the time, it's pretty much just a big container for testing dangerous stuff.

This time it's being used to cremate Kars.

There was a camera on the top of the machine so we could see inside, its walls were sealed tight in order to not even allow an ant to pass through.

In the camera Kars seemed to be struggling to get out, that was just a distraction, the true "fun" would start soon.

A clone came from the door and handed me some things.

-Sir, New clothes. Here's your equipment.

-Thank you.

At the same time, Kars was furiously burning. The chemical reaction between the substances thrown in the chamber was so hot that it could melt steel.

But Kars knew of a way to protect himself against such heat, at least for a while. He continued to slash at the walls but to no avail, they were too resistant.

But soon enough he will come up with a way to break past them.

He tried jumping towards the top, but everytime he did so, special weapons from the walls near the top would gun him down. He might not die, but the impact was enough to send him crashing.

He isn't fast enough to evade a bullet while flying, at least in his current condition.

-Increase the temperature, don't let him walk away from there.

-...DAMN IT! If I…

Kars thought and thought, but everytime he came with a solution, the heat would increase.




Kars was getting desperate, he had reached his current limits, he couldn't fuse any creature characteristics in order to resist this maddening heat.

His will to survive started to take over as he constantly crashed against the wall.

I looked at this situation and felt something was wrong.

-Kill him, NOW!

The clone immediately raised the temperature in the machine from 3000C to 6000C. We are reaching the limits of what the machine walls can take.

(These are a mixture of Earth material to fictional materials from the Jojo world so don't be surprised, it doesn't make any sense, as is usually the case with Jojo.)



Kars seemed to be in a trance, his outside burned while his insides regenerated. The pain must be excruciating, yet Kars can still move.

If Joseph and Huang were here they might be able to notice a faint shadow materializing behind Kars.

-It's time, use it.

The clones pressed a button and the room temperature went up almost a thousand degrees. Going almost over the temperature limit, the camera was almost fried at this point.

(It was hidden behind on the very top where it was slightly cooler.)

The ceiling of the chamber started to descend, pressing down on Kars, with the increased pressure his death was seemingly guaranteed.

I left it like this for a minute, before the machine started to get dangerously hot.

-Lift the ceiling and prepare the acid, go over all procedures, then we can seal the machine.

Few… I need a bath now.

In the middle of the night, I walked towards home. This time I had my own equipment stored in the Nexus' space. I am not going to commit the same mistakes.

-I will buy the gift tomorrow, I am mentally exhausted now.

(A fight of such caliber can tire even the steadiest minds.)

-... That Kars, he was simply too crazy and arrogant… Well, I think I need to thank him for that. If it wasn't for that I might've kicked the bucket… Do I really need a Stand to be able to fight against the top? I mumbled to myself.

-That's expected, there is a limit to how much power one can gain from training or research. Stands are a quick power up that can topple the world order.. Said a man behind me.

I turned around quickly, I didn't feel this guy approaching me.

Another problem? Lucky me...

-Your reactions are quicker than I expected.

-Who are you?

I pressed a button by sending a warning to the SF… Again.

-I am actually your fan you know. Your rise to the top as a Human surprised me. We are pretty similar, in a sense…

-And what would that be?

-...We both seek power. But only one person can stay at the top. You, somehow, got rid of that pesky neanderthal. I was going to deal with him, but since you did, you are the last person on my way now. Don't worry, I will not mess with those other people, they're not even close to being a threat to me.

The air… No, the light around us started to distort.

Of course, only the strange man could see and hear what was going on…

But John could still see and feel the environment changing a little.

-Goodbye now, I am never going to forget you. You opened my eyes towards the full potential of a human and Hamon.


(The sound made when you enter hyper speed)

The environment distorted and distorted, eventually, it became a light tunnel.

(Similar to Gojo's domain)

-I never managed to use this technique fully. Now that I have become "perfect" you shall be the first and hopefully last enemy I will ever need to use this on.

[Thunder Helix Overdrive!]

I punched the air in front of me with all of my strength… But the energy just disappeared

-Useless. I consumed all of its time. No matter what you throw at me, it's eventually going to crumble into dust by the power of time.

-It's time now. Final Countdown!


Question of the day: Do you use light mode or dark mode?


1150 Words

I am sorry if you were expecting some author notes here's, but I am without much ideas. As always, just put your ideas and suggestions in the comments.

I will put the images later as always

And of course

Thank you for reading!

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