
Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...

Chinenye_Okereke · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 71

The next few hours was filled with passions and love making between Lucas and Silvia ...they

screwed almost at every angle of the room., worshipped the glories of each others beauties ..made

love upon love.

They declared their feelings in endlessly spiraling sweeps of delights,...finally burying her face in

the pit of his neck...Lucas looking so in love and relieved continue to c*ress her arm until they both

fell asleep.

Tired but on the other side satisfied

few minutes of sleep got Silvia stretching her body....

she opened her eyes surprised to find Lucas staring down at her...his handsome face was glowing

along with the cool light of the room, his lips red and cherry pull up this kind of smile that made

something hard jolt in her chest...

She traced her gaze down to his hulk hairy chest and down to his flat stomach and it just felt as if

her head is gonna blow off ....

Gosh what else would a woman needs in a man, Lucas has everything, he has the body, the looks,

the fitnes, he was perfect.

totally beyond words could describe...how could she be the one to end up with this kinda man gosh

all she could just do right now was thank her star ,her lucky star..

"Baby, are you alright?" Lucas asked reacting to the look on Silvia's face..

"I didn't hurt you , did i" he asked again with his hand caressing her cheek lightly

"Oh no lucas, am fine" she whispered barely blinking as though afraid he might disappear if she

tried closing her eyes for that fraction of a seconds ...

"Silvia you felt a lot more soft, full, warm, and very very fragile ....at a point i thought of stopping

but you wouldn't let me, are you sure you are fine" ...

Lucas frown a little as she blink back tears, of course it was a tears of happiness

"Silvia "

Silvia only shook her head and assured him she was fine, she adjusted the blanket on her body,

and slide her hand down her stomach

"That's because am carrying your child Lucas, am pregnant"

At that lucas stare up at her and gasped....

"You are pregnant"

"Yes I am"

Lucas couldn't speak he just sat there staring at her...

Wondering if he was really in reality, by God all he had ever done to girls in his past was bullsh*tted

and cruelly told to opt for an ab*rtion ...

But this woman

how was he gonna thank her for changing his life into something he'd never imagine, this

specially strong beautiful woman had came into his life unannounced...changed him into the man

he was....made him realise what it means to fall in love and now she was pregnant again

Slowly Lucas knelt in front of her and covered his hand on his face ...

"Lucas what's wrong, I thought you would be fine with it" Silvia call to him softly but Lucas only


By some miracle of strength, he manage to pull his hand away....

At the sight of veins building up on his face and muscles, silvia struggled up spontaneously and

coiled her arms around his neck that lucas held her tight .

"Lucas, come on"

"I don't know how to thank you Silvia ,,

Thank you for fixing my life , thank you so much , "

He released his hold from her and touched her stomach ....

"you don't know how happy I am for this, and how is my princess doing, hope I didn't hurt her oh

gosh I've stressed you guys, what was I thinking to screw you like that "

Silvia tapped his arms and laughed ....

"Her," she raised her brows

"you said it as though you are sure its gonna be a girl"

"I strongly believe its gonna be, i want her to have every qualities her mum has,..." He smiled and

kissed her lips softly

"Common let's go get a shower"


The next few days passed in idyllic harmony, exactly as Silvia would have planned a vacation.

There was the sun, the surf and true relaxation. There was good food some to her credit, some to

lucas, Some to the chefs of the various restaurants they visited. .

Under Silvia's urging, lucas took her around Texas, she took pictures, brood, examine the beauties

of the mountains, the oceans, she kept snapping lucas and herself at any slightest opportunity ...

Their tour as she call it was for a pattern, a thread, a germ of a theme to their love and something

to show to her loved ones back in Capetown,

yet when the days they are to spent back in Texas got completed, silvia would urge lucas to let

them stay back a few more days before returning...

Who was he to decline she was at his best a woman he could call his lost ribs...

Having fun on the beach was the most sweetest of all ...after tiredly running and playing,, lucas

would wrap her in his arms and tell her how beautiful she was,,. through his appreciation...they had

spent the weekend together on a very different level.

They made love, nothing interrupted them,

video chat sometimes with his friends and sometimes with hers....with his parents , her mum and

most times with their son hadn't interrupted them either, the phone would ring several times without compulsion, they let it ring, feasted in a belated break fast, chat, laughed and feast on

each other again...

A day Silvia decided to entertain lucas, she played a music from his player and picked up a dance

Lucas had watched her in utmost amazement....he smiled and in another seconds would find himself

laughing as to how her body moved with excitement and anticipation ...

his eyes followed her movements ..

the chiffon gown which shows him the view of her nakedness was enough to got his mouth

watered ...

"Silvia enough, are you trying to seduce me, seriously?,"

But Silvia only laughed...this time she pinned him on the sofa and winged her two heavy bosoms to

his face ...

"Common silvia stop" Lucas laughed out shifting his face away from her attack

"Never let's see how far you can resist me huh"

"If that is it i can resist you silvia, what do you take me for" lucas argued

" let's see, but the rule is if you beg me for s*x am never gonna give in, bet"


Silvia tried twisting her body in a different shape but Lucas wouldn't reach out to her....he wasn't

ready to accept defeat.

Now setting a stool in front of him, the moment Silvia starts her tweaking show... Lucas eyes

suddenly got contorted out of his face ....

Where the hell did she learn this from

he decided to close his eyes, he must win this resistance bet...but out of curiosity whenever he stare

at her again...he would jumped and hold on tightly to his arousal ....

"Silvia enough," he said lustfully

Mouth watering and full ar*used..

Lucas wasn't aware when his hands removed his belt, then moved to the zipper of his jean he was

about grabbing her but Silvia only laughed and raced to the corner of the room ...

Now sweating like a mad chicken lucas was seen on his two kneels begging to make love to silvia

but she only tickled his nose and laughed at him

"We made a bet lucas"

"Am sorry I thought I could, please silvia if you don't allow me i might go crazy ..."

"No you won't "

Every corner Silvia moved that night, lucas only stare at her silently like a vulture fighting with the

arousal that wouldn't go down a bit ....

After dinner, lucas decided to go to bed first, but Silvia had refused

"You are gonna sleep on the sofa lucas,"

Lucas had stare up at her silently again ,silvia knew he was angry , but all she did was smile , gave

him a pillow and watched him rested his head back in the sofa...

"Goodnight baby" she smiled.

No answer.

Movement from the bathroom door made silvia realised she forgot to lock the door...

"Gosh "

There she turn only to find Lucas bare chested staring at her like a prey about to devour on a

meal.. the sight of his manly perfection was enough to got her eyes stretching out


She was about grabbing the towel but Lucas was fast to pin her against the wall.

In the next seconds there he was kissing her neck , and c*ressing her bosoms

"You caused this huh,you shouldn't have danced the way you did earlier"

"But we made a bet lucas" Silvia whispered almost in a cry

"Alright tell me you don't want me "

Silvia turned, stare down at his beautiful lips and slowly down to his body

"I want you, I mean I don't "


Lucas swept her off her foot and carried her back to the room

They made love that night like they had never had throughout their stay in Texas, Lucas took her

with ease, there was no need to rush, it was a slow, wild and passionate love making that got the

two calling out to each others name, they loved, confessed, worshipped, they gave each others

those bearing of love that attested to their joining,...

Only later, as they lay together, their passion spent and satisfied, did Silvia thought of her love

story with Lucas,

how it all happened from the beginning...

She sighed and finally concluded it was a story totally beyond captivating...

Two days after

The flight back to cape town was different. The Tyson's plane flew into the free space and down to

the airport, Lucas took Silvia's hand into his as they climbed down , hair blowing along with the

breeze, sunglasses both shimmering with the sun set glow...

of course lucas was quite a figure ...

Girls rock and scream when they saw the Tyson's plane..

The sight of Lucas alone was enough to split the airport apart

Silvia stare around her as Lucas's body guards clear their path and there she almost screamed out

at how lucky she was...

Gosh despite all these girls Lucas Tyson was hers...Lucas Tyson chose her.

With his hand locked intently on Silvia's, lucas moved with grace, his other hand was stuffed into his

pocket as the guys guide them both into the Tyson's helicopter..

Silvia could only stare at Lucas, wondering what he was up to...unsure of what to say or ask, Silvia

followed obediently and remain quiet through out with her head rested on Lucas chest feeling his

manly saint and glorying her luck for being a jem ...

An hour later she decided to gaze out the window only to find herself gasping at the sight .,....

Were they in another part of cape town or heaven ??

" lucas why are we here" Silvia was forced to ask

"come on let go"

Silvia's heart was full of joy as she climbed down the helicopter

"There they are Grannie " silvia glanced up only to see jamie racing up to them

"Mummy, daddy"

"Jamie" Silvia cried out and hurriedly raced to hug her son to her chest, she almost cried when she

realised how Jamie had grown so tall and looking a lot like Lucas...

Around her, she saw the family walking up to them with a broader smile, mr Tyson and his wife by

his side, a pregnant woman she realised must be Lucas elder sister with her husband and behind

them were lucas friends and that of hers,

She raced up to them and hugged them,

It was such a happy moment filled with joy, she talked briefly with Lucas's parents , his sister and

the guys whom she glanced up to realise was already choking Lucas on the neck playfully ...

She stare back at her friends and smile

"I miss you girls really"

"Come on baby gist us , hope you had fun, you know that kinda fun I mean" Anabel said shaking

ready to hear the full details

"So much fun girls" silvia laughed...

"No Gisting but there are pictures"

"We fine with pictures, you are too wild Anabelle" the girls turn their glares at Anabel who end up

lifting her hands up.

"Alright fine, pictures then"

They all had dinner that night on the beach. They were ebullient, their laughter carrying on the soft

evening air..

Silvia glanced up at the bank of clouds. She gazed at the beautiful colors, from coral to lavender

reflected in the clouds and sea.

The palm trees on the point swayed gently. A peaceful, tropical scene, quintessentially..

And she was exactly where she wanted to be, with the people she loved and admired

Wanting Lucas even while she tried not to,

She turned to watch him as he spoke with his friends, his looks was a drug to her entire being....

Jamie on the other hand was seen climbing his form as he lock his arms around his neck,

Lucas caught her eye and

winked solemnly.

She giggled and clapped a hand over her mouth at the girlish sound she made

.... She never giggled. But

on the other hand, whats wrong if she did... She was happy.

How very different her life was in such a short time.

She glanced at Lucas's father and his wife, his pregnant sister and her husband..

Their smiles encompassed not only on the husbands but that of the wives,

The family is such a blessing...

At a time she wished her mum and Raoul was here too ,, gosh that naughty brother of hers would

have scattered every where... she was busy with her thoughts smiling and watching the girls as

they exchange their dinners only to hear Raoul voice shouting from the distance ...

"Families,,what a beautiful settings for a reunion vacation....romanzaaaaaa hahahhah"

"What the hell is he doing here, this crazy brother of yours..." Diana shouted

Silvia covered her face feeling so embarrassed but almost laughed along with the girls when they

glanced ahead to see Raoul dancing along with jamie who had raced up to him screaming

"Uncle Raoullllll"

Gosh ,, where ever Raoul step his foot, surely the place would never be boring

She stood up and raced to hug her mum who got to meet with the families..the re-Union so far was

nothing but a bliss.

After the dinner was cleared away, and the others returning to the longue

Lucas and silvia wandered down along the beach, hand in hand. Lucas was

feeling pretty damn pleased with life. The development had been a jem, it felt as if he was in

paradise with the woman he loved, and, last but not least, he did feel nervous a bit now that his

friends had prepared everything ...the real plan of tonight

"Its so beautiful," Silvia said, gazing out to the sea.

her eyes studied the horizon closely

The beach was different at the full moon view From where they

sat, half hidden by the tall sea grasses, she could see a handful of

sailboats, a few sunbathers and the dark blue of the ocean

... But something was different

beautiful and different. It didn't take long moments for her to identify the source of that difference.

There were fire works

"Lucas" she half whispered when she realised how the magic came shooting up and sparkling into


She stood up slowly and stare up at the sky in wonder

" wao Lucas, this is beautiful "

She stare back at him and laughed

"You like it"

"Yea, lucas" she threw her arms around him and encircled his neck with violation, lucas drew her

more tightly to him the feeling as if he should never let go of her forever.

"I love you so much," she whispered,

"I love you too silvia....please marry me,....marry me and give me forever, i want you and that body

of yours every day and every night for the rest of our lives. I want you to be with me, to work with

me, to give me more and more babies and grow old with me. Does that sound terribly selfish?"

In response silvia lifted her hands to frame his beautiful face, her fingertips reveling in the

roughness of his jaw.

"It sounds like heaven to me lucas"

she murmured, before she drew his lips to hers and repeated the sentiment in a different form.

When finally she let him go, Lucas stare down at her and smile ...

"Is that a yes "

"Silvia cleared the tears on her eyes and nodded

" yes Lucas ,, I will marry you"

Still not taking his eyes from hers lucas slowly brought out a diamond ring from his short...silvia

was watching the beautiful ring with her mouth slightly open...gentlemanly and seductively Lucas

took her beautiful hand to his and slide the ring in ...


Silvia almost jumped when the guys and her friends came out from only God knows where, ....the

guys including raoul were seen spraying bottles of champagne to airs while the girls were

screaming and laughing ..Jamie was seen shaking his little body and dancing all around while their

parent was seen on the far end sending them their blessing ...

Lucas stare back at them and laughed.

Then drew his woman closer to him....he kissed her, deeply and passionately,

It was a night when music float on sultry air, fairy lights strung through the limbs of small China

berry trees which trickle like fire flies ...

The whole area was immediately crowded with people and white jacketed waiters with tray of mint

juleps and fruit of French champagnes while belles and clowns danced magnolia scented ....there

Raoul, Jamie , Anabel , Diana, Celine, jack and Elliot was seen dancing all around them while

others kept laughing ....

It was a night full of fun and life ...

To Lucas and Silvia it was a night of total submission to love and to more love ...
