
Beyond Critical (Multi-Cross DxD, Rosario Vampire, Ikki Tousen, More)

Kaito Evander wasn't anything special. He was smart, athletic and had great aspirations, but there was nothing truly special about him, even his Sacred Gear was a common Twice Critical. That was until the soul of his counterpart in another universe fused with his own and he gained...a second Twice Critical?(Insert)(Multi-cross) (Ikki Tousen, Uzaki-chan Wants To Hang Out, Rosario Vampire, Testament Of New Sister Devil) https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

That One Training Arc - 1

The sun was…annoying this morning.

His skin slightly prickled under the morning rays and Kaito resisted the urge to scratch at himself. He knew of course, devils were weakened under the sunlight initially and took a little bit to adapt to it.

…But he seemed to be a completely different case from what he remembered of Hyoudou. He was lethargic felt incredibly weak under the sun when he first reincarnated as a devil.

'Is it because I'm part dragon as well now?' he mused inwardly as he snapped out a quick one-two jab into an uppercut combo, followed by a rising kick aimed at an imaginary opponents neck.

There was a noticeable speed increase in his movements, and an even easier ease into his movements than usual. Not only had his physical abilities increased, the overall condition of his body had too. His senses had been enhanced even further, he was more flexible and limber, his reflexes increased.

If he gave a rough estimate, he'd say his overall abilities, including his magic had increased by an overall fifty percent.

That did not include the toughness of his body or his outright physical strength though. He wasn't quite sure how much he'd grown in that department, but at the very least, it was over five times.

Yes, the Rook piece was definitely the best choice for him.

Which brought his thoughts back to his new 'king' and just what happened last night.

Kaito was at a loss. When he reviewed his memories of last night, for the most part, it felt like he was an outside spectator in his body, running on instinct.

And it had been ever since he'd started having sex with Yanagi and Irina. Something…had risen up in him and put him on a high, so much so that he'd barely been fully cognate. Even when he was speaking to Rias and Serafall, and it had been him, it felt like…it was all overshadowed by the sheer desire, the sheer need to dominate them.

He shuddered as he remembered Yanagi moaning beneath him, Irina squealing in pleasure as he tugged on her twin tails and spanked her, Rias baring her body to him and welcoming him to take her, Serafall submissively presenting herself to him after he'd 'won' their little bet.

It had been all he could do to not just ignore when Sona called, it had taken all his willpower not to just grab the Satan Leviathan by her own twin tails and drive himself into her to the hilt.

…That wasn't him. He wasn't that kind of guy, to get so lost in his lust and feel the need to utterly dominate girls.

As it was, last night, things had ended on a rather awkward note between everyone. Serafall after reincarnating him and teleporting him back home, had barely stuck around for more than a minute to tell him she'd get in contact with him later and that for the moment, he should act as a member of Rias' peerage before rushing off.

Even Rias had noticed the awkwardness and excused herself after dressing, promising they'd talk after school.

…He hadn't slept at all since then. Couldn't actually. While Yanagi and Irina had pretty much collapsed in his futon when everything was all said and done, he'd been…full of energy.

So much so, he'd spent the night recalling the memories his other self had, of when Akeno Himejima taught Hyoudou and Asia Argento to draw upon and use their devil magic.

…It had been surprisingly simple to draw out and shape as raw energy. Possibly because he was used to the feel of his magic and had been actively using his dragon powers and touki for quite a while now.

'Could it have been because of that?' Kaito wondered idly, spinning in place as he brought his foot back and throwing out an elbow, transitioning into a swinging back fist, a sweep and just comboing his way through movements.

His self from that the other world, was a lot more lustful than he was initially and a lot more violent. But, while he liked to have rough sex with girls, influenced too much from his childhood and being introduced to that kind of thing at an early age, he didn't want to…dominate them in full.

At least not in the way he had wanted last night.

And it wasn't just that now that he was actively thinking on it.

He'd been subtly different in attitude lately. Not by much, but he was more prone to anger now. He was more easily riled by jealousy.

…He was more malicious to that he didn't like.

Like Hyoudou.

Two weeks ago when he ran into him exercising. While it was pathetic and insulting the way he went about it, he'd usually have just went on his way, or at most gave a single comment. Not, goad the older boy into a fight, crush him and do what he did.

It wasn't that he even regretted doing it either, Hyoudou was a cunt and he deserved that and more for the shit he'd pulled, but it still wasn't something he'd usually have done normally.

'Is it because I became part dragon?' he wondered. But, that didn't really make sense to be honest. From what he knew, Hyoudou didn't display any more aggressive character traits from when he did it.

In fact, from what he knew, Hyoudou became more pathetic after sacrificing his arm.

Unless becoming a dragon enhanced ones most negative emotional attributes, that didn't make sense either.

So it had to be something else.

'Is it just a part of who I am and never noticed before?' he wondered. Had he repressed these feelings for so long and they were just surging up and out of him now that he finally felt a bit free from his burdens?


Alright, so I decided to start uploading one of my other stories here as well. A one piece system story I guess it is, called One Piece: Seaside System you'll be able to check it out now if you want just uploaded the beginning of it.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

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