
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs


I looked at the immense mushroom-shaped cloud in the distance.

[Time distortion in the user body has disappeared. Total Lifespan lost… 160 years, total lifespan left… 370 years.]

I was surely slowly dying...

-I need to make sure he is dead…

-Can you track him?

[Processing… One source of life has been detected in the crater's central peak uplift.]

-So he is alive after all. I guess he is immortal for a reason.

In comparison, not even Kars could resist being inside lava for too long. Much less being hit by a direct nuclear explosion.

I slowly flew to the location. On the way, I saw the tragedy created by the explosion.

I could have stopped it… But I am not a hero, I can't save everyone every time.

Much less intervene in other people's problems.

Lucassu's state was truly pitiful if he deserves any. His four limbs were pulverized, I could even see his muscles and flesh, part of his head had disappeared.

His eyes had boiled down into nothingness.

But he was regenerating, slowly but surely. The greatest reason why it was so slow was due to the radiation.

It seems he doesn't have the same body modification as Kars. Could it be that each being has its own untapped potential and consequently, its own final form?

-It's over now Lucassu. I said to him

I pointed my hand to him and prepared to blast him with a strong laser blast, fully vaporizing his cells.

I am not going to waste time talking.





Before the laser could hit him, both me and him were suddenly thrown into the void tunnel again.

His body was slowly regenerating much faster than before.

He is using the side effect of his power to heal!

(Every time he uses his power, a tenth of the time he applies to someone/object will affect him. He is using his "weakness" to heal him, since his body is immortal in a sense.)

Dark clouds gathered above a calm city.

-Today is going to pour… The news didn't say anything though. Said a man wearing some classy clothes.

-They are so unreliable sometimes! Let's go dear! I don't want to ruin my dress!

-This rain! It came out of nowhere! Said a random pedestrian.


-Waaaa! Mommy…

A child just slipped and fell to the ground.

-It's okay dear…

The father then put the umbrella above the duo.

-Damn rain! It's going to be a pain cleaning my shoes until tomorrow…

-Dear! Watch your language!


People were surprised, some were complaining, others were rejoicing due to the hot weather they usually have.

But to some, this rain represented something else…

From the top of a museum, a portal gate opened, revealing a man clad in armor.

He crashed into the ceiling but thankfully it didn't collapse.

-Damn that guy! He kicked me back into the tunnel at the last moment!

He shouldn't have returned that much earlier than me.

(For those not understanding, the guy jumped out of the time tunnel a few moments before the MC)

-Search for him!

[Scanning… Target found. 300 M Southwest of your location!]

I looked in that direction but couldn't see anything due to the building on my way.

-Jet on!

[Warning. Energy at 5%]

… I can live with this!

/Around a minute before.../



-Argg! Ahh ahh… This damn guy! How did I fall into such a pathetic state?!

Within a dark alley, Lucassu fell into a… dumpster. At least it cushioned the fall, right?

He looked to the side and saw a group of dogs.


The dogs seemed scared of the man, but they couldn't move due to fear. One of them pooped itself, and the other one just barked, a shaky tail tucked between its legs.

He went close to the dogs and pierced their necks with his sharp nails.

-This isn't nearly enough for me to recover. Its energy is pitiful!

-...Look ma! That man is smelling dog poop! Said a small child

-Don't look dear. Come, let's go home.

-But I want to see the poop-smelling man!


Sometimes, Humans can't really feel danger, no?

-It's small, but food is food I guess, better than the dog at least. Just wait, John. By the time you return, I shall make a full recovery!

/Back to the Mc 2 minutes later/

I jumped from ceiling to ceiling using the least amount of energy.

All of this was to save the little energy I had left.

-Next street, he should be hiding right there!

This smell...

It was then that I saw it, red, flowing red blood.

The entire street was covered with blood splashes, but I couldn't even see a body.

-Ah. You came. As earlier than I expected, I must have been truly weak to not even be able to send you further down in time.

He was heavily damaged, but he at least had his arms and legs fully healed. He had barely recovered his arms in the tunnel. His face still had many deformities though.

-Let's end th…


[Thunder flare Overdrive!]

Lighting clapped in my hands as I moved them.

I punched his face with the combination of my armor and Hamon.

He passed through multiple buildings before stopping at an open road close to the shore.

-Cought! You never let me finish, do you?


He put his deformed jaw "back in place"

-It hurts. I will remember this pain…


My fists crashed into something in the air this time.

-You think the same move will work with me? I have you this time.

I continued to punch into whatever was in front of me.

-Last desperate attack? I don't understand why you didn't recover some energy before coming to meet me. But now you are tired while I am decently recovered!

-... What is a Human to you now?

-...ku...kuku...KUKUKU! Don't tell me?! After using the mask, becoming clearly a superior being, you still see yourself on the same level as those pathetic mortal trash?

(He thinks the MC used the mask as a way to justify the fact that the MC "isn't" getting affected by his time powers and his immense strength. If you are wondering what is going on.)

I guess this was expected, you put on the mask and forget who you once were, that was one of the reasons why I didn't use the mask in the first place.

Of course, it's not like I am going to act like him, but since the mask affects the brain, I made sure to properly wait and research before using it. I don't want to get my personality to change just because of power.

Lets try using it here…

[Name: Lucassu (Longest living Human alive)

Race: Neo-Origin Human

Current thoughts: How did I lose to such pathetic...

Affinity: 5 Hates you to the bone, but...

Thinks you are: Someone undeserving of evolving.]

That fucker…

The info is rather small, perhaps I should consider upgrading it later.

-Listen to me. If you want to become something beyond Human, then it's just consequential that you abandon such imperfect moral values, created by the already flawed Human society.

-I will give you a chance, considering that we are both perfect Humans. Submit to me, and you shall live. At this rate our battle is not going to…

-I do agree with some of your statements, but I still consider myself to be Human, so I REFUSE YOU FUCKER!


After punching his face with the Mech, I used the magnetic control of the mech to grasp Lucassu.

-You can accelerate your time right? What if you are trapped? What are you going to do?

-ARG! What did you do?!

-This isn't the question, it's what I am going to do next.

There is no need for further talking.

-Unleash all of the remaining energy! Blow up every single cell he has into fucking atoms! I said towards the AI.

[Fuck yeah. I mean… Understood.]

Behind me. A massive railgun took form(Insert image)

-Noo! Unleash me! Final Countdown!

But nothing happened, the energy still gripped him. That was because no matter how much he accelerated his time… Everything that awaits him is obliteration. At most he will rush to his death.

-If I can't accelerate my time, then I will consume yours!


Shit. What can I do?

[There is a way.]

Do it!

[Let me...]

Just do it, okay? Before it's too late.


I quickly felt my energy being sucked away at incredible rates.

[Warning! Hosts life force is being drained away at a fast speed.]

[Calculating remaining life expectancy...] Said the Nexus Key

-Why… Once again, nothing is working! WHAT DID YOU DO?!




The railgun projectile collided with Lucassu. Disintegrating his body at breakneck speeds.

It created a ravine in the water.


It crashed right in the middle of the bay. Splashing water everywhere.

[Scanning… No signs of life have been detected...No Molecules have been detected in the area, everything was decomposed into atoms.]

I am sure he can't recover from that. Even if he can, I will be far away when he does it.

[Low energy… Returning to...]

-Good job… Partner.

[...Until next time.]

The armor went back into a ring. But I quickly stashed it into the storage before something bad happened.


Just as I did that, lightning came crashing down from the sky right next to my feet.

-A coincidence?

3/4 chaps

1600 words

End of the fight. The longest one so far. Three entire chaps just to it.

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