
Between Us | "You're not an option"

Go Younjung (26) had to be in the middle of trouble ever since she joined Jeon's Company, being a secretary is often underestimated, especially with Younjung's very beautiful appearance. Younjung was mistaken for being an affair with the owner of the company by his two sons Kim Seokjin (31) and Jeon Jungkook (26). Not without reason, the accusation was because his mother Jeon Mirae (58) found a woman's handkerchief in her husband's coat. Feeling suspicious about this, Mirae asked her two sons to find out the truth. But, who would have thought that one of them actually fell in love with Younjung's beauty. What will happen next? and is it true that Younjung is their father's affair?

inpeaceplace · Music & Bands
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

The next day

Younjung was still lying on her bed, covering her body with the blanket and imagining yesterday's incident, she felt disgusted with herself, that touch felt so real and she hated it. The tears haven't stopped flowing since yesterday, she came home late at night, Jin took her home, he made sure Younjung was in a safe place. Younjung came back when her mother was already asleep, so she didn't need to show her what happened to her.


"Younjung, aren't you awake yet? You will be late for work, Younjung" Her mother said, she tried to enter but the door was locked from the inside.

"I didn't go to work today," Younjung said.

"What's wrong? are you sick?" her mother said.

"I'm just a little unwell because of the rain last night, I'm okay eomma, I just need to rest," Younjung said.

"Are you sure? I'll make some porridge for you before leaving," her mother said and Younjung didn't answer her.


Elsewhere, Jin seemed to be daydreaming at his desk, he didn't even notice when the phone rang, even though his phone was on his desk. Maybe Jisoo has contacted Jin 8 times but the 9th call finally Jin realized that if his phone was ringing, he saw who was calling him and it was still Jisoo.

"Hello," Jin said.

"Oh god, where have you been? I called you many times Jin," Jisoo said.

"I'm sorry Jisoo," Jin said.

"Hey, what's wrong with you babe? is there a problem?" Jisoo said.

"No, it's nothing, I'm just a little tired from overtime last night," Jin lied to Jisoo about what happened last night, Jisoo kept calling him when he was still with Younjung. So Jin gave an excuse that he was at work and didn't realize that Jisoo had called.

"Jin, I know you're lying to me, I know it's not just tired, what happened to you? Tell me, don't you want to share with me?" Jisoo said.

"I'm okay baby, it's just a work problem, but everything is fine, I'll pick you up tonight, we'll have dinner together, I'll make your favorite steak" Jin said, he might need Jisoo to take his mind off it.

"Okay, I love you Jin," Jisoo said.

"I love you more babe" Jin said and he hung up the phone. He lowered his head while massaging his forehead, he felt all of this was too sudden, just now he said that he was jealous of his parents' affection and he had to witness his own father's depravity.

Flashback On

"What's your name?" Jin said.

"Younjung, Go Younjung," Younjung said.

"I'm Jin, Kim Seokjin," Jin said.

"Kim? Didn't you say Mr. Jeon is your father?" Younjung said.

"Yes, he is indeed my father, ever since he adopted me" Jin said.

"Oh I'm sorry" Younjung said.

"It's okay, but Younjung, I have a question for you," Jin said, they were still in the car, on the Han river, enjoying the rain from inside.

"What's that?" Younjung said.

"Why did you want to be my father's secretary? I mean, weren't there a lot of negative rumors about my father? I didn't believe the rumors until I saw it myself," Jin said.

"I need this job, I need money, my mother is too old to work and support both of us, and when my friend offered me this job, I didn't think anything, my friend Irene, already told me and warned me about the possibility that will happen, but at that time your father really needed a secretary and when I applied, he immediately accepted, I don't think I have enough time to hear rumors out there, I don't even know who owns the company, I just want to work and pay for all the needs at home, that's all, do you believe me?" Younjung said.

"What do you mean by asking me like that?" Jin said.

"Because Mr. Jungkook doesn't believe me, he accused me of being your father's mistress," Younjung said.

"Wait, you know my brother?" Jin said.

"Yes, he often comes to the office to watch over me, I don't know where he got that thought, but I swear I've never done anything with your father," Younjung said and Jin turned his face away from Younjung, why could Jungkook suspect her? Jin knows his brother very well, he can't be like that without a good reason.

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After lunch, Jin tried to contact Jungkook to ask him to meet, he had to know why Jungkook suspected Younjung, had he helped the wrong woman?

"Hello hyung, what's wrong?" Jungkook said.

"Hey, where are you? Are you busy?" Jin said.

"I just finished lunch, I'm at the shooting location, why hyung?" Jungkook said.

"Can we meet for a bit? I have something to ask you," Jin said.

"About what? Can't you discuss it on the phone?" Jungkook said.

"Send me your location, I'll be there now, I think meeting you will answer everything" Jin said.

"Hmm okay, I'll send you my location, bye hyung," Jungkook said and Jin hung up.

To be continued...