
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Not smooth sailing

In a white room, 5 men and women were wearing masks and gloves while staring at a man currently on Oxigen.

-The surgery was a success. said one of the doctors, one could see relief in his tone

-Thank God!

-This new machine really does wonders… Thankfully we bought one a few months ago...

-He really lived huh…


-Don't say that! Said another doctor.

-Let's go inform the family.

Outside of the emergency room was a long corridor. On the corridor were two children, of which, one was seemingly asleep with clear tears marks below the eyes, while the other one was just asleep, although, in reality, he wasn't.

Just as one of the doctors left the room, a very tired man got up from his seat and went towards the medic.

-Is he alright doctor? Did my friend just…

Before he could finish the doctor went and said:

-He is fine. Thanks to our new machine and the continuous effort of the doctors he managed to push through just like his wife.

To this statement, the man went and shook his wife awake and repeated the news to her. Upon hearing that she almost seemed to cry. But just as things were looking good for the family, the doctor said:

-I am sorry to interrupt but there is still something that I need to say. Although he managed to pass through the ordeal, just like his wife, he is currently in a state of coma, and we don't really have any predictions on when he is going to wake up.

And just like that, the cheerful atmosphere got gloomy once more.

-It's ok Mr-doctor, you did your best. Said my father.

That's right. Just this morning the Onaga family fell into a terrible accident. As on any other day, they prepared to go to work, but not before leaving Kona behind with us. The thing is. Today, school is closed, not only mine but Kona's as well. It didn't take even an hour for them to fall into a terrible accident due to a drunk truck driver. The accident was very serious as it involved several people, one of which died.*May you be happy in the naruto world* Somewhere deep in the universe someone felt a terrible fluctuation within the PLOT*


After some time while I was informed of the accident by one of the clones who was watching the news, my parents called saying that they were going back home to pick us up. I already knew the reason for that but Kona didn't. Thankfully she didn't ask where we were going, as I didn't want to lie and say we were going to Disneyland…


Things went by and now here we are. Fortunately, both lived. But, how are we going to explain the situation to Kona?

Luckily this was not my job. My parents then went and brought us to a series of "happy" places on the expectation that Konas's mood would get better. But all went to shit when she stated the cursed quote when we got home:

-Where are mom and dad? She said, almost crying when I closed the door.

She was grabbing my clothes really hard when she finished her words.

Without even replying, my mother broke down into tears and started hugging us really hard.

Neither I nor my dad cried but I was on the verge of doing so. I wasn't going to activate my power in order to control my feelings, as I felt that it would be an inhuman thing to do. But I didn't want to cry as I knew that, in the future, if I didn't even have a bit of strength, my family would be the one to go.

As for the almighty being behind me? Of course, I asked how much energy it would cost to bring them back up. The answer?

{60 units of energy} She replied, rather sad.

What?! How?! That's over the price of two revives!

{...There will always be an increase in the price of anything when used on other people that aren't directly bonded with you}

Does this include my parents?

{Yes… they aren't really connected with you apart from the fact that they share your current body blood. It isn't going to be as expensive, but it will cost you, even if it is to just heal them a little.}

...What determines the price? After all, even though they are in a coma, most of their other injuries have been healed.

{The situation determines it. For example, if you were in a world where the normal public had access to the means to heal both of them, then the price would be rather minimal but not "free". But our situation is different as the public does not have access to the technology required to heal their current condition. This does not remove the chances of any world power having the means to heal them though. The price is determined by the difficulty of the action in the world you are currently in, although, there will always be some things that are just expensive. Having the chance doesn't mean it's feasible.}

Reality sucks sometimes… Most of the time, the only thing we can do is move on.


And with that, I went to sleep. Not alone though as Kona never removed her hands from my shirt, and I wasn't really keen on bickering with a child who is passing through a traumatic event. I am not scum.

The following days were anything but happy, as Kona would be either in her room alone crying from time to time or around the house staring at things while looking pensive.

As for the matter of who would become her guardian… It was resolved that her grandma would move to Kona's house in order to act as her guardian. As for her previous house? It was put up for rent.

With the help of my dad, the insurance problem had already been resolved and all the remaining paperwork was going by smoothly.

The only problem now is Kona herself. As long as she doesn't move on, the sad atmosphere in the house will never get better.

Even though everyone has been trying their best for the past 4 months, Kona didn't really show any sign of improving.

As I was on the verge of just expending the precious few points of energy that I had when Kona approached me during my now all-time training session.

-Can I still become a pilot? She said in a really small voice, a few meters away from me. I was currently in the back garden training with a small wooden baton while she was 4-5 meters away from me.

-What did you say, Kona? Can you get a little bit closer?

Of course, I heard her say it's just that I needed her to say that to me, face to face. I was going to fix this situation NOW, even if it costs me saying something cringe.

She approached me slowly and said:

-Can I still become the greatest pilot when I still failed to save mom?

I was relatively surprised when a child asked me that, but then I remembered that the previous episode of "Robotto Yōsei-Robot fairy" discussed something very similar to this situation.

Talk-no-Jutsu … ON!

-Are you an idiot?

She got stunned, but then her eyes started to get moist as she was probably going to cry.

-What do you think auntie Ki would think if she saw you? "Auntie tree" is the master of the protagonist of the anime series that she loves to watch. She loves it so much that she only lost one episode of it and it was during the first week of the accident.

-Remember what she said: "What is done is done, never live in the past as those that went ahead will always wait for you in the future. So never live in the past or you will never meet them again".

-Can I really meet daddy and mommy? She said with twinkling eyes, probably an effect of her moist eyes.

-If someone or something stays in your way WHAT WILL YOU DO? If there is no chance of victory ahead of you WHAT MUST YOU DO?

As if waiting for me to finish those words Kona screamed:


I walked to her and hugged her and then started to walk into the house while trying to hide my face that was most likely red by now.

-Now what should you do?

-... See the next episode of Robotto Yōsei! She said happily.

I almost fell to the ground

While I thought about what I did wrong, Kona stormed through me not before stopping to give me a kiss on the cheeks and then proceed to go to her room to most likely to watch her favorite series.

-Success I guess.

-Now we can finally move on with the other things…

I had many things to do. The last few months have been tough and filled with complications, but now nothing will stop me from achieving my plan. At least I hope so.




My hands...

Almost there now

Big time-skip, probably the last big one in a while/Is this a spoiler?/

This chap has 1530 words... the previous one had around 1200.

Nothing more to add...


Abadomcreators' thoughts