
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Sci-fi
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136 Chs

Chapter 14 - Hidden Secrets

05.40 Hours, April 28, 2187

Grid location: Proxima Centauri System, Planet Sitgma, Contested Space.

The wind whipped fiercely across the barren landscape as the Helldivers' transport descended toward the central node—the heart of the Automaton network. Today's mission was not just about dismantling an enemy; it was about unveiling the truth within their own ranks. The stakes had never been higher.

Captain Alex Reynolds surveyed his team, each member geared up and ready, their faces set with grim determination. "This is it," Alex announced, his voice steady over the roar of the engines. "We take down the central node, we expose the traitor, and we secure the future of Super Earth. Stay sharp, trust in your training, and keep your eyes open. We're in this together."

Elena checked her weapons, her movements precise. Beside her, Jack loaded extra ammunition, his usual smirk replaced by a line of concentration. "No room for error," he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.

Marcus clapped his hands, trying to inject some energy into the group. "Let's light them up and bring the house down. After today, they'll remember the Helldivers as the ones who brought peace back to Super Earth."

As the transport touched down, the team disembarked swiftly into the cold, early dawn. The central node, a towering structure of steel and pulsing lights, stood ominously against the grey sky. Alex led the charge, his senses heightened to every sound and shadow.

They breached the perimeter with clinical efficiency. Marcus deployed a drone, its cameras feeding live images back to their wrist screens. "Looks like the welcoming committee is out," he quipped as silhouettes of Automaton guards appeared on the display.

Combat ensued with rapid-fire exchanges. Elena's shots were precise, disabling enemy units with minimal waste. Alex and Jack advanced in tandem, covering each other as they moved deeper into the complex.

Inside, the node was a labyrinth of corridors and control rooms. Alex paused by a security panel, his fingers flying over the holographic interface. "I'm in," he said, pulling up schematics. "The main control room is this way. Move out!"

As they navigated the corridors, the reality of their mission weighed heavily on them. The possibility of a traitor among their own added a layer of distrust that had never plagued them before.

Reaching the control room, they found it strangely unguarded. "Too quiet," Jack whispered, his eyes darting around.

Elena approached the main console, her device ready to extract data. "I'm starting the download," she announced, but paused as she noticed an anomaly. "Guys, this isn't just Automaton tech. These codes have been modified—by someone from Super Earth."

The revelation hit them like a physical blow. Betrayal within their own ranks was no longer just a suspicion; it was a stark reality. Alex clenched his fists, his mind racing. "Keep the download going. We need everything—proof."

Suddenly, the lights dimmed as an ominous hum filled the room. Screens flickered to life, revealing the silhouette of a man, his features obscured by shadows. "I admire your tenacity, Helldivers, but you're meddling in affairs that exceed your pay grade."

Alex stepped forward, his voice cold. "Show yourself, traitor! You betray Super Earth, you betray us all!"

The figure chuckled, a sound that made their skin crawl. "All in good time, Captain. For now, know that not everyone believes in war as the path to peace."

The transmission cut off abruptly, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. The download completed, and Elena removed her device. "We have what we came for. Let's get out and expose this for what it is."

The team made their way out, the weight of their discovery looming over them. As they boarded the transport, the skies seemed to darken, the storm of what was to come brewing on the horizon.

Back at Helldiver Command, they handed over the evidence, the data casting a shadow of doubt and fear about the future. "We'll need to confront this head-on," Alex resolved, his team nodding in agreement. "It's time the whole of Super Earth knew the truth."

The chapter closed with the Helldivers preparing for the repercussions of their findings, ready to defend their planet not just from external threats but from the corruption within.