
Re-writing the End

Just as the captains and squad zero members began to lose faith, realizing the end was upon them, and the soul king was assured of his victory, he felt something touch him. His face was flabbergasted as he turned to see Ichibe with his brush piercing through the soul king's body.

"Impossible!" Reiō shouted in disbelief, a frantic shock on his face.

"Surprised are we? I guess those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Ichibe softly uttered, smirking at this successful attack.

"But how? You weren't even close..."

"Tell me my king, do you remember my name?"

"Ichibe?" Reiō replied, unsure in his answer, confused as he suddenly entered a state of uncertainty around everything he knew or remembered about the monk. Ichibe just menacingly giggled in response.

"Perhaps I should ask a different question. Do you remember what I am?" Ichibe questioned, leaving the soul king even more puzzled, struggling to remember everything...

"If I gave myself a new name for example, and being the one who calls all names in existence, what would happen if that name was to lose it's existence temporarily. Would you and all others forget that person existed?" The monk taunted, not only leaving the soul king confused but also the other royal guards as they seemingly all forgot he existed momentarily until now. In that very moment, even Ichigo felt something weird within the human world as he looked behind him, wondering why it felt like he just found something he never knew he lost before returning to what he was doing previously.

"This does bring back memories doesn't it?" Ichibe taunted, vexing the soul king as he stood incapable of moving now that the black ink from the tip of Ichibe's brush was embedded within him.

"How about I put you back to sleep, my king?" Ichibe asked before twisting the brush.

"No, stop! Not again." Reiō pleaded with a tear falling down his eye, ignored in his cries as Ichibe simply laughed before uttering the words: "Scatter, Shirafude Ichimonji Kuro no asobiba (White Brush Straight line Black playground)!" With a single command, blobs of black ink separated from the soul king's body, scattering off into random locations within soul society and escaping into the other worlds as well with unparalleled speeds. The monk had successfully taken down the soul king, seireitei still in one piece, and all that now remained was Aizen's unconscious body.

"Ambitious aren't you?" Ichibe pondered to himself as he carried his body back down to the seireitei, the barriers finally being recalled now that squad zero had successfully apprehended the threat.