
Between Us | "You're not an option"

Go Younjung (26) had to be in the middle of trouble ever since she joined Jeon's Company, being a secretary is often underestimated, especially with Younjung's very beautiful appearance. Younjung was mistaken for being an affair with the owner of the company by his two sons Kim Seokjin (31) and Jeon Jungkook (26). Not without reason, the accusation was because his mother Jeon Mirae (58) found a woman's handkerchief in her husband's coat. Feeling suspicious about this, Mirae asked her two sons to find out the truth. But, who would have thought that one of them actually fell in love with Younjung's beauty. What will happen next? and is it true that Younjung is their father's affair?

inpeaceplace · Music & Bands
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12 Chs

Chapter 12


True to his promise, Jin came to his parents' house, he came only to see his mother and then left. He had no intention of staying there because that would only make him more fed up. Jin went inside his house and saw his mother in front of the TV. Shes turned to Jin and smiled when she saw her son coming.

"Hey Jin, why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" Mirae said.

"What should I tell you, if I want to come to my mother's house?" Jin said, he kissed his mother on the cheek before sitting beside her.

"No, if you tell me, I can make something for you and have the maids clean your room" Mirae said.

"I just stopped by, I didn't come to stay overnight, where are appa and Jungkook?" Jin said.

"Ah, your appa has business with his friends and Jungkook, he hasn't come home since yesterday, he's been very busy lately," Mirae said.

"Eomma," Jin said.

"Hmm, what's wrong my son?" Mirae said.

"Are you all right?" Jin said, he held his mother's hand.

"Of course, why are you asking that? I thought you were staying over, how's your work? You must be busy, but you can't forget to eat, I asked Jisoo to watch over you, only she can take care of you when I'm away from you," Mirae said.

"Eomma, you know that I love you, I know you as my mother, it doesn't matter even though our surname is different, but you are still my mother, if something happens to you just tell me, no matter how busy I am, I want to listen to your complaints, I want to know what you feel, what do you think, what's going on with you, that way I feel I'm in the middle of this family, Eomma, my decision to marry Jisoo because I want to have a family, from when I was a kid you always taught me to love each other, I miss those moments , if I don't come here it's not because I forgot you, it will never happen, I just want to prove to you and appa that I will become someone who is successful, and that's because of you, I want eomma and appa to be proud of me," Jin said.

"Aish this kid, why are you saying things like this? you're not usually like this, you made me cry, Jin," Mirae said, she wiped away the tears on her cheeks and held Jin's hand with both of hers.

"But you have to remember, no parents want to make their children worry, I really love you Jin, I still remember when I chose you at the orphanage at that time, you looked at me differently, you looked at me very deeply, like you were hypnotizing me so took you away from there, i fell in love with that innocent boy's gaze, and now see, my first son is grown up, soon you will marry your choice, whoever it is, she is the luckiest to get you, and i will feel jealous if she can make you happy more than I can give you," Mirae said.

"You don't need to feel jealous, you are the best for me eomma, and eomma, I beg you from now on, tell me whatever you're feeling, what's bothering you, I want to hear it," Jin said.

"Yes I promise Jin" Mirae said and Jin took her in his arms. His father was right, maybe saying what happened was not the right thing, his mother had a heart disease and it could relapse at any time, if Jin said everything without proof, it would only make his mother's condition worse and he didn't want that to happen.


Day after day passed, it seemed Younjung was getting used to her job, even though she had to come home late to wait for Jin but she didn't mind doing it, it was part of her job and it was fun to work with Jin, she wasn't like what Yoongi told her at first.

Like that day, Younjung had been working for almost two months, she was always busy going in and out of Jin's room. That night was like the previous nights, there was no sign that she would come home on time, instead she would come home late that day, looking at the files piled up in front of her. But in almost two months, it was the first time she was still in the office when it struck 9pm. Her eyes were very sleepy, her head even fell when she had to hold back her sleepiness.

Jin came out of his room to make coffee and he saw what happened to Younjung, Jin approached her and made Younjung open her eyes again and stood up when her boss was in front of her.

"You can go home first if you're sleepy, I'll finish all the files tonight" Jin said.

"No, I can hold it sir, besides how can you finish everything alone? Do you want to go to the pantry?" Younjung said, she saw Jin carrying a cup in his hand.

"Yes, I want to make coffee, do you also want coffee? I can make it for you," Jin said.

"That's a great idea, but I'll come with you and make it myself, come on" Younjung said.

The two of them went to the pantry on the floor, there was no one there, all the employee's desks were empty, because it was really late to be in the office.

"Younjung," Jin said.

"Hmm?" Younjung turned to her side, they were making coffee side by side at that time.

"You don't put sugar in your coffee, do you like bitter coffee?" Jin said.

"Isn't coffee really bitter sir?" Younjung said.

"Just Jin, it's not working hours," Jin said.

"Oppa, I should call you Jin oppa," Younjung said and Jin smiled.

"I think coffee is bitter, adding sugar will only change the taste of the coffee, even though if we like coffee we shouldn't mix anything in it, that way we can know the true taste of the coffee," Younjung said.

"You're just like Jungkook, he also likes coffee without sugar, but for me sugar doesn't change the taste of the coffee, but balances the taste, bitter and sweet become one, even if you add sugar, the coffee will still be black and bitter, but there's another taste afterwards," Jin said with their eyes locked into each other.

Younjung immediately looked away, she looked back at her coffee and stirred it, she felt very nervous seeing Jin's gaze at that time.

After finishing their coffee and washing their glasses, they intended to return to their desks, passing through the aisles and empty desks, making Younjung feel goosebumps. She didn't know if this is a coincidence or not, suddenly the lights on their floor went out and Younjung immediately hugged her boss because she was scared, she screamed and closed her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," Jin looked for his phone but he forgot that he left his phone on his desk.

"Younjung, did you bring your phone?" Jin said, they stopped because it was very dark there, they didn't see anything in front of them.

"No, please turn on the light, I'm scared," Younjung said and just by hearing her voice, Jin knew that Younjung was scared, her voice trembled.

"It's okay Younjung, you're not alone, I'm here," Jin said and stroked Younjung's back.

"We have to walk slowly up to your desk, we just have to walk straight, you can hold my hand" Jin said.

"No, no I don't want to, I'm scared," Younjung said.

"Trust me, nothing's happen, I'm beside you, hold my hand" Jin said and Younjung let go of her hug slowly, without opening her eyes, she doesn't want to open her eyes in the dark, she's afraid to see something she shouldn't see.

"I don't want to open my eyes, I'm scared," Younjung said, she was in front of Jin at that time and Jin just smiled.

"If you don't open your eyes, you won't see what's in front of you, Younjung, believe me, give me your hand," Jin said and Younjung gave her hand to Jin, when Jin held it, Younjung slowly opened her eyes and it was strange, very strange, in the dark she could see Jin's face, their eyes locked that moment with their hands clasped together.

"Are you ready?" Jin said and Younjung was silent, she was stunned to see that face.

"Younjung? hey what's wrong?" Jin said.

"Ah yeah, yeah I'm ready," Younjung said, slowly they walked in the dark, Younjung held Jin's hand tightly, she didn't want to look any other way but down.

And while they were walking, suddenly there was a sound of thunder which made Younjung scream and hug Jin again, but unfortunately that time Jin wasn't ready for Younjung's action, they fell with Younjung on top of Jin's body.

"Younjung, are you okay?" Jin asked and he got no answer, only the sound of crying could be heard.

"Hey, why are you crying? it's just thunder" Jin said.

Younjung didn't answer, she just buried her face in Jin's chest and squeezed Jin's clothes tightly, Jin could feel Younjung's body shaking, she was really scared.

"It's okay Younjung, it's okay, I'm here," Jin stroked Younjung's back to calm her down. But what if the touch didn't just calm Younjung? but also make her comfortable.