
Chapter twenty nine : observation

We set up camps scattered around the German base to first observe them no attacking just watch I notice a large plane hanger to the upper left of the property I send troops over to watch that area. " Scout troop 206 Airborne division this is a very important mission whatever is in that hanger is key to us beating these scums to the ground they most likely have bombers in there so your best and keep all lines open to other camps to keep us updated " the all agreed and marched down to there position. I get a gut feeling that something big is in there just waiting to be cracked open I lay there just noticing that these assholes have no clue we are here at all plus they don't even know that they are way out numbered by crazy amounts. This team this family these warriors are my family I always hope for the best for them all everyone of them by God I hope for the best for the ones that are dead and in Gods hands may there souls rest peacefully I am proud of all of them. "We are family we are warriors we are the US ARMY!" I always chant that in my head just feeling the power in my heart and souls every time I say that it carries me on this power will bring freedom to United States Of America.

( copyright mightytankgodess)