
Between worlds

Mightytankgodess · War
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52 Chs

Chapter thirty : watching carefully

As much as I want to attack these idiots I can't I have to stay here and watch them and observe there every move thinking of loved ones at home which makes me fight stronger and better. My daughter wife and son back home I sometimes have nightmares of what could happen if they won not saying that they will the won't but what if they did the horrific things that would take place and I don't tend on learning German anytime soon. My radio goes off to tell me feed back from the plane hanger turns out there all bombers as I assumed one of my guys tended to think stupid and sneak in to the hanger not a smart idea. He was almost caught but he managed to grab files and information on them and some stuff that we didn't even know at all that they were planning to do to us some serious sick twisted things some that could end us all. I refuse to let any of this take place we all wont let them I'll kill anyone in my way who tries to stop me lucky us that none of our men were killed in this mission yet.

( copyright mightytankgodess)