
Beware his power

In a universe full of dangers like planet-eating beings, mad titans, and creatures that grow stronger through fear the only defense of the weak lies in the words: On the brightest day, in the blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!

1934_5 · Eastern
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

<p>It's been five weeks since Sam and his mother moved to the United States, and in the meantime, Sam has continued his work as a Green Lantern, traveling back and forth between Earth and other planets that need his help. But now it's time for another threat no Green Lantern was trained to face, the school. <br/><br/>"[in Portuguese] Don't worry honey, you stop alien invasions daily. Some teenagers are nothing." Maria tried to cheer him up. <br/><br/>"[in Portuguese] That's the problem, an alien invasion just needs a few explosions and beatings to stop being a nuisance. Teenagers are civilians, if I hurt a civilian for no reason I would lose the ring, my authority as a Green Lantern and, on top of that, I would be arrested for violating five hundred unnecessary laws." Sam sighed as he explained to his mother. <br/><br/>"[in Portuguese] You're a teenager too." Maria pointed out.<br/><br/>"[in Portuguese] By galactic law, once finishing my training to be a Green Lantern I will no longer be seen as a minor anywhere in the galaxy. As a Green Lantern I need to have discipline and act in accordance with my position as an officer of the law". Sam, in an almost robotic voice, answered his mother. <br/><br/>For a moment Maria was speechless before bursting out laughing along with Sam, making the taxi driver very uncomfortable. Arriving at school Sam got out of the taxi alone. <br/><br/>"[in Portuguese] Have fun." Maria told Sam that he was already leaving. <br/><br/>"[in Portuguese] Yes, ma'am." He waved without looking back. <br/><br/>Entering the building, Sam ignored the prying eyes thrown at him and headed straight for his locker. On the way, he witnesses a stereotypical scene, a high school jock picking on a nerd. Sighing, Sam walked over to the bully and placed a hand on his shoulder. <br/><br/>"That's enough buddy." Said Sam in his monotone voice. <br/><br/>The jock pushed the nerd to the ground before turning to face Sam. <br/><br/>"Or what new boy?" The jock said cracking his knuckles. <br/><br/>"Or I'll have to stop you." Sam replied in a monotone voice. <br/><br/>The jock smiled grimly before trying to push Sam to the ground. But the athlete fell to the ground after Sam easily dodged him and made him trip. Ignoring the Neanderthal on the ground, Sam offered the nerd his hand. <br/><br/>"Th-thanks." The poor boy is shaking like a branch in the wind. <br/><br/>"Any time." Sam said smiling. "I'm Sam." He said as he offered a handshake. <br/><br/>"P-Peter." Peter managed to stutter after several tries and shook Sam's hand weakly. <br/><br/>Before they could talk further, the bell rang and they had to go their separate ways. Sam's class looked normal, with many curious eyes watching the new boy being introduced. <br/><br/>"Ok class, this is Samuel and he will be part of our class." The boring-looking professor said before turning to Sam. "Anything you want to add?" He asked. <br/><br/>"No sir." was Sam's reply, back in his monotone voice. <br/><br/>The teacher then makes Sam sit somewhere unimportant. The important thing was the person sitting next to him. A pretty redhead who couldn't stop looking at Sam with puzzled, analytical eyes. All the while, unbeknownst to her, Sam's ring was speaking in his mind. <br/><br/>|Green Lantern, a telepathic wave has been detected. Readings show it's coming from the female next to you.|</p>