

Ocean106 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 36

Yet a funny smirk he just chuckled and nodded. He was making fun of them. "How come the one representing the Law of their land is unaware of the spell consequences?"

"Do not play with our vanity, my lord." Jack grinned under an enough-about –this tone. "We do agree that Princess Merilia was betrayed badly and broken, but this is not the answer to her justice."

"Amy is not responsible for it." Jamie added just after him. He considered a second time before finally realized another better way. "If there should be a payback, it should be me." He boldly suggested. "I'm ready for it."

"No," Delia, surprisingly took his hand and held it tight. "I can't afford to lose you anymore."

"And that won't happen. According to the bargain, the one should be sacrifice so to end the spell should be in the same blood line of the one who have been sacrificed to perform that spell."

So me." Jamie claimed. "I'm her brother and I should be the one."

"No," he interrupted. "Your sister had never sacrificed herself to perform that spell."

"Then who?"

"I think I know." Simon ultimately realized. "Amy's father." The spell needed a sacrifice, and it was either the person who was performing it or a person that she loved the most.

"That would explained why you are denying Jamie proposal." I saw death during this process. So this is it. Amy has to die? This is her fate? Alex unexpectedly dragged her closer to himself and held her lightly against his chess. Her self, was lighter just like a leaf, falling off the tree in spring. 

"There must be something." Simon glanced around them. "This is the room that has the answer to everything." He ran to one of the shelf on their right side, and start searching through the books. "This is the path of truth, there must be a loop point." He screamed in frustration.

"If there should be a choice, I ought to tell you. Alas there is none. To end the spell, her soul must be sent to hell, where she will be judge and"

"And what? Punished? For a crime she didn't commit?" Ian voice seemed to echoed.

"Crazy, unbelievable laws." Delia proclaimed.  "Laws like that sometime ruins a person life don't you agree?"

"My angel, should I remind you that you are no subject  to claim what you  wants. As if you sinned for going against your lord you could be sent to hell."

"Don't you dare talk to her that way?" Jamie stood next to her, hold her arms and dragged her behind him. "And I give a damn to you and your laws and regulations.  I know that my sister can't be that cruel to curse her own daughter."

"She did kill the one she loved."

"Look I don't know what hocus-pocus heaven and hell are playing."

"That's the one trouble of mortals, they sinned and when time strike for judging they would merrily blame god for it."

"Please, I implore you. Tell us if there any way we could save her." Yiana begged this time, her eyes keeps gazing from Simon to Amy.

"I apologize princess, this is my last word of my verdict. Amy has to pay for the decision her mother took. Amy has to die and sent to hell. There's no other way."

"So we let her die?"

"That is one option."

"The only option you mean!"

Amy heard distant voices, not sure that if she was awaken or just into deep coma, where she would hear only voices of people surrounding her, but in this case she could feel that the last breath she was breathing. Her heart beat slower every minute. A deep pain that were unmistakable that she was doomed.She let another moment passed;a hot heat arising from beneath where she stood and as if she was standing at the bottom of lively flames, surrounding her. Yet no smoke, just the sensation of it. A reddish sky started to engulfed the whiteness of the scene, almost as if her body was emerged into fire and slowly turning into ashes. A loud wind blew across this time, bringing with it a gloomy and sinful air. Amy could feel the tears falling for no reason at all. The air that evoked all her deep fears and tears to over flow at once.

The next moment she was standing on a rocky path, in a forest or cemetery, she couldn't tell. A silence loomed somehow, that appeared suspicious as she could sense that it were not supposed to be that way. Her body ached as she moved. Was she breathing? She wasn't sure. Every nerve in her body seemed to have frozen. Not a single response she could get from her own self. Yet, she was focus on one single thing that caught her eye in a glimpse. A door.A clumsy door that stood on the top of a hill a few distance from her. The hill itself was surrounded by hot lava, figuring that now she had an idea where the heat came from.  A plain silver door, with a broken semi round handle. Amy could tell that it was lurking out for her. Tempting her to open it and dared her to step inside. Her soul was partly dragged towards it.  Yet she had a hint what was awaiting her in the other side. Her fate.

What her ancestors decided she had to endure. Unfair was the law, she pondered. But alas that's the law.

"We are losing her." He screamed at the top of his voice, broken and scared now. His palm clammed down on her forehead. "Do something."

"We can't, my lord." Jon nodded. With heavy regret he took a longer breath. "We are abided to heaven and hell, we are not in position to argue or to doubt them."

"Alex, we are really sorry." Ian lowered his head.

"No, screw the law! Screw all of you. I need Amy back, now. If I have to sacrifice my own life for it, I'm ready."

"So much for a request my lord. How can you govern something that doesn't belong you?"

Simon kneeled down again, blankly staring at Alex. "Some path of truth, I couldn't find anything in any books." He was exasperated. Despite all the magic spells they mastered they were unable save the one they both loved.  Jamie stood by the ice sculpture that started to melt slowly.

The curse is happening. A curse that not even god can undo. The spell comes with the only option that fault god by performing it, or escapes from it, by not doing it. The one who should be sacrifice, shall perish in hell. His sister knew that. Why did she perform it? Giving a horrible death to the one she loves is more than just a mere betrayal.

The three of them, stood side by side, watching. They couldn't decide whether they should be fascinated or freaked out? Never in their lives they've met with that spell before. They only read it through as mythical magic. In the council library. Jack paced across the room, a shiny thing caught his attention. It was on the upper shelf. He extended his hand forward and pronounced the spell loud and clear.Flexis. The next moment the shiny thing floated across the room and landed on his palm. "My goodness!" he gasped. But not surprised. "A pizzard." He claimed; and he already had a hint to whom it belonged. He placed the small frozen creature next to her head.

"I can't believe that this is happening."  Yiana, presumed in hush tone. "I remember the day I saw her in Simon's bed. I was jealous and broken, but I never expected to see her like that only four days later."

"That is the circle of life I guess." Delia shrugged. "I'm going to see Jamie, he needs me." She moved away from the latter.

"Tell me princess," the gentle approached her. "Delia is with the one, she knows would be needing her, the one who would find assurance just by leaning on her shoulder."

"Is this a casual talk, my lord? Because I really don't see how should I be concern." She grinned.

"Oh, a casual talk with a loop point in it." He prompted still calm. "At least Delia is aware of the one she should be there for, what about you, princess?"

Yiana, instantly understood his point of view. "I know what game you are playing. How can you be so cruel?"