
Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...

Chinenye_Okereke · Urban
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72 Chs

Chapter 12

Silvia POV :

What did she just say???

I blinked severally and held my stare with hers and for a moment I only stood there staring at her

hair which appeared neat and long, not even an hint of white, and that gold earring


it must have worth millions ...

"Come in please ma'am"

my mum organised voice said from behind ..

I was snapped out of my daze once more,

I stare back at my mum and back to her in embarrassment..

"Yes" i gasped and covered my hand in my heart

"Yes please, am so sorry, come in"

"Thank you" she said

Oh what an heart warming and less arrogant woman totally opposite of that monkey huh ...

I stepped aside and joined her in the entry ...

My mum rubbed her palm self consciously on the seat of her dress before extending her right

hand towards her

..I watch as she took it quickly ...

"Martha Fred "...

"Beatrice Tyson"

Wao What a beautiful woman with a beautiful name

I closed the door behind me and immediately followed the trend of my thoughts ...

I wonder why she's here ,, or is it about that video ....

no no no don't let it be ...

She took her seat and smile as she gaze around ..

"I love your home ,, its so peaceful and warm"

My mum laughed ...

"Thank you ma'am "

"No ma'am please ,, just call me Beatrice "

"Oh Beatrice,,sounds odd "

my mum laughed nervously ..

"so what can we offer you"

She smile again but this time it was warm..

"Am OK thanks,, actually am here to see Silvia"

At the sound of that my heart skipped a bit

i cleared the tightness in my throat and lifted my brows towards her


She smile wistfully towards me before she nodded ...

"Yes ,,actually its a job offer and its something we can actually discuss about in the presence of

your mum ..."

My eyes flashed blue spark and for a moment I pictured myself in between stars while i slowly

reach out to the moon ..

I shook my head slowly and sighed when I came back to reality

"Job offer" I blinked rapidly and moistened on my dry lips

"Yes dear"

At the self recrimination I heard in her voice

I had to sit down quietly and stare at her ...

"Before i move on to that ,,

just wanted to let you know You are the only lady that has ever talk that way at the mere sight of

Lucas ......

Girls all but fall and melt at the sight of him...am just so impressed when I saw you talk back to him

that way "

At that instant I felt the oddest tug in my chest ,,

I managed a chuckle and tried to smile ,, but I felt the muscles in my neck grew tighter ..

I lowered my eye lashes and stare back at her

"When I saw that video ,, what came to my mind right at the moment was to find you dear. "

She cleared her throat and smile

"Bet I couldn't even sleep through the night ...I was just so curious to meet you in person"

My eyes widened as inner heat flushed my cheek ...

What's this woman saying.

I stare at my mum who smiled and winked at me ..

I rolled my eyes and narrow end eye back to Mrs tyson

"Now that I meet you in person I could see that tenacity in you ,,

you are the Best person that could help me with this Silvia ,, my son is turning into a wild lion "

My mouth drew open in petulant pout

" wild lion, "

She smile weakly and right there my stomach threatened into a weave ...

I've always known that monkey was a spoilt fool ,,

"I hate to admit it

but I count Lucas behavior as my fault , cause I spoilt him too much when he was a kid ,,,

I gave him too much free hands so when he grew up its just so difficult to change him "

She stands and walked towards a direction before she turn back to me ..

"My husband and i planned his trip after we saw the video of you and Lucas ,,,

So we decided to find you so you could help us with this Silvia ...

He must start taking up this huge responsibilities..

No matter how hard i tried convincing him my effort were all fruitless,

You are the only person that can put sense into Lucas brain , his looks and all is driving him nut,

accept this job offer my dear ,,you are the only person that can save my sons life... Please"

I realise I only stare at her silently and it seems as If she and my mum were waiting for me to say


I cleared my head as this self revelation rolled over me ,

even if I had stand up so brave to Lucas that doesn't mean the mere sight of him hadn't sent my

pulse racing ,,

I can not accept this ,,

Accepting this offer would be like seeing him every day

how am I suppose to cope...

I might hate men,, but I damn well have blood running through my veins


This offer actually terriffied me ...

Cause as strong as my heart is ,,

its weakness is just something that scares the hell out of me ..

That has happened once and I wouldn't want it to repeat itself...

Not ever ,,

I stand and stare at my mum who had read my mind to her heart content...

I frown at her and glanced back at Mrs Tyson ...

"Am sorry I can't accept this job offer ma'am ,,.."

I sensed as shock rolled over her face

" am willing to pay you for you services Silvia, "

Is everything about money to these rich people

I turn away from her gaze not wanting to see the bleakness I was certain I would find in her eyes ,,

I turn my focus on the flower beside me

"You do not understand ma'am ,, I do not need the cash ,,"

I felt her hands rub on my shoulder slightly

"I understand you alright Silvia ,I knew the sight of men irritates you ,,but ....."

"I can't help you ,,, " i raised my voice and stared back at her this time

"Am sorry I didn't mean to be rude or heartless,, but I am not just interested "

"I'll pay you " she offered again

"anything you ask"

"Ma'am " I closed my eyes irritatedly while i try to calm the agitation running through my veins

"Ma'am am sorry I can't"

"You can't do that Silvia" my mum suddenly stand up to her defense ,,,

" a mother is saying please here ,

a life that needs amendment is in your hands now ,, don't you get it ,"

Stuffing down at my mum reaction I shook my head towards her direction and spoke hurriedly

"It is not certain my effort would be the one to change him mum ,so why should i start wasting my

time on some spoilt rich brat ...whom..."

I paused and stare back at Lucas mum whose face was so heated with embarrassment ...

I pressed my fist against my temple and sucked in a breath around the lumb in my throat....

"My son has so much ego Silvia ,,"

She gave a shrug of affected indifference

"I know him more than he knew himself...

he never wanted to believe there's any girl out there that could stand his looks without bowing or

falling on his feet,,

after that encounter between you two ,, he wasn't himself again ,, you can help me with this Silvia,

Don't see it as a job offer anymore but the plead from a mother who needs your help..."

At the look on her face

My hands instantly went weak ,

I stare back at my mum who was smiling towards me ,,

I didn't say the words but my answer was plain on my face ...

What choice do I have ,,

Now I realise my mum was smiling cause her prediction was right

Am gonna be meeting that monkey sooner than expected...

God what kind of space does woman came from ...

Suddenly Mrs Tyson telephone interrupted us and I immediately find myself sighing and frowning

at my mum ...

"What!!!" Mrs Tyson voice suddenly cut off the frown I was sending towards my mum ....

"It cant be ,, did you say thugs ,,escape no way, they broke your left arms , I'll sent my other guards

to you now "

She hanged up to meet with our curious faces ...

"You have to help me Silvia ,, a lady came with some thugs , they attacked my guards and escaped

with Lucas "

I opened my mouth and closed it like a fish gasping for air ...

"What!!" My mum widened her eyes

"But I have a GPS planted on his car ,, like I knew this is gonna happen,

that son of mine is just one rascal thug"

"Calm down ma'am we are gonna get to him sooner , did he leave with the thugs ,,,"

"I think so" ,, she said uneasily

Luckily I was already putting on a red

t-back ,a black leather trouser and a black boot ,, I rushed inside and took my jacket ,,

I was about running out when i saw my two fighting ropes ...

I grab it along and move towards exit

"Mum get Jamie from school when its time, I might not meet up "

"OK dearie,, take care "

I raced outside with Mrs Tyson who ordered the guards hurriedly

"Go to them and Call an ambulance, Lucas has escaped "

"But ma'am " a body guard return

"What about your safety ,"

" I can handle the situation" I said to them while they glared at me oddly ...

A smirk grew on my face ...

I moved backwards and wipe my ropes out ,...

Like flash

I flip it right ,left, under my legs , roll it up , jump over in square , flip it right down and duck ...

I look up at them while they all clap as if they just saw magic..

Amazement grew on their faces


I stand up as sweats trickle down my face ....

"Are you sure to leave her in my hands now ,, "

they all laughed with their bass voice ..

"Hundred percent "

I glared back at Lucas mum who smile towards my direction

I smile back and raced towards the limo ...

We watch as the driver followed on the direction the GPS was pointing at ....

the more i think about the kind of bastard Lucas was , the more jumbled and angrier I became

"What age were you when you started martial art Silvia " Mrs Tyson voice cut me from my thought

I glanced sideways , and instantly felt so sad with the exhaustion i saw in her eyes plus the worries

that lingers beneath...and I swear I feel like cursing Lucas right at her face ..


"Wao no wonder you are that good ,, it just so rare this days you know for a lady to do martial art,

you are really good at what you do, I love your skills "

I nodded towards her and smile ...

"Sure I am, thanks"

The ride took thirty minutes but the stance and anger in me was already clicking into 109degrees ,

thought i would loose my patient at any moment ..but glad

The driver finally pull into a parking space

While Mrs Tyson luminous eyes glared at me ...

"We are here Silvia ,, Lucas is here ."..

I frowned ahead and pull on my half gloves .

I got down slowly from the car ,, and ground my teeth to bite back my anger ...

glancing around i furrowed my brows i could swear my eyes were blazing out in blue fire

I realise we were in an opened field as the breeze around slapped it's airs into my eye ball ..

The plane customized in the Tyson's name landed slowly ...

And at a farther direction

Lucas was laughing uneasily while he shakes hands with some guys , they must be the thugs

Look at the bastard ,, how dare he still laugh that way after committing a crime ...

Fifteen of the thugs if I didn't count wrong

. ...

He turned sideways and hugged someone ,, and instantly my scowl grew deeper when i realise it

must have been the girl that helped him escape from his mum...

" those guys are expert thugs Silvia be careful"

I smile to myself and glanced sideways at his mum before I nodded ..

Funny.... so rich guys also has thugs ...

Tamping down my temper , I move sideways and angrily slammed the door of the limo so as to

get their attention..

And there

When Lucas spotted us his fine face instantly went unsmiling ,

Of course he recognises me instantly..

And when he stared sideways at his mum who was angrily ordering the pilot to get down from the

plane his mouth instantly flew open...

I walked forward boldly and wipe on my rope ...

The thugs laughed when they turn around to meet with my form ....

"Hahahhha Who the hell are you b-tch"

the one who must be their leader shouted

At the sound of that my head immediately snapped up in a frown...

i gritted my teeth and narrowed my eyes in resentment

"Did you just call me "

Their mocking brows stretch up again

"Yes bitch, what you gonna do huh"

They eased out their different blows.

Do these people even know who is standing in front of them

This time my temper simmered a little hotter and instantly the flames of righteous indignation leap

up into my brain

I angrily took a step then another and there.. Lucas shocking face was on me ....

Just on me ,, just me

Glaring wide eye as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing .

As though he just saw horror

I bounced forward, and locked eyes with his ..

Instantly i sent him a smirk and wipe my rope in a twist ....

Now watch this

I hit into airs and turn left ,

hit to the side and turn right ,

a little grin cupped up my lips while I wipe the ropes into airs with speed

Left ,right ,left right , left right ,left right , left right , double round, left right , left right ,

..I took a step , and another and then another ,,now racing forward,

I flew towards the direction of the thugs and gave the leader a dim mak ...


We all watch as he flew into airs like kite ....when he finally landed ...he struck out his eyes in pains

and instantly went black out

I smile at the others and wipe on my ropes.