
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Nothing personal kid

-See you around tomorrow then. I said to the small girl

She just nodded and left increasing her speed along the way

Is she really that shy?

{Men that play with the hearts of innocent women should just go die}

But I didn't do anything.

I have almost the entirety of the day left. Let's go to the library for now.

The week then passed quickly. In the mornings I had school then later I helped Kanzashi create her IS, but not by much as I didn't want her to depend on me. And boy, does she have talent.

In the original, she was always in the shadows of her sister, because she was a genius in almost everything. Hence, she ended up becoming a gloomy and shy girl because of her inferiority complex.

But she is a genius nevertheless. Something that she would only realize way later in the story, although that is relative now that I interfered with her 6 months earlier than in the story. (She only appeared after summer break).

Later in the day, I would spend most of my time studying or researching. I also used this time to settle my clones in my room after removing all manners of surveillance in it.

But I already have a plan to make my clones believable. This would give them a LOT of freedom and would make the efficiency of many of my plans skyrocket.

As for my tools. They are just as good as I imagined them to be, so there isn't much to add to them.

Most of the time Ichika would urge me to go train as my fight with Cecilia was approaching quickly, but I always shot him down saying that he was the one that should train because he was way too weak.

Eventually, Houki started to train him just like in the original.

The day of the fight eventually came. In the arena, in the IS hangar, Ichika, Houki and I were waiting for the IS to come.

-Are you sure you are going to be alright? I didn't see you train for even a moment. Said Ichika

-I will be fine, don't you worry. I have already prepared enough.

Ichika's IS then appeared from the opened gates… where is mine?

-Miyoshi, we had a problem with the making of your IS hence you will have to fight with a modified unity. Orimura, go and synchronize with your IS.

-Sigh... I knew it.

My IS was rather simple, having a sword, a few missiles, and a few small bombs to deploy, it also had two Rambo-style machine guns. I picked my tablet up and started to see its configurations, while also making some adjustments to it, to see if I could add or remove something.

-HEY HEY HEY! What is happening here? Said Ichika

-There was a problem in the creation of the IS, hence its production was delayed a month.

-How is he supposed to fight without a personal IS?

-Shut up Orimura. In the field, you never know when something can go wrong. You must be ready for all situations. Said Chifuyu

-It's okay Ichika. I could defeat her even without an IS.

That might've been a lie a week ago, but now I can really do it.

-You sure like to brag huh. Said Houki

-What can I say? I am just confident that's all. I said while climbing into my IS.

-There's a difference between confidence and stupidity! Said Houki.

-Wish me luck.

Then I flew outside of the Hangar towards the arena.

-WA-WAIT! Aren't you going to hear the enemy IS report?… Said, Maya

-And he left.

-He is too sure of himself. She said again

-He isn't. Said Chifuyu

-But how? He never listens to class! He just ignored me… Said, Maya

-Just see, he has already done his research a long time ago. And he didn't ignore you, look at the replay, he even winked at you.

Maya then became beet red.

-I will give you one last chance. Said Cecilia


-It is obvious that I am going to win, look: you don't even have a personal IS. If you go and apologize, maybe I shall forgive you.

-No need for words. Let's dance.

-In that case… Time to say goodbye! She said while pointing her giant rifle(Starlight Mk.III, a medium-range laser rifle) in my direction.

I must add, being in the direction of a rifle big enough to become an artillery cannon is a little bit … distressing.

But my confidence was rekindled when I used my special power.

She shot a blue beam from her rifle so I side-stepped the attack.

Her model was a long-range one, so I had to get close. I could try and fight her from long range but even with my capabilities, my current arsenal is just ass, and I would most likely win with some losses. Something that I didn't want to see.

I decided to end this in one shot. I prepared myself to use an ignition boost. A move that allows you to accelerate at high speeds but will consume a shit-ton of energy.

This is a good moment to explain just how IS battles work.

You see there are 2 main things on an IS. Its energy shield and its total energy.

The two are linked but their connection may change depending on the model.

The shield's main objective is to protect the user from harm, be it poison gas or coldness of space, even artillery shells.

In an IS battle, at least the competitive ones, if your shield breaks, you're out.

As for the energy… it's pretty obvious, it's your remaining energy. Many actions can deplete this energy, but if you don't do much then you can even fly with your IS for days, if not indefinitely or until your body gets tired. (At least on the fourth-generation models)

Even though I tried to get close, she wouldn't just let me do as I pleased, she kept shooting me as she backed away. And to be frank, it was hard.

Her IS was a third-generation prototype, while mine is a mass-produced second-generation. Not even a good one.

She was much faster than me. Time for plan-D

I started to deploy a series of small bombs as I flew around the arena, severely limiting her flight space. All the while using my huge sword to deflect her projectiles.

She tried to take some of them down but I didn't give her the chance to do so.

She seemed nervous, but right at this moment I pulled out a small missile launcher and shot many small rockets at her.

Unfortunately, at this time in the story, she still can't use her drones while moving otherwise this might have been harder to pull off.

She flew while shooting, showing her incredible marksmanship, but nevertheless fell into my trap.

I had actually mixed different types of bombs in the ones I released earlier, they were few but they could home towards their targets.

The moment she got close to a cluster of bombs, most likely trying to maneuver between the bombs, I activated one of them, and …



The moment the first exploded the others around it also burst.

It was time.

Ignition boost time.

Concentrating, I pulled the entire energy of the IS towards its moving system.

My IS burst with speeds way beyond what I showed earlier.

In the blink of an eye, I was at the explosion that hadn't even dissipated, and with my remaining energy slashed her down with all the strength of my IS.

She didn't even have time to see me very well before I had already finished my action.

She flew down with great momentum and hit the floor of the arena.

I then picked my weapons up and started to gun her down while my IS quickly fell to the ground.

Just when my IS was right on top of hers I lifted my sword once again to do the finishing move.

But from the smoke cloud, a series of blue beams and some homing missiles suddenly pierced their way toward me.

I had already predicted such an outcome as I already knew all of her IS abilities.

I then threw my sword towards her while trying my best to defend against the lasers but a few still hit me.

The sword that I threw hit her but didn't break her shield. She had a smug look on her face as if she had won when my sword just exploded right on her side.

A honking sound spread around the arena

-Winner, Miyoshi Seiichi.

I looked at my "energy bar", and it was dangerously low. I would have to better prepare for the future.

-All according to plan. I said while adjusting my imaginary glasses.


First battle. I tried my best to display something believable as the main character is just on another level compared with Cecilia. She will become much better later down in the story. The main reason why he won so easily is because of the fundamental characteristics of the IS.

It's the number of calculations you have to do during the fight.

The movement, air pressure, bullet drop, angle, etc...

And apart from Ichika and some more selective others, that can "feel" the machine. Most have to think a lot. That's why she can't use her drones while moving. She has limited experience and a limited mind.

The protag didn't "feel" anything because the IS was just a basic unit, a unit used for training in school(Not even a teacher`s unit), it wasn't personalized for him. But he is very good at calculations.

I will try to give him some believable challenges so that this story just doesn't become monotonous.

I will not forget the OC just like that.

If you have any idea as to what the next world should be leave it in the comments.

The first world will always be more detailed than most, but that doesn't mean that the next ones will be shabby.

Good day.

The second chapter of today. This late into the game I might as well just post 2 chaps per day.

I am still thinking about that though.

This chap has 1500 words(Not counting the notes at the end)

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