
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs


It was no other than Huang, someone I haven't seen in years, he looked older but not that much older, I guess the techniques I had the SF deliver were useful.

-Stop being such a prick Old bucket, the kid is tired. Said another very old man on the side.

It was no other than Tonpetty! Still alive to this day.

Several years ago, I mastered a technique that when combined with another technique, could allow the Hamon from someone to increase.

But that only works with people whose foundation is high. Because of the increase in Hamon in one's body, it results in a small increase in life expectancy. Otherwise, He wouldn't live to this day.

-Look at him! He looks like a twig! In Russia even the snakes are thicker than his arms.

-And their brains are smoother than marble. Said a woman wearing pharaoh style clothing.

-What did you say? Said the Russian man

-Calm down everyone, we are here to teach, not to fight… At least not amongst ourselves. Said a man with very clear Japanese features.

-Who-WHO ARE YOU GUYS?! No wait. Where did they come from?

-Allow me to introduce them. They are the masters of Hamon from all around the world. From right to left we have…

I said their names and a brief introduction to everyone.

-HAHAHA! You must be Lisa Lisa! I heard a lot from you! I always wanted to fight you! Said the Russian man

-Perhaps later Zhestkov. We have more urgent things to take care of. Said the man from Japan.

-Jojo, Caesar I hope you guys are ready! Messina! Loggins! Prepare the training curriculum! From now on you two should be prepared to die! Said Elizabeth

They continued to talk with each other, and looking at this scene of almost a dozen masters together made me remember that this wasn't the show.

Eventually the talk diverted into who was the strongest.

-I can set up a small competition later, how about it? I said to them

-GOOD! Russia never cowers from challenges.

In the blink of an eye, the pressure above Joseph and Caesar was increased by a few times.

They found themselves being outskilled by a lot of people they had never seen or heard of before. So they put a lot more effort into trying to improve.

As for me? I talked with my old instructors, about my experiences, and my development over the years.

The days passed like this, The two heroes only knew how to train. Each day they trained under someone else.

/5 days before the fight/

-It's time for the final test! Said Lisa Lisa

She had just shown Jojo and Caesar the Red Stone of Aja. Yes, it was the true one, I had it come back to me since I knew leaving it somewhere might be risky.

And also, by using its amplification powers, couldn't I kill the Pillar man?

My clones spent months analysing the stone, and they created a special weapon to use it.

The only thing left is to install the stone in it. But I can leave it for later.

I also have some plans for it… To catch Kars in an inescapable trap.

-...And you will fight Loggins, Jojo.

After some more talk they made their way to who knows where.

I went to my own room to rest a little.

I spent the past few days being extremely attentive, I even had a clone run around the place disguised. But the Pillar man didn't come. They are planning something, that's obvious.

At night, I was at the highest place on the island, looking around to see if I could catch anyone suspicious.

But after a few hours no one came.

Jojo defeated Loggins without a problem. Completing his Hamon training.

Strange… Where is Esidisi? He should be looking around Italy by now.

I had a tracker put somewhere in their clothes, but that was removed a few days later. I sent one clone to keep an eye on them, but they were too fast for the clone to keep up with while in hiding.

Like in the story, Esidisi was looking around Italy for the stone. But he didn't come to the island to fight Joseph. And he should send the stone to Kars, who is in Switzerland.

Did he fail to find any clue?

During the years, I had Speedwagon double his efforts in hiding the stone location.

Was it so effective? No matter. We will eventually meet when it's time.

Jojo finally took a break after nearly a month.

-I did it!! Finally I get to take this ass of a mask off!

He picked the mask and threw it on the ground, ready to stomp it.

-Hey. The mask is quite expensive and it's difficult to make, so don't break it.

-How about I give you and Caesar a day in the most expensive restaurant in Venice as a gift? At least that is cheaper than the mask.

-It is that expensive?!

Jojo now treated the mask as a treasure.

I looked at the twin towers in the distance where Caesar was doing his test and saw him looking at us through a telescope.

-Hey Jojo, give Caesar a wave.

Jojo squinted his eyes towards where I was pointing and said:

-I can barely see him from here. How can you see him from here John?

-There is still a lot more to Hamon than what you just mastered.

-Like what?

-... You want to see what I can do? Didn't you see it in the fight against those guys?

-I was semi-unconscious!

-Geez… Tomorrow, you should relax a little now.

Caesar looked at us with his telescope but couldn't help but to think:

He is truly a master. I can barely even see Jojo with my bare eyes, but he could see me perfectly, so much so that he could tell I was watching them…

-Oi Caesar what are you looking at? Asked Messina.

-Nothing. It seems Jojo finished his training as well.

-Them lets go tell Lisa Lisa the good news.

Caesar only gave a nod.

/4 days before the fight/

Everyone was eating breakfast in the morning when a letter came.

Lisa Lisa read the letter with a frown on her face.

-What is it, sensei? Asked Caesar.

-It's from the Pillar man


Everyone was shocked in a sense. Even the Russian instructor.

-It says where the combat will be. 3 days from now in Switzerland, Saint Moritz.

-Lets go beat them up! Said Jojo

-I agree with Jojo! Said Caesar

-Wait a bit, we still have time. Lets contact some people first, and prepare for the day. If they end up scaping and absorbing someone not related to the fight it would be all over. I commented.

-What if they get away, we can't…

-Calm down Caesar. They need us anyway. Since we have what they are looking for.

Said Lisa Lisa


-We will go after we eat so that we can get there on time.

We took several cars, and went our way.

A day later in Saint Moritz

/3 days before the fight/

In a big hotel Me, Jojo and Caesar ate some veggies at a table.

The other masters went to scout around the place, I am pretty much certain they are at the abandoned hotel, but checking things out beforehand never killed anyone.

My clones went around the place setting traps in case I needed to, but I am pretty much sure I won't.

My current mindset was divided, I wanted to see the transformation, so that I could collect data, but another side of me told me to kill them as quickly as possible.

As long as I could understand the intrinsic properties of the human mind then I could create a mask to evolve humans.

-Hey John! You told me you would show me your power after the fight but you didn't show me anything!

-Was there such a thing? Asked Caesar.

-Yes. I think now is a good time. Come with me.

We walked to a small frozen lake in the forest.

-I will only show this once.

-Above normal breathing control, there is what I call "External control".

-If normal breathing can be categorized as a "macro" form of control. Then External breathing should be "Micro" control.

-By shaping the air around us by using the usual repulsive and attractive waves, we can create a wind current that will generate a third type of wave through friction. The Neutral wave.

-As you can imagine, we can't use this form of wave just like the other two. So how can we use it?

Caesar and Jojo were paying a lot of attention to this class.

-At the start you can manipulate it by using the other two waves, since they repel each other, later, you will need to "feel" it in order to use some of the more advanced applications, otherwise your brain will be too overwhelmed.

-Watch well! This is something not even Lisa Lisa can do!

A little slower than usual. That was because I made a major change in the plot, and I had to postpone 10 chaps... I didnt throw then away, but I will have to make changes in them to make them more in line with what I changed.

1500 Words

Thank you for reading. Until next time.

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