

Ocean106 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 48

 She stood by the windows, pondering over how her life ended as that? she was so happy when she was living as a simple person. She believe in every fairy tale she read. She would always have dream about how perfect her life could be. And always believed that the world had its mysteries and it was worth to discover it. "You know Simon, I always loved magical things, and believed in every crazy dreams I have." She said, as he entered the room. He had his cup of tea in his hands. "But I never thought that magic would be that dangerous. And that once I form part of it, things would turn that scary."

"Amy, I always told you, if good is true then the bad as well. And the world needs both to survive." He explained it again. "Listen, about what happened earlier, it was just a curse that's all. It's not your fault."

"It is. Somehow I feel a clumsy burden in my heart. How can I cope with that? It doesn't matter whether it's my fault or not, it's just that I have to know how to control it. Otherwise, I'm afraid the worst is still yet to come."

"It's not. Amy, the best would be if ever you get a situation as that, think of that one thing that binds you with that person. I'm sure that one spark would be enough to divert your mind. Anyway, my mother said that it was up to you to find the door. And that it was everywhere, it just depends on your determination to open it."


"Yeah, I know it isn't much help but that's what she said. Funny, as if it was as simple as calling out for it."

"Maybe you could try it." Simon's mother was standing at the door. "If you think that's the best way, maybe it is."

Amy remembered how she discovered that she was in fact a map! Maybe, trying to call out the entrance door wasn't a rumor after all. Maybe if she really calls out for it, she might find it. "Maybe we could try." Amy agreed.

"Simon, may I have a word with Amy please."

  "Sure. Be careful and please don't stress yourself on the petty matters." He suggested.

"Petty matters, as trying to kill the one you love?" she corrected. "Let me think clearly about it, maybe I can convince myself to stop the urge. But one thing for sure, can you please not let Alex near me, because I know that I won't be able to forgive myself if something happens to him." she pleaded. She knew that the only one who can stop Alex from coming close to her was Simon. And she should rest her faith on the latter.

"Well, I'll see what I can do." He didn't lie to her. He knew that he couldn't possibly stop his cousin from seeing the one he loved. It is almost as impossible.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Just a few hints before you venture yourself blankly into something that doesn't matter, not until you realize why you are doing it for." She halted to watch her expression. "Amy, the Ngami stone can't be destroys or removes. And it is a responsibility. A responsibility for the next ruler of its kingdom. Do you know what is the Ngami stone?"

"It's a stone, like the stone of the sea, the night kingdom and the lunar kingdom, and the stone of pizzards. Only that bits of the Ngami stone was used to create the other ones. According to everyone the Ngami is the most powerful one." She said everything that Simon told her about the stone. "And that hell and heaven wants it. And it's right now inside of me. Convincing me to kill the one I love."

"It's the curse that is convincing you to kill the Alex, not the stone." She corrected.

"But the stone is binded by the curse and it is in my heart."

"Amy, I will only tell you that Ngami was never a stone." She finally added.

"What? Then what is it?"

"That my dear you will have to discover by yourself." She just walked closer to her. "But think why would heaven and hell fight over your soul if they know that the Ngami stone can be taken out of your body?" This of course changes her aim about the stone.

They all sat on the chair, waiting for Amy to do her thing. She stood in the middle of the library, only Piccha jiggling around her. Her hands nervously playing with her tresses. She closed her eyes and took a long breath. "Door to the underground Kingdom please come to me…." She recited three times. She opened her eyes and to her big surprise, everything was calm. Nothing happened. She shook her head, embarrassed and sheepishly added, "did anyone saw something?"

"Yes, a very entertaining scene." Ian added. "I'm sure if you called a little louder it would have surely appear." He suggested.


"What did you guys really thought by calling out or the door it would just appear like that? Do you guys think it's that easy?" He blurted out.

"At least we tried."

"huh…!" the latter giggled.

"What is it?"

"Nothing just by looking at her I thought of the day we were in that position, remember the path of the cave. We thought as we it would be not possible. That's why you agreed when Amy said she will call out for it right?" Yiana understood.

"Since when are you able to read my mind?"

"Since forever, it's just that you haven't given the chance to prove it."

"Well, now am all yours. What surprise did you kept to entertain me?"

"It's a surprise." She whispered.

"And I'm sure that surprise would be a keeper, but for right now it would really surprise me if someone would really find a way to find that damn door."

"Ian can you stop eve dropping?" Yiana threw back annoyingly.  She was much more disappointed as she couldn't even flirt properly without someone eve dropping at every point. "And Simon remind me to make sure to check before having such award situation."

"That would be really a great help." Ian crossed his arms annoyingly. Not that he was annoyed that everyone had a partner, but he was mostly angry that he who was known to be the naughtiest and most flirty guy, he couldn't bring himself to find someone he could love.

Suddenly Yiana, without any ado, ran to the latter and whispered something in her ears. She nodded and finally ran back next to Simon, who was looking at her, just like the other ones as well. "What did you tell her?"

"You'll see. Now let's hope it would work." She crossed her fingers.

Amy closed her eyes. A sense of darkness mixed with a faded light appeared. And she took a longer breath, imagining that the books all align, to move in front of her. And the light was used to bind the books together, making a huge curved entrance, the lights then rest inside the curve. A slimy passage was moving inside the curve, just like a portal. She waited a little more hoping that it won't disappear.