

Ocean106 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 49

"She did it?" Mark opened his mouth and closed it again.

"Ah very good Princess Yiana, you did a great job to tell her to use her imagination as to create the door."

"I didn't tell her that." she confessed. "Well, seriously I was hoping that it didn't work."

"What why?" Ian asked. "What did you tell her?"

" Well I remembered that the day Simon and I opened  that path, we were holding hands, so naturally our love acted as the most powerful spell. And we did walked on the path together." She hesitated, "So, I told Amy to look inside her heart, and find that one good reason why she wanted to have that door opened."

"But you forgot that the Ngami stone were crafted in her heart, so basically she used her hatred to find that door." Alex walked up to them.  He was feeling clumsy pain in his heart, but he was assured that after taking the stone from her, he will be able to win her love back. He had to try it.

"I'm sorry Alex." She apologize.

"No need. At least we found one the door." He said. They walked closer to the latter, who was still staring at the entrance with a dubious and fascinated glance. "Amy…"

"Don't come any closer," she said.  Her face looked like she saw a ghost. She was sweaty and tired. She looked pale. Like she was about to fall. She backed off again, as Alex took one step towards her. "Stay away from me. I don't need you."

"What happened to her?" Simon asked. "Amy you will be alright."

"Looks like she doesn't trust us." Jack added.

"It's nothing, it's just the negative magic she used to open that door." Mark understood. " It will disappear soon. But someone she can trust must be with her."

"She is still battling through her heart," Jon said this time." Let's not forget that her heart is trapped between the revenge of the Ngami stone and her love for Alex. But at the moment the most dominating one is no doubt the revenge, she still have to learn to control her emotions."

Jamie waked closer to her. "Are you ok?"

"Yes. Now I'm a little better. Please sit down." As she sat down, Chimera brought some tea for her.  

"I hope it's not that sweet today."

"I can see your concern about her Alex." Jon whispered to him. "No need to fear."

"It's just that I feel that my love might be too weak to tame her."

"Give her the time she needs. After all everything  bounced at once! It's only natural for her to not be able to handle everything perfectly. Lots of emotional shocks! " He explained. "If we see her point of view, she had been deceived till now, lied about her own identity, dragged into something she never dreamt about."

"So she is still looking for way to comfort her broken heart." He understood.

"Worst, until she doesn't feel that guilt that because of everything is happening, we should say she is safe, but my question is what would happen if the day she succeed in her revenge and hurt you, that day will be the end of her love. That day would be the end of Amy."

"I dare say that I would let a day as that happen." He confide. "I will give her time, and yet at the same time I will mend her broken heart, let her feel that love she feels for me. And act on that only."

"I prefer that." he smiled at the latter. "It's good to see the old Alex once again."

"So how is it?" She asked.  "Don't tell me it's still sweet?"

"Chimera, it is good, but still I would like to tell you to go easy on the honey next time." Amy suggested.

"The gerade juice?" Mark said.

"Yes the poisonous fruit that grows on the Eden Garden." Jon added. "The fruit that only reacts on negative powers. If your heart is filled with negativeness, eventually you will find the juice sweet, but if your heart is filled with love and sincerity, the juice would be really bitter."

"Then should we be concerned about Amy?" Ian spoke this time.

"Well, let's give all of them time to restore their own self, especially Amy." Jon suggested.

"Do you still feel if…."

"If Amy still loves Alex?" he smiled. "Well I wouldn't be that assured if it weren't the case. Love my friend is the greatest mystery of all the time. It is a puzzle that needs lots of attention and patience. Only then it can be completed." Jon smiled and walked towards the latter.