
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs


-Do you have something you want to talk about, child? Said Speedwagon.

-I heard you help the Hamon users. Your company studies the stone masks, the vampires and their weaknesses, while also dealing with technology and medical advancements right?

-... Yes. That's what I do. I hope to one day cleanse the world of these abominations. But how did you…

-There isn't much to do here you know… Apart from training. So my only form of entertainment is hearing stories from the older, more experienced masters.

(There are a few OC's masters, around the same level as Lisa Lisa butlers.)

-I see. But what does that have to do with all of this?

This is the moment I was waiting for!

I neatly put many pieces of paper atop the table.

-What is this? He said while putting on a pair of glasses.

-Patent for… Advanced radio cel-cellphones? Lithium-Ion batteries?

Speedwagon was by no means a stupid person, otherwise, he would have been eaten by the capitalists when he found the oil fields in the desert. He was also very lucky, coupled with his connections and special traits, he was set for success.

-Kid… This is…

-Something I thought about in my free time. I never had the time to ask anyone about this because… No one understands this, it was very difficult to have any sort of books be brought this deep into the mountains…

It's a bit forced, but I am sure Speedwagon isn't going to care about this point...

This is… Considerably more advanced than my company's secret research.

-But tell me. What do you plan to do with all of this?

-I want to find the limits!

-Wh-What do you mean?! He had a surprised look on his face, sweat was falling from his forehead.

-I want to know the limits of Hamon and of my body. I can't really research on my own, I always ask myself if there is something more. Is there a better material to conduct Hamon? Are there better ways to train it? What are the true limits of Hamon? I can't research all of this on my own, so that's where you come in.

...Th-This kid! He wants to use my company in order to improve himself! But I can't really refuse, since everything he said is in line with what I seek to do. Why did I never think of researching Hamon itself?! I got so focused on the stone masks and vampires that… I am sorry Jojo…

-Alright then! How about this…

Me and Speedwagon talked for several minutes about many ideas until dinner was ready.

-We shall talk later, kid. Have a good night. He said while going to his dorms.

The next few days passed quickly, and we talked about many ideas. It went like this: Speedwagon would develop my ideas into sellable products since some of what I showed him might be a few decades ahead of today, the money will be used to create a separate organization fully focused in researching and studying Hamon, they will research Hamon conductivity in materials, how the body interacts with it, look for lost ruins and technologies and etc.

A part of the money will be left in the company's bank. This is my part of the deal. Speedwagon saw the research of Hamon as a duty left to him by the world, so he didn't ask for a big part of the money, only enough to pay the workers who will sell my products. This money will be around 80% of the revenue, but that was after I heavily negotiated with him saying he deserves more.

I allowed Speedwagon to use this money if he sees fit, most importantly, to invest it. I have no use for large amounts of money since I will eventually leave this world, so it's better to make the most out of it. But what really surprised me was what Tonpetty said right before Speedwagon left.

-When he comes back, you will go with him.

-What do you mean?

-I told you about this already. Although… It's painful to admit, but you have almost mastered everything I can teach you. I know about your dreams and goals. In order for you to improve, you must seek new horizons. Just like I said previously. There aren't many monasteries on the same level as ours out there in the world, but there are still a few. He will only come back when June ends, three months from now, so I will take this time to train you in everything that is left.

-I will send you to China, to a very old friend's place. I hope he is still alive, else this might get difficult, though they shouldn't turn you down even if he has.

I nodded to him and got back into my room, tomorrow he would leave, and my normal days would resume.

Speedwagon left in the morning with his engineers, after saying my goodbyes, I went back to training with Tonpetty.

I could see it, he was dying. I guess this was expected, he already looked old 4 decades ago, even with his Hamon, but now… He must be over 100 years old without a doubt. It's already a miracle that he can maintain this level of physical fitness with his age.

He will at most last what? A year? Two? If only I had more time, I could perhaps give him some more years to live. But my current understanding of Hamon isn't nearly good enough to prolong someone's life.

The months passed in a flash, and as Master said, Speedwagon arrived at the end of June, with a massive team. This team would rebuild all of the facilities of the temple, while also building extra training areas.

Hamon is a very "dangerous" art. What I mean is that, if you wish to become a master, then you need to put your life on the line, otherwise you will never truly achieve higher levels.

But, after many months of me pestering Straizo, he finally allowed for more diverse training methods to be implemented. One of the reasons why Hamon didn't evolve in the past 2000 years is because of how thick-headed Hamon users are. They will never accept weak-willed students, discarding them even if they have the potential. They are hardcore, and this thought process has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of disciples throughout the eras.

And I wanted to change this, even if just a little. Just look at me, they made me pass through hellish training even though I am 10 now. Swimming in the coldest of water, making me climb a smooth mountain under the rain when the winds are over 80Km/h, they made me use blindfolds and walk around a path filled with dangers, from poisonous snakes to scorpions. And more. They say these are the training methods used for over a thousand years. Can you see the problem? It's outdated. There are machines we could be using and developing in order to make training wield more results.

That's one of the reasons why I had my deal with Speedwagon. By leaving his company to study Hamon, I can focus on my training, while I train I will receive updates from them. This way, when I reach adulthood and start to fend for myself, I will have a shitload of machines and researchers ready to help me.

They might be slower than me if I were to do the research, but this will accumulate over time. And it saves me a lot of time, I have a lot to do now. I will go and collect the techniques from all around the globe, by the time I finish this adventure, a few years will have passed.

Speedwagon didn't stay for long, just enough time to catch up. He was a busy man, after saying everyone my goodbyes I packed the few things that I had(Mostly papers with all sorts of theories, and a scarf given to me by Tonpetty.) and went with him. I was currently using an old-style tuxedo with a hat. I think I look pretty good. No one would look at me and think I am a country bumpkin who lived most of his life in the mountains training martial arts.

-Look at you little John! You look like a magnate's son! HAHA!

-They might think I am your child at this rate…

-Here, I have a gift for you. Over the months, I looked all around Europe for many talents, and I found them! You would be surprised by how many talents I found! From small families who train a rough kind of Hamon to talents who can feel it but not actively use it. With the help of the science team, we made this prototype!

Two big guys appeared, holding a big iron box.

-The only problem is that the material evaporates at around 30C and it can only remain a solid in temperatures below 0C. But In its liquid state, it can propagate Hamon with 100% efficiency! Its liquid state allows for a great deal of malleability, but caution is advised else it might just evaporate.

He snapped his fingers and the two bodybuilders opened the box.

... To be continued.

1550 words.

We are currently in a Hamon training arc. We shall explore the limits of this forgotten power system that in my opinion deserves more attention.

Then... Let's leave that for later, shall we?

Thank you for reading.

Today's question is: Who is your favorite MC and why? Be sure to post the world he comes from as well.


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