
beware of the dutchess moon

the dutchess has claimed Drift wood city in an attempt to make her own territory

kellymoon69 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

do the job right: drug bust

Breck and Dutchess found more problems. while their excursion was to be a simple demonstration, however due to new events may turn into a possible drug bust. while it is likely they are producing drugs here. she can't be sure that is the case without proof, but looking around there is some supporting evidence. the two-story factory was boxed in on all sides by three-story buildings. because the factory is rather small in size, the surrounding area has production items sitting outside. there were crates, barrels, and some boxes. the barrels had chemical warnings.

Breck: okay sure there are signs of drugs, but could some noble build a factory here to avoid taxes? makes sense when you consider we are of the kingdom's influence. plus they probably hide to avoid getting robbed.

the dutchess looked at him and blinked three times. decided to pat him on the back. then she started walking. her destination is the right side of the factory. Breck picks up his feet to follow her.

Breck: what was that just now?

Dutchess starts crouching, she pulls out her magnum and a throwing knife. she cuts the length of her indigo dress. clearly preparing for a fight.

Dutchess: nothing just understanding the importance of background checks. also, how have you lived this long? but more importantly, get out your weapon and get down someone nearby.

Breck looks around nobody insight. out of respect he still squats down. then the cutlass she gave him rose from his shadow. he grabs the hilt and hoists it over his shoulder. looking over he spots her placing the throwing knife into her sleeve blade pointing out. Breck whispers

Breck: if there are people around would it not make sense to ask what's going on?

she answers the question flippantly

Dutchess: if someone walks up to you asking questions about what you are doing, mind you it's producing drugs. so the other party either wants to steal or shut down your operation. even if they just stumble upon it and are curious. the natural conclusion would be to silence them before it's a problem a.k.a kill them. but I respect you willing to doubt the worst of people well keep one alive just to confirm.

the two moved through the sea of crates and barrels crouched. Breck watches her concerned given her current mentality. going further in the smell of smoke starts to appear. not strong enough to be a fire. getting closer one could see a door to the factory. squatting around it were three guys. two dressed as factory workers, the last as a common street thug. they don't seem to notice the two approaching, Breck looks to Dutchess expecting a signal. looking back at him she puts her left hand to her lips. taking her right hand she grabs the blade of the knife snug in her sleeve. flicking her wrist while holding it she makes a duplicate knife. next, she rubs the blade with her thumb and middle finger, making a second copy.

thug: *puff so how is production going? *inhale-puff. anything I should report to the back?

the first worker rubs his head. he appears to be thinking

Worker 1: productions going well.

worked 2: I think we should have a new batch by the end of the day.

the thug drops his cigarette and stamps it out.

thug: that's good news keep up the work. also, the word is some crazy woman is out changing shit .so far she has killed all possible objectors. for now, keep your head down. at least till the boss has a plan.

Dutchess stand from behind a crate. she swings her right arm two times. the two copies of the knife fly entering the heads of both workers dead center. they fall two the ground. the thug reaches for the pistol on his belt, but she aims for his arm with her magnum. then blast his arm clean off the grunt and stumbles for a bit. he was clearly struggling to stand. before he could recover, she makes a new copy of her knife. then she slings it into his shoulder blade. the knife hitting him just enough overwhelmed him. so he passed out, in a rushed Dutchess dashes over. She rips up one of the dead worker's clothes, then uses it to prevent him from bleeding out. She looks back a Breck proud

Dutchess: though it got a bit messy, we manage to get more evidence and someone to integrate.

Dutchess squats again and starts patting three down. the two workers only had a little cash in their pockets. the unconscious thug only had a pack of cigarettes and some cash.

Breck: what they said was too vague. we can not use this as solid evidence, especially for drugs. also, what are you....

before he could finish the door to the factory swung open. a third worker holding a pistol emerged from the entryway, Dutchess grasped the door from behind. the worker jumps back from the door becoming aware of her presence. Dutchess ignores him while looking in the doorway. Breck taking the hint knocks him out with the back of his blade. the worker goes down with a thud.

Dutchess: great now we don't need a key, and they are way too armed to not be doing something this bad. on another note, your unwillingness to kill is rather concerning.

Breck: I'm more concerned by how willing you are to kill and in this city, it's natural for people running businesses to have weapons. so what's our next move?

she looks at him with great bewilderment. Breck, not sure why he keeps getting these reactions. returns her gaze with a confused look.

Dutchess: I want you outside people from coming in, I don't care how you do it.

Dutchess swipes the pistol off the thug. she empties the chamber. after looking the gun over she turns to look around the entryway.

Dutchess: this place is not too big, I should be back shortly hold down the exit for me.

to be continued.....