
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Go get a job!

A day later in a mansion somewhere in Venice

Jojo was having a mental breakdown.

-I would have said a year if I knew he was going to agree!

-Jojo! Be serious!

I tried but it didn't lead me anywhere. The only thing it did to me was make me depressed! He thought

-Jojo, your Hamon is too weak! To fight them, you need to at least be able to do this:

He picked a cup filled with water and turned it upside down. But the water didn't spill.

-I can do this easily!

-Then try it.

He threw the cup which Jojo caught easily, but he only managed to hold for a second before the water spilled over.


-Let me explain something to you…

He started to talk about the most basic form of control. That is released through the hand. He could release it with his fingers while Jojo always spread it out in his hand, decreasing the wave's strength.

-... You need to learn how to control your ripple. That's why we came here to Venice, where my master resides!

-OH NO! Hard work is probably my least favorite thing!

A day before, in the ruins.

I looked at the Nexus Key in my hand.

For all those years, it stayed dormant without doing anything. Well, not like I tried to do anything with it, I know I can access the market and all of that…

[You received a message. Number of messages: 2]


Did I receive some other message?

[6 years, 8 months, 22 days, 2 hours, 3 min,14 seconds ago.]

Why didn't you tell me

[The host was warned about it, but couldn't answer due to being sleeping]

So why didn't you warn me again?

[There are no such parameters. Please, impute a new parameter]

...Sigh. From now on when I receive a new message, warn me continuously every hour until I reply. You can stop the sounds temporarily if I am occupied with something like a fight.


Show me both messages.

[Message 1- From:Lylia

Message 2- From:Anonimous Xx2469.]

...Play message 1

[It's a written message]

Show it

{Heyyyy! How 's it going? I imagine some years must have passad while I was away right? I can feel you getting stronger, faster than I expected actually. I just wanted to say I have finished my promotion with immense scores. As expected of me.

...The thing is, from now on, you are in a protection period, it should last... What? 6 and a half years when you are? The timing may be slightly off, since I am making some Multi-universal calculations…

Once it ends you may receive some requests. Depending on the situation you may be obliged or not to do them, but remember something. You need to maintain our reputation! A good reputation will lead to me being able to make connections, people putting more confidence in us, hence, better missions, you know how it goes don't you?... }

So I pretty much have to do everything alone…

{Yup! Surprised? I know exactly what you are thinking. Even the fact that you will only open this 6 years later. You should pay more attention. Be careful with some missions, remember to check on the contractor's rank and to see their reputation, else you might be scammed or worse, die.

Don't stick to the rules in the contract, sometimes, doing something another way the contractor envisioned it might lead to better rewards.

I am currently doing some mandatory work… It's a pain, but I actually have my parents with me so it should be a breeze. Good bye! Good luck! Sayonara as they say in...}

Stop the message. Play the second one.

[This message has audio]

{... -How do I use this? Said a high pitched male voice

-It's already playing, Brother. Said a feminine voice

-OH! I see. Let 's start, then!

-Hello warrior! A good friend of mine recommended you to me saying you are trustworthy and efficient. And those traits are something that I…

-Brother, you are getting off track. Let me take it from here.

-So, it goes like this. We would like to contract you for a job: you'll go in, do what we demand, you may stay there for a while if you want, we pay you, basic stuff. The details are as such...


[A contract mission is included in the audio. Open it?]

Do it.

[ Mission- Target mission

Rank-1 (0 is the lowest, but we won't have any lower than one for now.)

Difficulty-Medium to High (It's made from the data gathered from the user)


- Eliminate the Source of all living matter.

- Collect the spinal blood of Eren Yeager.


- Collect the spinal blood of the Titan shifters. (The more the better)

- Capture the Source of all living matter alive.


>Don't kill anyone relevant to the main story.

>Don't do anything that might lead to the people doubting the Hero's identity.

>You have a limit on how much you can expose about the Nexus.

Reward: Level 1 World ticket (Pays for everything related to world travel)

Description: Our stupid Chosen hero has decided to reincarnate in this fucked world. And we(I) won't sit comfortably while he destroys himself. We will give you a special tool to kill the creature. You may also collect the blood from the Titans shifters, since this sort of power might be useful later on to our hero. The rest? You must do it by yourself. Don't bother with the main story, our hero doesn't know much about the later details of it, and you are already going to change the story anyway.]

… Is that all?

[That was the end of the message]

In my current state the reward is just meh. But since I don't even have a small clue about where this world's energy source might be, this might help me recover my losses if I have to leave my current world.

Even though it's only level 1, which severely limits its max value. It is still useful for me since it will probably be enough to pay my mech value when I travel to another world.

They even gave me the tool to kill it, the problem is how to draw it out.

And if I read it correctly then there should be a hidden quest. And that is having Ymir's relinquish her power, making all the Titans collectively lose their power and reverted back to normal humans.

Tell them that before accepting, I would like to know the time difference.

[Processing… Rank… Distance… Reading contract terms... Sending a message will cost… 1 Unit.]



[... A response has come]

Tell me.


How stingy.

But I have time, and this mission shouldn't take too long.

I will do it!

[Processing… Sending the message will cost 1 Unit]

… Do it…

[... Coordinates have been received. The trip's cost has already been paid. The Item named "Cool Mech" has been partly paid for. Reason being: Too expensive for the contract... The reason has been deemed valid.]

How do I go then?

[Insert the coordinates with the contract code into the Multidimensional Boat.]

Such a long name for a portal tool.

[In case you have any issues, please contact the closest Dimensional support Unit...]

I picked the boat stored inside the space of the cube. And stepped into it.

-Let me see… Coordinates… This is too big, I can't even see the end of it. Cube, do it for me.

[Request received… Done. Please, put on your seat belt.]

I sat into the stuffed chair in the boat. It kinda reminded me of Gondolas in Venice.

[Portal opening in 59...]

Make it in three seconds



[1… Mission Start.]

The decorative crow on the front of the ship lit up and started to fly.

It "pecked" into space. Creating a small crack.

It looked strange, but somehow fitting.

The crack grew in size, and eventually a tunnel formed.

The crow then flew inside, from its tail, a white line connecting to the ship was visible. The boat then started to move…

Darkness, the only source of light being the crow flying in front and the dim lantern above me.

-This is eerie.

-How long until we arrive?

[Processing… ]

A large counter appeared in the air. It said 00:09:50

-Ten minutes huh?

A good time to relax. The last fight was rather tense.

But I am excited to meet those iconic characters. And perhaps beat Eren up?

Who knows?

(I hated the end of Attack on Titan.)

(I already rewrote this chap several times, so there might be some incongruencies in it. And I will probably change some things later as well. Remember to post your comments lore lords, so that I can make this canonically possible.)

Question of the day. What is your current favorite series? Games, anime, films, novels, books, whatever.

1450 words.

I made some changes at the end of the previous chap in order to help people better understand some things. It was two, three paragraphs but I hope it might clear more confusion.

A small arc will start so that we can get a breather in Jojo.

And I plan to set the basis for the future quests and all of that.

Thank you for reading. Until next time.

Abadomcreators' thoughts