
Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...

Chinenye_Okereke · Urban
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


"Come on sweetheart push"

Silvia strained against the pain ,, grinding her teeth against the invectives she wanted to hurl at

lucas head ..

"You did these to me, you push" Silvia growl at him

Lucas chuckled and placed a tender kiss against her sweaty fore head

"I would baby if I could"

"Don't baby me, leave me,"

"But you told me to hold you a while ago silvia,"

"come on Mrs Tyson, one more should do it"

Silvia stare at the doctor and wanted to yank her foot out of the stir up and kicked the doctor right

on the mouth ...

(Tai chi mode )

"Come on Silvia, she's almost here"

Lucas supported her up as she slid down the bed, her final effort was rewarded after a moment by

the sound of an indignant cry rending the air.

Lying back against the pillow, Silvia gasped for air as a slippery, wiggly little body was placed

against her breast, she looked down and saw the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen ...

Glancing up at lucas she could only stare in wonder,

Lucas kissed her so sweetly, so reverently, she thought she could die right now and her life would

have been complete ...

Instead she stroke the tiny face that was nuzzling against her n*pples and knew a moment of utter

perfection "Welcome to the Tyson's little princess"

Silvia whispered softly

Lucas didn't try to hide the tears in his eyes as he kissed the top of his daughters head ...

"Its time to announce her arrival...." He said

Once more unable to contain his happiness.. lucas bent and kissed Silvia, again and again...his time

the child was forced to cry out begging lucas to at least let go of her mum...

Silvia and Lucas both stare down at her cute face as she stops crying...

"Is she trying to tell me not kiss my wife, no way"

Lucas took Silvia lips back to his and there the child let out another wail ....

This time they both stare back at the child and burst out laughing.