

To my question, the goddess"pinched" the void and pulled out what seemed to be a notebook.

{According to the current rules our first dive into a new world will be free of costs, and I can give you one power of higher hierarchy without extra costs. Hum... Well, it could be better I guess, but we surely can survive with these. So, what will be? I recommend you to start with some more basic things, like a basic body enhancement or something along those lines, depending on the world you choose, such a simple thing can make you unbeatable}

While Lilya's suggestion was good, I had already made my choices, and I am sure she will like it.

-First, I want limitless, not the superpower from you know where, but the drug NZT-48, I want something like what the protag got in the end. A permanent version of the drug effect, but in my case, I want to be able to switch it on and off, and if possible, enhance the effects while maintaining the side effects minimal.

{Good choice, let's see... enhancing the drug's effect is easy, but for it to be like a power that can be switched on and off on the fly... That's harder, but I can do it if we use our higher power slot}

-What really? Is this Ability really that great?

{The ability per se isn't, but to keep the effects of the enhanced mode 24/7 without problems is harder.}

-How about we make this ability progressive? At the start, I can only keep it activated for a short while but the more I get used to it the more I can use it without frying my brain.

{... It's doable, and like this, we don't use the slot, great. Now...t} said the goddess while writing something down.

-I want the Danger beast Tyrant constitution.

{No can do}


{The physiological differences between you two is massive, and I am sure you wouldn't like to sprout scales when adapting to something}

-Can we reduce its mutagen effect while preserving its evolving capabilities?

{You want an ability that can evolve your body whenever you find yourself in danger? Like in the original but without it transforming your body into that of a beast... But it's doable I guess...}

-How about we use the slot for this?

{Not needed, just as you said, I will reduce its capability of mutating but this will greatly reduce its overall power, you aren't going to transform into a hulking mass of muscles, but you aren't going to become Superman in terms of strength.}

-I can live with that.

{So let's choose the world...}

-Wait. We are not done yet, we still have the slot.

{You can keep it for later you know...} Said Lilya while looking to the side

-... I know you don't have a lot of energy left but this is the final one I promise and if this doesn't consume the slot then we shall leave it for later ok?

{Sign, bring it.}

-I want shadow clone Jutsu.


-Come on it's not that hard, and think about it, with multiple "me" working together the progress of multiple things is going to shoot up.

{Indeed but you seem to have forgotten about something and I shall use this chance to explain something to you. Do you remember when I said that the nexus creates a common base so that upon going into a new world you just don't lose all of your powers? You see, when entering a new world, all of your powers are going to pass through a "check" of sorts. This "check" is going to see whether or not your powers are compatible with rules already set by that world, meaning if you get the shadow clone Jutsu on the Narutoverse and then goes to the Gurren Lagann universe, the principles behind your Jutsu are most likely going to be nonexistent. Meaning that your Jutsu is going to fail. To correct that I can "fix" those missing or changed rules so that your powers work in a different world, but guess what, that consumes energy. So the more powers you have the more energy I will consume so that you can go to the next world unless that is, you seal some of your powers, but that means that you are going to be "weaker" in the next world. Capiche?}

-So, don't hoard a lot of different powers and try to grow by using the world's own power system?

{Yep, but nevertheless, there will come a time when I have to seal something so be prepared for that, of course, you can choose the hard way and carry on with all of your powers but that will require a lot more work on your part. And going back to the Jutsu, I can give you something similar, would you care to listen?

-Well, I do in fact care, but you are the deity here so...

{That was just plain rude. And uncalled for. What I wanted to say is that you failed to realize that the Jutsu per se runs on Chakra, and you don't have any, so first we need to fix that. Let's call it Blood clone, it will work just like the original one in the series in the sense that your clone will work and act just like you, including its training capabilities. It may seem as if it's stronger than the original but bear with me, to summon your clone you will draw your energy into a drop of blood and activate it, this will result in the clone, he will then remain in the world for as long as the energy you put into the blood lasts. The clone can also eat food in order to replenish its energy. Because the clone is made out of your blood you can gain a very, very small part of its physical training, if you have the clone train its body that is, but in order for you to gain that you will need to reabsorb the blood used in the clone creation and not just recall it like in the series. But, compared to the amount that can be possibly summoned in the series, yours will be directly connected to your physical body, meaning you most likely will never exceed let's say 30 clones, at least for a few years. What do you think of this setup?}

-Seems fine to me.

-As for my first world, I want it to be simple, so I am reconsidering worlds with sky-high power levels. I want to take it slow, by going into worlds where I can gain power and train it in peace without too many dangers in order to make the most of my "gifts" combination.

{Good, that's what I thought too. But remember you also have to consider the availability of the origin energy of the respective world, some may seem dangerous but its source energy may be easy to get while some may be safe but its source energy is unavailable even for the strongest in the world.}

-So my first World will be…

Soooo another chapter is done and soon there will be some action. Are you excited I sure am.... well that was awkward. Anyway, the powers were explained and now the protag is ready to start his adventure, there is still a lot of things to explain(i forgot to explain then...), but don't worry their time will come.

Witch world do you think he is going to go to?

Are you satisfied with his powers? if not witch powers would you ask for in his situation?

Things will get clearer in the future don't worry, and with this, I take my leave. Peace

Abadomcreators' thoughts
Next chapter