
Beware his power

In a universe full of dangers like planet-eating beings, mad titans, and creatures that grow stronger through fear the only defense of the weak lies in the words: On the brightest day, in the blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!

1934_5 · Eastern
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

<p>Planet ×××××, a beautiful plant-based planet with 70% of its surface being composed of various types of flora and plant-based fauna. The other 30% are composed of oceans of fresh water with their own flora and plant-based fauna. But, sadly such beauty is currently being destroyed by a giant fire that covers most of the planet and spreads rapidly. <br/><br/>Arriving at one of the planet's moons Sam immediately jumps into action. Reaching the planet's atmosphere Sam uses his ring and from it, a green giant tsunami emerges and started putting out the fire quickly. Somehow said tsunami didn't destroy anything else and actually started restoring the planet to its previous, more beautiful self. <br/><br/>After dealing with the more immediate threat, Sam went to the 'ground zero' where the fire began. There he found a hole and a small rock that the ring identified to be from outer space. As Sam was studying the hole, a tree approached him from behind before twisting and shifting to a more human form. The creature is actually the planet's avatar; because of course, the planet is sentient. <br/><br/>"I thank you, stranger." The avatar's voice is strange to describe, the only thing that can be made out of it is that it sounds male. <br/><br/>"Just doing my job. Also, you can call me Green Lantern." Sam said to the avatar, not fazed by it.<br/><br/>"Then I thank you, Green Lantern." The avatar said. Then it walked closer to the hole and looked at it curiously. "May I know what caused such an event?" <br/><br/>"It was caused by a meteor, a space rock that heated and crashed into you, causing the fire." Sam explained patiently. "Now, since you didn't handle the situation very well, I'll teach you some basics so this doesn't happen next time." Sam explained before creating a lawn chair to sit down on. <br/><br/>"Very well. I shall learn." The avatar said eagerly. <br/><br/>[Sometime later] <br/><br/>After teaching the planet, Sam went home via a portal. Seeing the 3 pm sun blazing his room Sam sighs exhausted before going for a bath then plopping in his bed and immediately falling asleep. <br/><br/>[Somewhere in Washington, D.C.] <br/><br/>The Triskelion, S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters, was built along the Potomac River on Theodore Roosevelt Island as an enormous complex that occupied almost the entire island. Its central structure was composed of three tall, thin, columnar buildings supporting a shared circular top floor. On the top of the building, there was an office covered by bulletproof glass and soundproof walls; inside two people were having a meeting. <br/><br/>"Anything new on the Green Lantern?" A dark-skinned man, with no hair and an eye patch, a black jacket and black pants with a long black leather trench coat on top, and a pair of black boots, asked in a seemingly always-demanding voice. <br/><br/>"Nothing sir. We just know that he always disappears when we follow him and any tracker we put on him is almost instantly destroyed." A strict-looking woman responded seemingly disappointed with herself. She uses a standard SHIELD uniform. {Couldn't find its description on the internet, sorry} <br/><br/>"I want his name Agent Hill." The man on the chair said aggressively before calming down. "Find him, make sure we know every bit of information about him." He demands before turning around in his chair so he can look out the window. "He is a very important part of the Avengers initiative." He murmurs to himself.</p>