
Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...

Chinenye_Okereke · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 13

Lucas POV:

Lucas earlier display to the moment


Holy Christ ...

I drew a breath of disgust while

I hold on to my head...

I was busy pacing left and right

And all I kept reminding myself was my mum is nothing but one gad forsaken mother f-cking witch

who could drain two drums of blood out of one skull....

if not...what right does she has to lock me up like some sort of criminal??

When will she accept the truth that I ain't interested in taking over any

f-cking responsibilities..

Any Fucking business ,or some fucking position..

Gosh I hate that witch....

I hate her so much I could hardly breath..

My gaze tour round her study like a snake looking for a hole to escape ...

I eyed the coffee cup perched on the corner of the oak desk and groaned

Gosh..caffeine was the last thing I needed,

all I so needed right now was a cigarette...

I need to smoke my brains out damn it ..

I grabbed the cup and angrily threw it on the wall

I watch as it sprinkle into pieces


Feeling more than frustrated I rubbed my hands on my face and slicked its roughness on my hair..

Oh God...

Irritation pulled my brows together and there I was ,

angrily kicking and punching on whatever i see ..

Anger , frustration , plus inner heat all three surged through me at once ...

And it felt as if I wanted to die ...

I grounded my teeth while i walked hurriedly towards the desk

"Useless phone" I picked up the desk phone and threw it sideways like I normally threw a piece of

used condom...

I attacked a teddy bear and blow on it repeatedly..

I was doing this when

I sighted the pictures of us all ,my dad ,mum ,my big sister and I ...

No... I decided i wont break that .

I dropped it sideways and threw the teddy to where ever it landed ...

I smirked and immediately get back to business ...

"F-cking books" I packed all the books sideways and Angrily pushed it all down ..

"Hit on me stupid huh ," I punched on the shelve ,,

"Hit on me ,,,,i got locked up by my crazy mama haha,

hit on me, are you deaf huh huh"

I was bouncing left and right while i keep attacking the shelve with my fist ...

it seems as if am about going crazy ,, but at that moment ,, I do not care ...

A wicked smile tugged at the corner of my lips when I sighted her favourite novel,

I grabbed it and angrily dropped it.

"You f-cking book ....Am gonna destroy you , yea , huh ,yea, huh ,hahaha"

I kept matching my designer boot on it


my teeth mistakenly bit on my wounded lips...

And there my brain made a crack noise

I halted and stare into space

my mouth dropped open from the achenes of the pains ...

I had to close one eye to hold it in...

Good God my lips..

My lips ....

I staggered towards the arm chair and bounced my weight on it ...

Those bastards destroyed my fine lips,

" call an ambulance, " I shouted into airs

"Ambulance, emergency " I shouted more

But it was like taking into airs ...

So if I had kill myself in here non of those damn bastards are ready to open that damn door.

I touched my fine lips slightly again as

more curses and swear words sank in ...

how am I gonna kiss a girl with this kind of bruised lips ...

Judas H. Priest, is this really happening ??

I swear mum is gonna pay dearly for this...

How dare she allow those dirty pigs lay their hands on me ...

I glance around as if noticing for the first time ....

I realise her study is now a disaster area ,, but who cares...

That's what she get for locking me up like some criminal...

A whole me ..Lucas Tyson..

Haa Beatrice ,,

I closed my eyes briefly and gritted on my teeth to control this inner fury threatening to explode

once more...

Feeling too exhausted and hungry ...i rested my head backwards and lick on my wounded lips ..

I sat staring into airs like a tired zombie...

I was starting to give in to sleep when suddenly the disturbing image of that horror girl came

flashing again...

Shit!!! thought I forgot about her ...

But why do I keep seeing her in technical colors ,,it was as if I wanted to remember a past

encounter with her ,, but couldn't ...

You are such a dullard Lucas

I gasped and rested my head back on the chair,,

Suddenly I heard movement , creaks of boots,,, a whoosh in the air ...hit of punches .. Groans ,voices


Loud voices ... something loud and violent

I shook on my head while i tried to fix my brain to the sound ..

When i realised it was real....

my brains immediately hit to live ..

What's happening out there I stand up eagerly and kicked on the books blocking my way ...

Hurriedly I moved forward and dropped my ears on the door...

"Lucas am here for you"

Is that ,, it sounded like ....

And there I staggered almost falling when the door suddenly fling open..

I staggered hard but i was fast to straighten my posture...

I dust on my designer shirt to form bozo...

Big boy no dey fall

and there I sighted queen along with the thugs in the rich guys club ...

"Queen you came back ",,

She didn't wait to hear the rest of my words before she hurled herself against me ...

She threw her arms around my neck and buried her face against my chest ...

" yes how could I leave you and run off just like that ,, "

I roll up my eyes and squeezed a smile.

Hope she isn't seeing a one night together as something else

But yet I signed happily with the fact that the thugs she brought had beaten up my mum guards,

I watched as they winced in pains ,,wounded and half covered in blood ...

Never would they mess up with Lucas Tyson again

I stroke her hair and whispered a thanks to her ...

She stare up at me after I released her

"Gosh look at your lips Lucas, they hurt you "

I tipped my head back so she won't touch it ...

"Its okay am fine"

Finally seeing freedom ,I hollered happily to the guys and shook my hands with them ...

"Hahha ,, you guys just saved my ass,"

"Hahhaha, anything for you man"

I rushed back to the room and grab my car keys ,hurriedly i ran upstairs to my room to get my

credit card

"So guys we are getting outta here ,,need to be on my way to Atlanta..."

Queen brought up the idea of them guarding me safely to the Tyson's plane before they leave ..

Now holding Hands with queen

The scene was more like a slow motion ...as fifteen of the guys followed from behind ...

We all walked triumphantly towards our cars and drove out

Chao chao mummy...hahaha

I roll the car roof over so queen and i would enjoy the fine breeze and the freshening rays of the


We stare at each other and gave out hoot of uneasy laughter ...

I watch as Queen raised both her hands happily to the air ....

" care for a dance "I shouted


She howl out loud and shake her body uneasily on the seat... I clicked on the tape and roll the

volume to the highest.

I shake my head when I realise it was drake ...

I rapped along with drake while I watch queen shake her all too sexy body on the seat ...


Two bad bitches and we kissin' in the Wraith

Kissin'-kissin' in the Wraith, kiss-kissin' in the Wraith

I need that black card and the code to the safe

Code to the safe, code-code to the safe-safe

I show him how the neck work

Fuck that Netflix and chill, what's your net-net-net worth?

'Cause I want ya, and I need ya

And I'm down for you always

(Yeah, yeah)

And I'm down for you always

D-down for you always

D-d-down for you always

(I got a new boy, and that nigga trade)

I touched her exposed laps and winked towards her .....

The moment...

A cat in the cream smile was seen on my face while I shake hands and laughed uneasily along with

the guys ...

I looked over my shoulder and gazed warmly at queen whose sweet voice cut my attention from


" I will miss you Lucas "

I smiled and hitched her closer ,,

I slide my hands down to her butt and squeezed her form more closely to mine...

"You just saved me from my mum today queen ,,how the hell am i gonna repay you..."

Suddenly a sound cut my attention ....

And when I glanced up and looked sideways it was as if a bolt of lightening struck me in the eye..

Of course I would recognised the horror girl anywhere..

She stood there so fearless ...

instantly the smile on my fine face went blinded...

She wipe on her ropes and walked boldly towards us

What the heck is she doing ...

"Get the hell down from that plane Alexander moreno ..."

it was as if the world is about blowing into a smithereens when I sighted my my mum,, my lips

instantly dropped open

Gosh this witch got me.

" who the hell are you bitch"

I was stunned almost in shock when I fussed my gaze back to her...

I realised the guys were all facing her as she walked forth ...more boldly this time ...

How did your mum find you Lucas ???

Queen asked

Gosh this girl and her stupid questions is she blind

how could she dare ask me this kinda question in a kinda heated situation like this...

I wasn't replying.... My gaze was focused on her just her ....

"Did you just call me " her voice was strict as I had remember it ...

"Yes bitch ,what you gonna do huh huh"

The guys all eased out their different blows all ready to attack

My stomach twisted in hard knots

I had to press my lips together to gagged down the lumb of fear and revulsion that clogged my

throat together.....

I wanted to stop the guys,, I wanted to stop them damn it

but I just couldn't ,,, I was too shock to utter any words ,,

Holy lord,

The fearless look on her face made me gasp while I shakingly hold Queen's shoulder for support


"Lucas are you okay"

How dare she ask me whether am okay ...

A lady is about facing fifteen hefty guys and she dare ask me whether am okay.

My heart was pounded hard as the warms in my stomach twisted in hard knot

And there when i gaze back at her direction our eyes met ....

She send me a smirk..

And when I sighted the way she moved that sexy body of hers ..

My eyes went as huge as much as I can stretch it ....

She wipe the ropes into airs and turn left ,,wiped onto her side and turn right ..

(Po po po emergency ...

Heart rate beating into the highest degrees,

its about bursting out of a chest , po po po)

I was dumbfounded...

Holy lord ,,what kinda human being is this,

where is Heaven ,,

My breath catch up in my throat when she wipe the rope speedily ....

No this isn't happening ,, am dreaming ,

How can a ...

Before I could blink an eye she was racing further

My lips parted slightly ...

No no no no this isn't happening....



We all watch as Zack flew into airs like a balloon and when he landed ,,

he struck his eyes out somewhat in a groan ,, and down

He went black out ....

"What the hell just happened .,

did a Lady just do that ",, queen shouted ...

Of course I was here still shaking like someone who just wet his pant ....

All hole on my face was stretched out..

I glared back at her....

Did she just smile


Did she ....

"Come get me if you can"


Now as the guys raced towards her ...

I staggered ,

Lucas you can't fall ooo, hold that legs of yours ....lucassss hold your legssss..

And there ...

I fixed my legs to the ground while i staggered in one position.

I was infant watching everything like a Chinese movie....

Holy lord,, bind me the heart to take in what I just saw ...

I stuck my eyes out while I watched her fight ...

I was in fact good as dead ....

Shock made loose my legs In that position ...I staggered back again ....

I couldn't control my body ...

It was going down ,

My legs were shaking ...

Hold your legs

Lucasssss don't falll.....hold your legs are you deaf


