

Ocean106 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 54

"Oh yes!" they all agreed.

"Princess Amy, I would like a word with you, please accompany me after breakfast." She said. "Oh don't worry, it is nothing big, I just needed to clear off a few doubts, before I can help her."

"How did you know that we are here to…?"

"Of course I would know. After all this is my kingdom, so I should be the first one to know." She sipped her tea. "Even if it's well hidden!"

"of course." She ate her toasted bread with strawberry marmalade and clumsily watched over the latter with a side eye. How did she know? And what doubt she wants to clear off? I thought that the council was the one who tempted my mother to do what she did, then why she wanted to help her? There must be a loop point in all these. She can't be that fool to want to help her and shattered the plan they thought and work so much all these years. I have to be cautious though. She thought.

"Where's Ian?" Mark finally asked, noticing that they already had their breakfast and he was not here.

"Oh! He was not feeling quite well in the morning so I told him he could stay in bed and rest a little bit."

"Is he ok? I mean is there something wrong with him?" Delia asked.

"No. he is going to be ok. He is just tired." She sipped the last drop and smiled at them.

"Tired?" Jon frowned. "Then he must be really tired, because as far as I've known Ian, he would never miss his early exercise."

"And breakfast, after that." Jack added. 

"No worries, I've had my servant, serve him breakfast in bed. After all I won't let him lose his energy," she winked at them. "He will need more of it tonight."

At this everyone, stared at each other. Poor Ian. "Amy, if you are finished maybe we can move."

Before she could get up, Alex dragged the latter making her to fall on the chair. "My lady of love, can I borrow her for a moment please? I need to give her some medicine, to ease her pain." He lied.

"Sure." She nodded. "Once done, I will be awaiting for you in the library."

"What are you doing?" Amy asked , as soon the latter walked towards the library.

"Hush…" he ordered. "I need to talk to you. Come."

They entered the room. Amy glance around it was untidy, blankets thrown over the sofa and bed. Clothes scattered on the brown floor. And the curtains still well drawn. Boys will be boys! She sighed. "What you wanted to talk about?"

But the latter drag her into an embrace instead of answering. "Just stay like that for a moment." He said. He closed his eyes. And he was happy that the Amy didn't push him away.

Maybe it was what I really wanted. She thought.  "So what is it?"

"Amy I'm asking you for some time, please don't feel that you are guilty or at fault. Everything that happened till now, it was just the work of that curse. And you have nothing to do with it." he caressed her head. "I will do anything to find a solution for that."

"Alex, do you know that curse is really making hate you and I'm afraid that hate will only grow and at some point I won't be able to stop myself from hurting you. I'm scared to hurt you. And hate you." She needed some time alone with him. Finally she was able to convey her feeling s properly maybe now he will stay away from her.

"Know this Amy; I believe that our love is far beyond that curse. And," he walked closer to her, pinned her against his own body. "Mi Amor, even if you hate me, I will make you fall in love with me again and again." He dared. He pressed his lips hard on hers. It was a quick yet demanding kiss. And she loved it.

The library was a huge one. It was yet the exact replica they had back at the castle. But of course the books were much more alive here! There were books everywhere floating around. Pen was writing on their own.  Amy felt as if she was standing in one of the Harry Potter movie.  Thousands of candles illuminated the room.  She walked nearer to the table located in the middle. The lady of love was engulfed, in her own literature. Her nails long and red in color. Her eyes were lowered staring at the pages of the yellow pages, crafted with black calligraphic letters.

"Princess." She gestured her take the seat in front of her. "how is your pain now?"

"It calmed down." She smiled.

"Of course it had to, after all love can cure anything in just a click of fingers!" she proudly added. "So I take it that you are here to learn about your origins."

"I'm here to learn about the Ngami Stone." She dared. "I hope that you will surely know better than anyone from our land."

"And what your mother?"

"Well, she is the one who got me here, I should say that she is the last person I would turn for help."

"I see. Your words are reflecting both love and hate. Love because you feel something special towards everyone surrounding you. You cared for them. Wish well for them. And hate because you trusted them."

She was right. "I agreed, my lady of love. But how did you…?"

"Know?" she took a longer breath. "I knew it since the time you asked me those question about pain in love."