
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Goodbye old friends

-Where do you think you are going? Said a vampire towards me.

-It was orders from Lord Kars that we killed you here and…

-Shut up.

What did I learn this time?

I kept holding myself, since the first time I met the Pillar man, all of it was for my research.

For my few friends.

It worked well at the start. But it backfired, now being the case.

Out there in the world is now an uncontrollable variable: Kars.

If I give him enough time to incorporate the technology of humans into his research… Even if he thinks we are undeveloped in contrast to their especies, I don't think he has that many options left.

How long do I have?...




I pointed my finger at him and channeled my Hamon.

My finger extended as if it was rubber and pierced his head.

The Ripple turned the vampire into smoke.

(Star finger?)

I am not going to hold myself anymore.

John wasn't a fighter. He spent all three main worlds he had been so far either training or studying. For him, fighting was a game of prediction, he would take in count several dozen factors before going into a fight and prepare dozens of traps and backlines in case something happened. But with this enormous failure, where he allowed an almost dead Kars to flee right before his eyes made him understand how unpredictable reality can be. He is slowly changing into a proper dimensional fighter.

(If anyone is curious, the three worlds are: his first world before he was chosen, IS, and JOJO.)


John let out all of his Hamon in a ferocious way around his body.

The heat and light was enough to kill weaker vampires.

(In comparison, Joseph's Hamon was said to cause prickling in the skin, like when you stay too long in the sun, while Kars's Hamon when he became a "perfect being" was hot enough to melt Joseph's body. The small part where it hit of course, not the entire body at once.)

He also materialized several clones. They breathed deeply and out.

-... I can't properly control the air with multiple clones doing the same around me, since these guys are just fodder, just use normal techniques.

The clones then jumped into the sea of Vampires...

From far away, a group of people were watching this event.

It looked as if a stadium light was shining in the night.

(They couldn't see the clones from this distance.)

-Crazy… Said a small child.

-He grew up fine under my tutelage. Said a very tall man. No… He was massive, being over 2.2 M tall. He was also very buff.

-Shameless man! It was the collective work of all masters that led him to this state! Said a very old woman.


-Calm down Jojo. We already sent people to help him. You and the others should rest.

-...Anyway. Who are you guys? Asked Caesar

-We? Just some old people. Said the tall man

-Don't put me in that group! Said the small child.

-I am talking about the masters, not the apprentices. Go drink some milk kid.

-We came from the Americas. Because of some complications and the distance, we took several weeks later than planned. Said the old woman.

-Wasn't it the fault of those guys? Said a monk wearing sandals.

He pointed towards a group on the side. They seemed a little embarrassed.

-Those guys from North America decided to fight on the boat damaging the main engine. We took longer because of that shit. Said the kid

-Leonard! Don't say that! Said a teen girl.

-We are very sorry… We don't meet others with frequency so…

-We got excited for some good ol 'fun! Said a man with a heavy accent



-Jojo! Caesar! Are both of you alright? Said a woman leaving a car

-Lisa Lisa! x 2

-Where is John?

-He is…

-Down there. Said Caesar.

She looked at the shining light coming from the ruins. The moment she started to walk there…

-Calm down young lady. With that wound you aren't going anywhere. Said the old lady.

-Wound?! Are you hurt master? Asked Caesar

-Its fine…

-No you aren't, it pierced your liver, even though you made some basic treatment, you need immediate surgery. Said the tall buff man.

-I brought some doctors that can use Hamon Lisa Lisa, so there is no need to worry about scars.

-Old man! Said Joseph

It was none other than Speedwagon! Behind him was a very beautiful girl. She had red hair and brown eyes.

Caesar looked at her for a few seconds, but he wasn't in the mood to flirt.

-It's good seeing you alright Jojo, Caesar. But we now have some urgent things to do.


He snapped his fingers and dozens of trucks and people wearing some strange equipment started to go toward the ruins.

-Let us handle it. The German army will provide support and make sure no vampire escapes.

An hour later, it was morning.

(Kars had planned the fight to last only a few hours before the sun was supposed to rise, so that his evolution could be done as soon as possible.)

The remaining vampires were turned into dust immediately.

I sat in a chair while listening to Stroheim's excuses.

He had a massive bruise on his head.

-... I don't blame you too much, it was mostly my fault for not finishing him off with my full power. Let's leave this behind, we now have greater problems.

-If Kars escaped that means he will come back, the question is when. Said Huang in a weak voice.

He and some other older master looked about ready to meet God.

-... Don't speak too much Huang, try to…

-No. When I decided to come, I already knew I wouldn't come back.

He got up from his chair and came next to me.

-Kid, you were the greatest student I ever trained and it's now time to pass my final teaching on to you.

-That 's right. Said Tonpetty.

Some other masters that had gotten too injured also got up.

-I am too hurt to go back now… I would prefer to do something meaningful before I die. Said the Japanese master.

They placed their hands on my shoulders.


I already knew this moment would come.

They were already very old. And with the techniques I gave them, that only increased their life expectancy by a few more years.

But still…

A blinding light came suddenly.

It lasted a few seconds before it started to dissipate.

-I will watch you from the other side…


-Until...Next time kid.

-Master Gojou…

-Don't let yourself be taken by grief and anger. Only with control... can you exert the maximum of your strength...


But no sound came afterward.

Before their bodies fell into the ground, the people around helped me put them calmly on the floor.

-$%^% The Egyptian Master was praying something in her home language.

(I will let you guys wonder what she was saying)

-Be well friends. May you all find peace beyond this bloody world… Said the Russian Master in a surprisingly soft tone.


The small kid cried in the corner.

The old lady came and said:

-Don't cry. That would be disrespectful towards their legacy. They lived their life for the art and trained dozens of disciples. They fought in incredible battles, and successfully passed on their Wave to the next generation.

(For someone who isn't understanding shit. The masters are dying due to their old age+ injuries. So they passed their wave to the MC. I talked about this a few chapters up.)

After a minute of silence I said:

-Let's go home. There is no point in staying behind. Kars will take several days to recover, but he will have to return eventually, so we have to prepare. The Germans can stay behind with the Foundation to see if they have any luck finding him. I will stay in the hotel for a day or two before leaving.

Everyone nodded and went to do their business.

Back at the hotel I finished reading all of the notes.

-... Hahaha… It was so simple all along.

-I need… a few weeks, it should be all that I need to finish the mask.

As for the battle's aftermath. The Speedwagon foundation collected all of the remains of the pillar men, including the blood and body parts left behind by Kars for analysis.

With this the research on the Pillar man should reach its critical point soon.

(He is talking about the mask effects. The research on the Pillar men's biological abilities would likely be continued for decades.)

I need some time to rest as well. I am physically and emotionally tired.

So I went to sleep

2/4 chaps

1500 words

Abadomcreators' thoughts